Help understand wording of question

  • Thread starter L²Cc
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In summary, the conversation discusses finding the average flow rate from 00:00 on 28 October to 00:00 on 2 November and determining the times when the river flowed at this rate. It also mentions finding the amount of flowing water increased and dividing the data set into two sets to find the best fit. However, the method of finding the average rate and the purpose of dividing the data set is unclear.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In the previous question, we're asked to determine the average flow rate from 00:00 on 28 October to 00:00 on 2 November, which I did by finding the slope connecting these two points. The slope is -1/6 and so the average rate is -1/6 cfs/hours. The question that follows asks "at what times did the river flow at that rate?" (the rate being -1/6 cfs/hours). I'm confused as to what they are asking, perhaps some clarification (and lead-ins) will help me answer the question.

Here are the data values:
The time is measured in hours past midnight, starting at 00:00 on 27 October. The flow is measured in cubic feet per second (cfs).

Time Flow
0 440
6 450
12 480
18 570
24 680
30 800
36 980
42 1090
48 1520
54 1920
60 1670
66 1440
78 1300
84 1150
90 1060
96 970
102 900
108 850
114 800
120 780
126 740
132 710
138 680
144 660

Another question asks "the river is controlled by a series of dams. During which days did the amount of flowing water increase?". The first curve (if you read below I explain why I have two curves) has a postive slope and is thereby increasing, suggesting that the flow rate is increasing as well. For this question, I simply found the area below the first curve by computing the definite integral where the lower limit is 0 and the upper limit is 54. But then I did the same for the second curve, and saw that the area below this curve is greater than that below the first?! Does this mean that the amount of flowing water is greater below the second curve (although the curve is following a 'decreasing' trend). Hence, what are they exactly asking by this question?!

Homework Equations

Earlier in the assigment, we had to find the best fit of the points. I divided the data set into two sets, where the first set ends with the x value 54 and second set starts with the x value 54 as well, so that I ended up with two curves. One curve isn't very informative of the trend followed by the points.

The Attempt at a Solution

?? I think I attempted at a solution above.

Thank you! (and sorry for making the thread so (unnecessarily?) lengthy)
Physics news on
  • #2
The question that follows asks "at what times did the river flow at that rate?"
I think this is asking you to identify those days when the incremental rate = average rate.

"During which days did the amount of flowing water increase?" I don't think this has anything to do with averages. Just identify those days when F(t) > F(t-1).

How did you decide on 54? I'd estimate an overall best fit. There are actually stat. tests that help determine whether the data can justifiably be separated into sub-parts for separate curve estimations.
  • #3
Using a graphical app, I measured the slope at every point and none equal the average rate??!

Thank you.
Last edited:
  • #4
How are you getting your average? It is not clear to me why you are finding the slope, isn't the aveage usually defined in terms of a sum divided by the number of data points?

FAQ: Help understand wording of question

1. What does it mean to "understand wording of question"?

Understanding the wording of a question means being able to interpret and comprehend the language used in a question in order to provide a clear and accurate response. It involves analyzing the structure, context, and intended meaning of the question in order to fully grasp what is being asked.

2. Why is it important to understand the wording of a question?

Understanding the wording of a question is important because it ensures that the response given is relevant and addresses the actual question being asked. It also helps to avoid miscommunication and confusion, and allows for a more productive and effective conversation or discussion.

3. How can I improve my understanding of question wording?

One way to improve your understanding of question wording is by carefully reading and analyzing the question. Pay attention to keywords, phrases, and the overall structure of the question. It can also be helpful to ask clarifying questions or to rephrase the question in your own words to ensure you fully understand it.

4. What are some common mistakes people make when trying to understand the wording of a question?

Some common mistakes people make when trying to understand the wording of a question include assuming the intended meaning without fully analyzing the question, misinterpreting the use of certain words or phrases, and not paying enough attention to context or tone. It is important to take the time to fully understand the question before responding.

5. How can understanding the wording of a question benefit my research or work as a scientist?

As a scientist, understanding the wording of a question is crucial in order to conduct accurate and meaningful research. It allows you to clearly define your research question and hypothesis, communicate effectively with other researchers and collaborators, and accurately interpret and analyze the results of your research. It also helps to ensure that your research is addressing the intended question and aligns with the overall goals of your study.

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