Help understanding nuclear property

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of a small germanium gamma ray detector to collect data on newly acquired gamma decay sources. The program used provides a plot of counts vs energy, with a bell-shaped curve representing the decay energy. The FWHM of the curve is proportional to the energy of the source and can be used as a measurement of its energy. The FWHM is also affected by other parameters such as the intensity of alphas emitted by the source.
  • #1
Sean Reed
Using a small germanium gamma ray detector I have been collecting data on some newly acquired gamma decay sources. The program I have been using gives me a plot of counts vs energy (well channel, but the channels are proportional to the energy) Thus after collecting data I have a bell shaped curve with the peak centered near or on the energy of the decay I am looking at. What I am confused on is what importance in this does the FWHM have with regards to the source its self? I know some of the cause of the curve is noise in the equipment, but what meaning does it have with the source.

I feel like there is some meaning the FWHM has about the source because I used a large detector to measure the decays per second of the source, then I had to switch to a small detector and when I did I only looked at the FWHM of the curves.

Any help is greatly appreciated
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  • #2
You distribution is gaussian (since you have collected much data),

FWHM = [itex] \Delta E = 2.35\sigma [/itex]

sigma is related to the number of electrons causing the signal (particle-hole paris in the Ge-detector), hence the higher energy the more particle-hole paris. So the FWHM is proportional to E^(½) since [itex] \sigma = \sqrt{\bar{n}} [/itex].

Now take the ratio FWHM/E, we see that the ratio (the resolution if you like) is poportional to E^(-½).

So the width is also a measurment of the gamma-ray energy.
  • #3
So am I correct that the importance of the FWHM is that it is another way to measure the energy of the decay?
  • #4
sort of yes
  • #5
"So am I correct that the importance of the FWHM is that it is another way to measure the energy of the decay?"

Not quite.

I assume you are talking about the photon energies?

A relavent formula here is the Briet Wigner Cross section:


ie. the probability of decaying from |E> to |E0>, where [tex]\Gamma[/tex] is the decay rate (cos of Heisenberg uncertainty relation), expressed in units of energy. Ofcourse, the count rate is proportional to the probability.

By inspection, you can see that the FWHM is equal to [tex]\Gamma[/tex] (prob falls to half height when [tex]\(E=E_{0}+or-\Gamma/2[/tex]
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  • #6
So when I am using the detector for the alpha particles of Am-241 samples, why will they have different FWHM values? Specifically I have two samples of Am-241 and the stronger sample (more Ci) always gives me a smaller FWHM.

  • #7
vertices: that is the intrinsic width of resonances.

Now we where discussing the detector resolution.


Yes, since you will also get a higher peak (more registered alphas) due to higher intensity of alphas, the FWHM will go down. There are many parameters that governs the FWHM. What textbook do you use for this laboration?

FAQ: Help understanding nuclear property

1. What are nuclear properties?

Nuclear properties refer to the characteristics of atomic nuclei, including their size, shape, and composition. These properties are determined by the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, as well as the strong and weak nuclear forces that hold the nucleus together.

2. How do scientists study nuclear properties?

Scientists use a variety of techniques, such as nuclear spectroscopy and particle accelerators, to study nuclear properties. These methods allow scientists to observe and measure the behavior of atomic nuclei, providing insight into their structure and properties.

3. What is the significance of understanding nuclear properties?

Understanding nuclear properties is crucial for many fields of science, including nuclear physics, chemistry, and medicine. It also has important applications in energy production and national security.

4. How do nuclear properties affect the stability of an atom?

The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, as well as the balance between the strong and weak nuclear forces, determine the stability of an atom. If the nucleus is unstable, it may undergo radioactive decay, releasing energy and transforming into a more stable form.

5. Can nuclear properties be changed or manipulated?

Yes, nuclear properties can be altered through processes such as nuclear reactions and nuclear fission. However, these processes can have significant consequences and must be carefully controlled and monitored.

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