Help Understanding Quotient Groups? (Dummit and Foote)

In summary: K = a^\prime K## means that ##a^{-1}a^\prime \in K##, similarly for ##bK = b^\prime K##. So then we have:##(aK)(bK) = (ab)K = (a^\prime b^\prime)K## because ##a^{-1}a^\prime \in K## and ##b^{-1}b^\prime \in K##, so ##(a^{-1}a^\prime)(b^{-1}b^\prime) \in K##.And similarly for ##(a^\prime K) (b^\prime K)##. So in general, we need ##K## to be normal for the
  • #1
The definition given is...

"Let ##\phi: G \rightarrow H## be a homomorphism with kernel ##K##. The quotient group ##G/K## is the group whose elements are the fibers (sets of elements projecting to single elements of H) with group operation defined above: namely if ##X## is the fiber above ##a## and ##Y## is the fiber above b then the product of ##X## and ##Y## is defined to be the fiber above the product ##ab##."

But what if we have a homomorphism ##\alpha: G \rightarrow A## and a homomorphism ##\beta: G \rightarrow B## that both have kernel ##K##?

Wouldn't this mean ##G/K## is not unique because ##\alpha: G \rightarrow A## requires ##G/K## to be fibers consisting of elements in ##A## whereas ##\beta: G \rightarrow B## requires ##G/K## to be fibers consiting of elements in ##B##?

I'm confused. :(
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  • #2
That's a pretty horrible definition.

But anyway, you can show that ##G/K## as defined by the map ##\alpha## will be isomorphic to ##G/K## as defined by ##\beta##.
  • #3
I left out one part of the definition. It should say

"Let ϕ:G→H be a homomorphism with kernel K. The quotient group G/K is the group whose elements are the fibers of ϕ (sets of elements projecting to single elements of H) with group operation defined above: namely if X is the fiber above a and Y is the fiber above b then the product of X and Y is defined to be the fiber above the product ab."
micromass said:
But anyway, you can show that G/K as defined by the map ##\alpha## will be isomorphic to G/K as defined by ##\beta##.

WANT TO SHOW: "If ##\alpha: G \rightarrow A## and ##\beta \rightarrow B## have the same kernel, K, then the quotient group whose elements are the fibers of ##\alpha## is isomorphic to the quotient group whose elements are the fibers of ##\beta##."

... I don't know how to show this. :(
This would mean ##|image(\alpha)|=|image(\beta)|##, but I don't know how to show that either.

Could I have a push in the right direction?

EDIT: I'm working on Office_Shredder's response right now...
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  • #4
The more normal definition (haha pun intended as will become clear) is typically this:

If K is a subgroup of G with the following property: for all [itex] g\in K[/itex] and [itex] h\in G[/itex], [itex] h^{-1} g h \in K[/itex] we call K a normal subgroup.

G/K is then defined as the set
[tex] \{ hK\ |\ h\in G \}[/tex]
is the set of all cosets of G, with the multiplication operation (hK is the set of all elements hg with g in K)
[tex] \left(hK \right) \cdot \left( gK \right) = \left( (hg) K \right) [/tex]
K being normal is exactly the property required for this to be a group (exercise: prove this)

Cool facts: The kernel of a homomorphism is always a normal subgroup (easy exercise to prove). Also, with the above construction every normal subgroup is also the kernel of a group homomorphism, in particular the projection [itex] p: G \to G/K [/itex] with [itex] p(g) = gK[/itex] (the kernel is precisely K)

The (first?) isomorphism theorem of group theory says that if [itex] \phi:G\to H [/itex] is a group homomorphism. then [itex] G/(ker(\phi)) = \phi(G) [/itex] i.e. the groups on the left and right are isomorphic, and phi is an isomorphism between them - phi is defined on G/(ker(phi)) by [itex] \phi( h ker(\phi)) = \phi(h) [/itex] (you can check this is well defined and still defines a group homomorphism)

Now given K we could have picked an arbitrary [itex] \phi[/itex] with kernel K, [itex] \phi: G\ to H [/itex] and we see that the fiber definition in the original post gives a group isomorphic to the definition of G/K at the top of this post. Dummit and Foote decided on a different path for defining quotient groups but I think it makes it a lot harder to do calculations than this one (and is a lot less intuitive)
  • #5
Office_Shredder said:
The more normal definition (haha pun intended as will become clear) is typically this:

If K is a subgroup of G with the following property: for all [itex] g\in K[/itex] and [itex] h\in G[/itex], [itex] h^{-1} g h \in K[/itex] we call K a normal subgroup.

