Help us understand spectral transmittance

  • Thread starter apendleton
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In summary, the conversation discusses the difficulty in understanding the calculation of overall transmittance for lighting gels used in theater. The speakers are seeking help and are open to resources or suggestions from physicists. They also mention their project of creating a database on gel information and the importance of consistency in calculating overall transmittance.
  • #1
My boyfriend and I are trying to wrap our heads around some charts describing lighting gels used in theater, like these:

Each has a chart with a spectral transmittance curve on it, and also has a number for the overall transmittance of the gel, and we can't figure out how that number is calculated. In the first one, for example, the overall transmittance (at the top) is listed as 90%, but there's no single wavelength with a transmittance that high, so it doesn't seem to be the mean transmittance, or any other calculation based on the integral over the curve that we can come up with. Any help you folks could offer would be appreciated.

Oh, and we're not students (he's a theater lighting technician and I'm a web programmer), which is why we didn't post in the Homework section, though if this would be better asked there, feel free to move it; we're new here. Neither of us has a background in physics, but if you would prefer to answer by pointing us in the direction of reasonably laypeople-accessible books or other resources, feel free. We just haven't had much luck with Google or asking other theater people, so asking physicists seemed like a decent next step.

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  • #2
Total transmission cannot exceed transmission on anyone wavelength, regardless of how they measure it. And since the 61% on the other chart is very close to what I'm getting by just averaging the numbers from the table, I would assume an error in the first chart.

If I understand correctly, you are looking at these for filters on stage lights. The exact effect will depend on both the lights and the exact pigments used for stage decorations. What exactly did you need to know?

Edit: Don't know if it helps, but I integrated over these with color-matching functions, and converted to RGB. That should give you some rough idea of what the light passed through these should be like.

151 167 120
187 112 132

Or #97A777 and #BB7084 in HTML respectively. These are VERY rough, but better than description from text on these charts.
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  • #3
Thanks for your response. We're working on a database of information about gels from multiple vendors, each of which provide slightly different stats about the gels that they sell. Overall transmission is something that two of the three vendors we're including provide, but the third doesn't, and we were trying to figure out the process for calculating it from the curve so that we were consistent across all three. If averaging it is the way to go, though, perhaps I'll just do that and not worry about the fact that it's not the same as the official stats.

  • #4
Yeah, I'd go with that. If nothing else, it'd give you a consistent criterion across the three. Because even the two vendors that do provide their "total transmittance" aren't guaranteed to derive it the same way. One might use white-noise, the other incandescent light. That would give you different transmittance data.
  • #5
and Emily

Spectral transmittance refers to the percentage of light that is transmitted through a material or filter at different wavelengths. In the case of theater lighting gels, this refers to the amount of light that is able to pass through the gel at different colors or wavelengths of light.

The spectral transmittance curve shows the percentage of light transmitted at each wavelength, and the overall transmittance number is typically an average or weighted average of the transmittance values at different wavelengths.

In the example of the Rosco lighting gel, the overall transmittance of 90% means that, on average, 90% of the light that hits the gel is able to pass through it. This could be a combination of high transmittance at some wavelengths and lower transmittance at others, resulting in an average of 90%.

It's important to note that the spectral transmittance curve is not a simple linear relationship, as different materials may have different absorption and transmission properties at different wavelengths. So, the overall transmittance cannot be calculated simply by taking the mean or average of the transmittance values at different wavelengths.

To better understand spectral transmittance, it may be helpful to look into the concepts of absorption, reflection, and transmission of light, as well as the properties of different materials and how they interact with light. Books or online resources on optics and light may provide more in-depth explanations and examples.

I hope this helps clarify the concept of spectral transmittance. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

FAQ: Help us understand spectral transmittance

1. What is spectral transmittance?

Spectral transmittance is a measure of the amount of light that passes through a material at different wavelengths. It is typically represented by a graph or curve, showing the percentage of light transmitted at each wavelength.

2. How is spectral transmittance measured?

Spectral transmittance is measured using a spectrophotometer, which is a scientific instrument that measures the amount of light absorbed or transmitted by a material at different wavelengths. The results are then plotted on a graph to show the transmittance spectrum.

3. What factors can affect spectral transmittance?

Several factors can affect spectral transmittance, including the properties of the material itself (such as its thickness, color, and composition), the angle at which the light passes through the material, and the wavelength of the light being transmitted.

4. Why is spectral transmittance important in science?

Spectral transmittance is important in science because it can provide valuable information about the properties of materials. For example, it can be used to determine the chemical composition of a substance, its purity, and even its thickness. It is also crucial in fields such as optics, where the ability of a material to transmit light at specific wavelengths is important.

5. How is spectral transmittance used in practical applications?

Spectral transmittance has a wide range of practical applications, including in the manufacturing of various products such as eyeglasses, solar panels, and optical filters. It is also used in industries such as agriculture and environmental science to measure the amount of light that plants receive and the level of pollution in the air, respectively. Additionally, it is an important tool in research and development for understanding the properties of new materials and developing new technologies.

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