Help! Understanding CGI Scripts: What Am I Looking At?

  • Thread starter Math Is Hard
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In summary, CGI scripts, or Common Gateway Interface scripts, are computer programs written in a scripting language that interact with a web server to generate dynamic content on a webpage. They are often used for creating forms, managing user input, and generating responses to user requests. CGI scripts can be written in various languages such as Perl, Python, and PHP, and they are essential for creating interactive and dynamic websites. Understanding CGI scripts is important for web developers and programmers to create functional and user-friendly websites.
  • #1
Math Is Hard
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I am having trouble understanding what CGI scripts are. What I *think* I know about it is that there is no "CGI" language, and when we say CGI script, we mean something written in Perl or Php or some other language that is run on the server. But I could just be utterly confused.

I was looking at this example:

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "Hello, world!\n";

The 2nd and 3rd lines are written in Perl, I believe. But what is the first? This is just an instruction to the server to tell it the language? And what language is that first line written in? Is it a UNIX OS command? I don't know anything about UNIX, so that may be why I don't know what's going on.

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  • #2
anyone? I didn't think these were tough questions...
  • #3
CGI (Common Gateway Interface) is a communication protocol that specifies how programs communicate and send information back and forth between a server and client program.
The Common Gateway Interface, or CGI, is a standard for external gateway programs to interface with information servers such as HTTP servers
A CGI script can be written in any language, but in the early days of httpd were commonly written in Perl

The first line of your Hello World script tells the system where to find the Perl interpreter and is common in all unix shell scripts. Basically it tells the system what interpreter to use to execute the commands contained in the file.

The #! is called a 'shebang'
CGI on Wikipedia
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  • #4
Thanks, imabug.

I just came across that first link you posted this afternoon and it has been helpful. I looked at the Wiki info earlier, but it didn't clear it up for me at all.

FAQ: Help! Understanding CGI Scripts: What Am I Looking At?

1. What is CGI scripting?

CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripting is a way to create dynamic content on a website by running programs on a web server. These scripts can take user input and generate HTML pages or perform other actions, such as accessing databases or interacting with other applications.

2. What types of languages are commonly used for CGI scripting?

The most commonly used languages for CGI scripting are Perl, Python, and PHP. These languages are versatile and well-suited for web development, making them popular choices for creating CGI scripts.

3. How do CGI scripts work?

CGI scripts work by receiving input from a user, often through a web form, and then performing a specified action based on that input. The script is executed on the web server and the resulting output is sent back to the user's browser as an HTML page.

4. What are some potential security risks associated with CGI scripts?

CGI scripts can pose security risks if they are not properly written and validated. For example, if user input is not properly sanitized, it can lead to injection attacks and other vulnerabilities. It is important to regularly update and secure CGI scripts to prevent potential security breaches.

5. How can I troubleshoot CGI script errors?

If you are encountering errors with a CGI script, the first step is to check the server logs for any error messages. These can provide clues as to where the issue may be occurring. Additionally, you can try running the script from the command line to see if it produces any errors. It may also be helpful to consult online resources or seek assistance from a web developer.

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