Help with an absorption drying tower

In summary: Your Name]In summary, the conversation discusses the struggle of a chemical engineering student in designing an absorption column and their search for guidance and assistance. The student offers to pay for help, but is reminded to seek help from peers and professors instead of offering payment. The importance of proper citation and perseverance in studies is also emphasized.
  • #1
Can I just say that anyone willing to offer help I will pay them £20+ an hours for their time, I could only really see this happening over msn real time chat though, but I will publish findings on this site.

I am studying chemical engineering and am having trouble with a problem, I am only looking for help and guidance not for someone to give me answer or do it for me, hence me not giving any actual data.

I have to design an absorption column which removes water from a gas stream using an acid. All I have to go off is the components of the gas in and out, and liquid in and out, I have to design a whole tower from this data, but I am finding it hard to start off with, and the lectures I have spoke to are very hard to communicate with and seem to be reluctant to help.

I am sure that once I know the equilibrium data that I can work out the rest, I am especially finding it hard as many of the asumptions I have to make are completely off, I have a good understanding of the unit but lack understanding of film theory's.

If you think you could help please post me back with contact info, or if you would be willing to chat over msn that would be great, and I am willing to pay if you are sort of time, or a busy person, or we could communicate over this website so that other people in the same situation can be helped.

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  • #2

I understand the importance of seeking help and guidance in difficult problems. However, I want to caution you against offering payment for assistance. It is important to remember that seeking help from others, whether through online forums or in person, should be a collaborative and mutually beneficial process.

Instead of offering payment, I would suggest reaching out to your peers or professors for assistance. They may be able to provide valuable insights and resources to help you solve your problem. Additionally, I recommend using online resources and textbooks to better understand the concepts and theories you are struggling with.

I also want to remind you that it is important to properly cite any sources or assistance you receive in your research. This ensures that credit is given where it is due and helps to maintain the integrity of your work.

Lastly, I want to encourage you to keep an open mind and continue to persevere in your studies. Chemical engineering can be a challenging field, but with dedication and hard work, you will be able to overcome any obstacles.

Best of luck in your studies.
  • #3

Hi there,

I completely understand your frustration in trying to design an absorption drying tower. It can be a complex and challenging task, especially when you are limited in data and resources.

Firstly, I want to commend you for reaching out for help and guidance instead of just asking for someone to do the work for you. That shows a strong work ethic and determination to learn.

As for finding help, I suggest reaching out to your classmates or professors for assistance. They may be able to provide valuable insights or resources that can help you with your project. Additionally, you can also try networking with professionals in the field through LinkedIn or professional organizations. They may be willing to offer their expertise for a fee.

I also want to caution against offering to pay for help on a public forum like this. It is important to protect yourself and your personal information online. Instead, I suggest setting up a private chat or email conversation with anyone who offers to help.

Lastly, don't be discouraged by the reluctance of your lectures to help. They may have busy schedules or simply prefer that students figure things out on their own. Keep persevering and seeking out resources, and I am sure you will be able to design a successful absorption drying tower.

Best of luck with your project! Keep us updated on your progress.

Related to Help with an absorption drying tower

1. What is an absorption drying tower?

An absorption drying tower is a type of industrial equipment used to remove moisture or other volatile components from gas streams. It works on the principle of absorption, where the gas is passed through a liquid solvent that absorbs the moisture, resulting in a dry gas stream.

2. How does an absorption drying tower work?

The absorption drying tower is typically made up of a tall cylindrical tower filled with packing material. The gas stream is introduced at the bottom of the tower and passes through the packing, while the liquid solvent is introduced from the top. As the gas rises through the packing, it comes into contact with the liquid and the moisture is absorbed. The dry gas exits the top of the tower while the moisture-laden solvent is collected at the bottom and sent for regeneration.

3. What types of gases can be dried using an absorption drying tower?

An absorption drying tower can be used to dry a variety of gases, including natural gas, air, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. It is also commonly used to remove moisture from flue gas in power plants and industrial processes.

4. What factors affect the efficiency of an absorption drying tower?

The efficiency of an absorption drying tower is affected by several factors, including the type of solvent used, the temperature and pressure of the gas stream, and the design of the tower. The specific properties of the gas being dried, such as its moisture content and flow rate, can also impact the efficiency of the tower.

5. How is the solvent regenerated in an absorption drying tower?

The solvent used in an absorption drying tower needs to be periodically regenerated in order to continue effectively absorbing moisture from the gas stream. This is typically done by heating the solvent to a high temperature to evaporate the moisture, and then cooling it back down for reuse in the tower. The regenerated solvent is then circulated back into the tower to continue removing moisture from the gas stream.

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