Help! Solving Combustion Processes and Heat Transfer Questions

In summary: Basically, you are saying that it is unlikely that water will form in a liquid state when a combustion process produces gas, because the gas contains a lot of molecules and water requires densely packed molecules.
  • #1
First of all, how do you know if a combustion process produce h2o(g) or h2o(l)? It depends on the temperature, but how do you figure that out?

I found the heat released during the combustion processes, which should equate the work done by the system (theoretically). But according to w = -nRT[ln(V2/V1)], I need the initial volume and final volume. The pressure remains constant (I believe), and V can be figured by PV=nRT with P=1 atm throughout. And with that, I need the temperature.

to figure out the temperature, I need the specific heat. But what specific heat do I need? those of the reactants or the products? my brain iis hurrrts badd

btw, here are the reactants: C8H18 (Octane), C2H5OH (ethanol), methane ch4, h2, and nh4.
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  • #2
This should probably be in the homework section, but I'll try to answer as much as I can. Combustions usually produce more than 373K of heat, so most of the time it's safe to assume it's gaseous water that is produced, at least initially. I'm pretty sure you need the specific heat of the environment in which the reaction is taking place, not the reactants or products. I could be wrong, but that's what I think I remember from high school chem. Also, do you have to use these specific equations? Work can also be expressed by P(delta V), or it can be figured out by E=q+w. Do either of these help?
  • #3
mmm not really

I was thinking that if you're operating under standard conditions, water would be liquid since it would be something like

2H2(g) + O2(g) --> 2H2O(l) + ...KJ, in which case the heat would evaporate the liquid water.
  • #4
Combustion always produce gaseous water (after all, products of combustion are hot), but standard enthalpy - as reported in tables - is for products at STP. That means liquid.

  • #5
Thinking about it logically, for one reaction of the type (g) + (g) -> products, any water produced would have to be gaseous since there would only be a few molecules of it, not enough to condense into liquid. If you're assuming an isolated system I would say it is safe to assume gaseous water since any liquid water would be condensed and removed from the system.

If you want to do it using numbers, either a specific heat for the environment, or you're going to need the specific heat for all reactants and products since they will all be present in the system, absorbing energy and raising temperature. Unless you're assuming the reaction has gone to completion, in that case, just products.
  • #6
NotJohnson said:
Thinking about it logically, for one reaction of the type (g) + (g) -> products, any water produced would have to be gaseous since there would only be a few molecules of it, not enough to condense into liquid.

I can't see any logic here. Number of molecules is irrelevant. Besides, nothing stops you from burning tonnes of gas.

  • #7
and nothing stops tonnes of gas from increasing the volume to become just as sparse. I'm saying that in a gaseous system the spread of molecules (by definition of gas) makes it incredibly unlikely that water will be formed in a liquid phase, because by definition liquid requires densely (relative to gas) packed molecules. I'm not saying a liquid phase won't form over time, it just won't be instantaneous.
  • #8
NotJohnson said:
I'm saying that in a gaseous system the spread of molecules (by definition of gas) makes it incredibly unlikely that water will be formed in a liquid phase, because by definition liquid requires densely (relative to gas) packed molecules. I'm not saying a liquid phase won't form over time, it just won't be instantaneous.

Sorry but I still have problems understanding what you mean. Basically you write "it won't, but it will". Either either. Condensation - no matter how unlikely you think it is - occurs all the time around us, and by definition it requires gaseous phase.


FAQ: Help! Solving Combustion Processes and Heat Transfer Questions

1. What is combustion and how does it work?

Combustion is a chemical reaction that occurs when a fuel (such as gasoline, wood, or natural gas) combines with oxygen in the presence of heat to produce energy, heat, and various byproducts. This process releases energy in the form of heat and light, making it an important source of power for many human activities.

2. How does heat transfer play a role in combustion processes?

Heat transfer is essential in combustion processes as it is responsible for providing the energy needed to initiate and sustain the reaction. Heat can be transferred in three ways: conduction, convection, and radiation. In combustion, heat is often transferred through a combination of these methods to maintain the high temperatures necessary for the reaction to occur.

3. What factors affect the efficiency of combustion processes?

The efficiency of combustion processes can be influenced by several factors, including the type of fuel, the amount of oxygen present, the temperature, and the mixing of fuel and oxygen. Other factors such as the design of the combustion chamber and the use of catalysts can also impact efficiency.

4. How do scientists measure and analyze combustion processes?

Scientists use various instruments and techniques to measure and analyze combustion processes. These may include thermocouples to measure temperature, gas analyzers to measure the composition of gases produced, and pressure sensors to monitor pressure changes. Computer simulations and mathematical models are also commonly used to study and predict combustion behavior.

5. How can combustion processes be optimized for maximum efficiency and minimal environmental impact?

To optimize combustion processes, scientists and engineers can make use of advanced technologies such as fuel injection systems, exhaust gas recirculation, and catalytic converters. These technologies help to improve fuel efficiency and reduce harmful emissions. Careful design and control of the combustion process can also help to minimize environmental impact.