G/K is then defined as the set
[tex] \{ hK\ |\ h\in G \}[/tex]
is the set of all cosets of G, with the multiplication operation (hK is the set of all elements hg with g in K)
[tex] \left(hK \right) \cdot \left( gK \right) = \left( (hg) K \right) [/tex]
K being normal is exactly the property required for this to be a group (exercise: prove this)

I don't see why K needs to be normal?

In order for ##(G/K,\cdot)## to be a group we need:

i) ##g_1K\cdot(g_2K\cdot{g_3K})=(g_1K\cdot{g_2K})\cdot{g_3K}##.
ii) ##\exists{e\in{\frac{G}{K}}}## s.t. for all g in ##\frac{G}{K}##, ##e\cdot{gK}=gK##.
iii) for every ##gK\in{\frac{G}{K}}## we need there to exist a ##(gK)^{-1}## s.t. ##(gK)(gK)^{-1}=e##.
iv) we need the set to be closed under the operation ##\cdot##.

i) is satisfied because ##g_1K\cdot(g_2K\cdot{g_3K})=g_1K\cdot((g_2g_3)K)=(g_1(g_2g_3))K=((g_1g_2)g_3)K=(g_1g_2)K\cdot{g_3K}=(g_1K\cdot{g_2K})\cdot{g_3K}##.

ii) is satisfied because ##e_g{K}\cdot{gK}=(e_gg)K=gK##.

iii) is satisfied because ##g^{-1}K\cdot{gK}=(g^{-1}g)K=e_gK##, which is the identity of G/K.

iv) the set is closed under the operation ##\cdot## because if ##g_1K## and ##g_2K## are any two arbitrary elements in the set, then since ##g_1K\cdot{g_2K}=(g_1g_2)K##, and since ##(g_1g_2)\in{G}##, we know ##(g_1g_2)K## is in the set "G/K".

So why do we need K to be normal?
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  • #6
Because you want that if ##aK = a^\prime K## and ##bK = b^\prime K##, then ##(aK)(bK) = (a^\prime K) (b^\prime K)##. This is precisely guaranteed if ##K## is normal.
  • #7
micromass said:
Because you want that if ##aK = a^\prime K## and ##bK = b^\prime K##, then ##(aK)(bK) = (a^\prime K) (b^\prime K)##. This is precisely guaranteed if ##K## is normal.

I don't understand, why can't we just say:

If ##aK=a'K## and ##bK=b'K##, then ##(aK)(bK)=(a'K)(bK)=(a'K)(b'K)##.

  • #8
robertjordan said:
I don't understand, why can't we just say:

If ##aK=a'K## and ##bK=b'K##, then ##(aK)(bK)=(a'K)(bK)=(a'K)(b'K)##.?
Pick some g, and h and h' such that hK = h'K. Is (hg)K = (h'g)K?
This is the same as h(gK) = h'(gK) (this part conforms to your intuition for how these things work) which is NOT immediately implied by hK = h'K (because gK has different elements than K does)

Related to Help Understanding Quotient Groups? (Dummit and Foote)

1. What is a quotient group?

A quotient group is a mathematical concept that arises in group theory. It is a group that is formed by taking a larger group and "quotienting out" a normal subgroup, resulting in a smaller group. The elements of the quotient group are cosets, which are subsets of the original group that are defined by the normal subgroup.

2. How are quotient groups used?

Quotient groups are used to study the structure of groups. They can reveal important information about a group, such as its subgroups and normal subgroups. They also allow for the classification of groups, as groups with isomorphic quotient groups are considered equivalent.

3. What is the notation used for quotient groups?

The notation used for quotient groups is G/N, where G is the original group and N is the normal subgroup being quotiented out. This is read as "G mod N".

4. What is the order of a quotient group?

The order of a quotient group G/N is equal to the index of the normal subgroup N in the original group G. This can be calculated using Lagrange's theorem, which states that the order of a subgroup divides the order of the original group.

5. How do you find the elements of a quotient group?

The elements of a quotient group G/N are the cosets of N in G. To find these elements, you can use the coset multiplication rule: for two cosets gN and hN, their product is defined as (gh)N. This means that to find the elements of the quotient group, you can take each element of G and multiply it by each element of N to form the cosets.

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