Help Urgently on Bijection, Injection, Subjection Functions

In summary: F^(r-s-1)(b) is the (r-s-1)-th iterate of F,because F is bijection and the inverse is also, so F^(r-s-1)(b) is in A. Hence f is onto, and thus by def of bijecton, f is bijective.In summary, In this conversation, the speaker discusses questions related to functions and bijections between sets A and B. They mention the number of possible functions from A to B and the conditions for a function to be one-to-one, onto, or bijective. The conversation also touches on the proof of whether every one-to-one function from A to B is bijective, and the properties of bijections when composed and
  • #1
Hi, I would like to say this is a great forum I found. This is my very first post yay =)

I need help on these certain questions.

5. (10%) Given A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {a, b, c}
(a) list in two-line notation all one-to-one functions from A to B;
(b) list in two-line notation all onto functions from A to B;
(c) list in two-line notation all bijections from A to B.

6. (10%) Given two finite sets A and B such that |A| = |B|, prove or disprove that every one-to-one function from A to B is bijective.

7. (10%) Let f : A -> B and g : B -> C be bijections. Prove that
(a) g f is a bijection;
(b) (g o f)^-1 = f^-1 o g^-1

I will scan my page for 5. Numbers 6 and 7 I have no idea how to start it^-^^^^^?-
Number 5 i am having some troubles as well
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  • #2
if f:A-->B, where |A|=n, and |B|=m, then the total nr of functions from A to B is m^n. Now, if f is to be one to one with m=n, there will be n! functions(why?). But in this case every 1-1 function will be also an onto function (why?).
  • #3
seems like you swapped question letters aorund?

if the function A-> B is onto, i think it should the image of A should be all of B, simlarly if the functions is 1:1 then f(a) = f(b) iff a=b, so eitehr way you look at it, i don;t agree with what you have labelled for a)
  • #4
lanedance said:
seems like you swapped question letters aorund?

if the function A-> B is onto, i think it should the image of A should be all of B, simlarly if the functions is 1:1 then f(a) = f(b) iff a=b, so eitehr way you look at it, i don;t agree with what you have labelled for a)

I looked at the page for wiki where injection is just each argument is mapped to at most one value.

So It should be possible for some other values not mapped to any?
  • #5
For 6. since f is one-to-one you want to show tha f is onto. i.e that for any b in B there is a in A such that f(a)=b.

let b=F^0(b),F(b),F^2(b)..., and these are all elements in a finite set,A, so cannot all be distinct. Let r,s, with say r>s, such that f^r(b)=f^s(b). Then we have:
=>F^(r-1)(b)=F^(s-1)(b)=...=F^(r-s)(b)=b=>F(a)=b, with a=F^(r-s-1)(b), where with F, i have denoted the inverse of f, it exists (why?)

FAQ: Help Urgently on Bijection, Injection, Subjection Functions

What is a bijection function?

A bijection function, also known as a one-to-one correspondence, is a function that maps every element in one set to a unique element in another set. This means that each element in the first set has a distinct mapping in the second set, and vice versa.

What is an injection function?

An injection function, also called a one-to-one function, is a function where each element in the input set maps to a unique element in the output set. This means that no two elements in the input set will have the same mapping in the output set.

What is a surjection function?

A surjection function, also known as an onto function, is a function where every element in the output set has at least one corresponding element in the input set. This means that the function covers the entire output set without any gaps.

How do you determine if a function is a bijection, injection, or surjection?

To determine if a function is a bijection, injection, or surjection, you can use the properties of these types of functions. A function is a bijection if it is both an injection and a surjection. An injection can be determined by checking if each input element has a unique output element, and a surjection can be determined by checking if the output set is fully covered by the function.

What is the purpose of bijection, injection, and surjection functions?

Bijection, injection, and surjection functions are important concepts in mathematics and computer science because they help us understand the relationship between different sets and how elements are mapped between them. These types of functions are also used in various algorithms and applications, such as encryption and data compression, to ensure that data is accurately and efficiently mapped between different sets.

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