Help with an expectation value formula

In summary: N+1)/3)+√[(N+1)/3] = N+√[2N], which is the value of NP according to Orodruin's formula.In summary, the equation for standard deviation in the binomial distribution is sqrt[n*1/3*(1 - 1/3)] and it differs depending on the value of n.
  • #1
Imagine a particle in an equally weighted superposition of being located in three distant regions P, Q, and R, and imagine you stand in region P with a measuring device. The probability of finding the particle there is 1/3.

Now imagine a large number N of particles prepared in that same state. I'm told that in region P we should expect to find NP = (N±√N)/3 particles.

My question: Does anyone know the name of this formula so that I can google it and study it? I'm puzzled as to why we shouldn't just expect N/3 particles.
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  • #2
There is a difference between expectation value and "how many events you expect". The expectation value is N/3, but if N is very large it is rather unlikely to get exactly N/3. The number after the ± tells you the standard deviation (although in this case it is not correct, the standard deviation of the binomial distribution with p=1/3 is sqrt(2N)/3, not sqrt(N)/3) and therefore the typical interval you would expect to fall in.
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  • #3
Orodruin said:
if N is very large
Do you mean when N is relatively small (##N\pm \sqrt{N} \approx N## when ##N## is very large) ?
  • #4
blue_leaf77 said:
Do you mean when N is relatively small (##N\pm \sqrt{N} \approx N## when ##N## is very large) ?
No. I mean exactly what I wrote. The probability of getting exactly N/3 is (1/3)^[N/3](2/3)^[2N/3] N!/[(N/3)!(2N/3)!] if N is divisible by 3 and zero otherwise. This goes to zero as N increases.

Edit: In fact, in absolute terms, the standard deviation grows with N. It is only the relative error that decreases.
  • #5
Orodruin said:
There is a difference between expectation value and "how many events you expect". The expectation value is N/3, but if N is very large it is rather unlikely to get exactly N/3. The number after the ± tells you the standard deviation (although in this case it is not correct, the standard deviation of the binomial distribution with p=1/3 is sqrt(2N)/3, not sqrt(N)/3) and therefore the typical interval you would expect to fall in.

Thanks that's very helpful! Do you know if this equation has a name? I would like to be able to look it up and learn more about it. For example, I was puzzled as to why sqrt(N) is the standard deviation. But I'm also puzzled as to why it should be sqrt(2N) e.g. where does the 2 come from?
  • #6
Agrippa said:
Thanks that's very helpful! Do you know if this equation has a name? I would like to be able to look it up and learn more about it. For example, I was puzzled as to why sqrt(N) is the standard deviation. But I'm also puzzled as to why it should be sqrt(2N) e.g. where does the 2 come from?
From computing the standard deviation of the binomial distribution. Bin(N,p) has expectation value pN and variance p(1-p)N. These are properties of the distribution and will differ between distributions.
  • #7
Orodruin said:
From computing the standard deviation of the binomial distribution. Bin(N,p) has expectation value pN and variance p(1-p)N. These are properties of the distribution and will differ between distributions.

Okay thanks that's helpful, I've been looking through links about binomial distribution and the formulas for variance and standard deviation.
The link states that the binomial distribution has the following properties:
  • The mean of the distribution (μx) is equal to n * P .
  • The (σ2x) is n * P * ( 1 - P ).
  • The (σx) is sqrt[ n * P * ( 1 - P ) ].
In our case P = 1/3. So variance is n*1/3*(1 - 1/3) = n*0.2222.. and standard deviation is sqrt[n*1/3*(1 - 1/3)] = sqrt[n*0.2222..].

But then the question still remains: where does the 2 come from in your calculations? How do you get 2 from 0.2222..?
  • #8
Orodruin just simplified the formula for the case P=1/3. Plug in the same N in both your and Orodruin's expressions. Do you find a difference?
  • #9
Heinera said:
Orodruin just simplified the formula for the case P=1/3. Plug in the same N in both your and Orodruin's expressions. Do you find a difference?
The difference between my expression:
NP = (N±√N)/3
And Orodruin's expression:
NP = (N±√[2N])/3
Is that N is multiplied by 2 inside the sqrt.
So for same N of course there will be different outputs.
The question is why either formula is "correct".
Orodruin's argument for the correctness of Orodruin's formula involves "computing the standard deviation of the binomial distribution". My previous post expressed why I do not understand that argument (i.e. where the 2 comes from).
  • #10
I meant you should compare Orodruin's expression to your latest, i.e. sqrt[n*1/3*(1 - 1/3)] = sqrt[n*0.2222..].
  • #11
Heinera said:
I meant you should compare Orodruin's expression to your latest, i.e. sqrt[n*1/3*(1 - 1/3)] = sqrt[n*0.2222..].
Okay, so let N = 2.

Then (my latest):
sqrt[N*0.2222..] = 0.666666..

And (Orodruin's expression):
sqrt(2N))/3 = 0.666666..

Meanwhile (my post-1 expression):
(sqrt(N))/3 = 0.47.

So the idea is that we should use:
NP = (N±√[2N])/3
...because for N particles, each with 1/3 prob of collapsing in P, we should (in P) expect to see N/3 particles plus or minus the standard deviation?

Well if so, that certainly helps. Thanks! Now I need study why standard deviation gives the formula that is significant for our expectations.
  • #12
I think you are trying to assign a meaning that simply is not there. The mean and standard deviations are two numbers that tell you something about a distribution, namely what the average would be after a large number of trials and the typical deviation from that result. It is pure convention to write it A±B and you cannot find any deeper meaning than "A is the mean and B the standard deviation". There is nothing to derive here.
  • #13
Agrippa said:
Okay, so let N = 2.

Then (my latest):
sqrt[N*0.2222..] = 0.666666..

And (Orodruin's expression):
sqrt(2N))/3 = 0.666666..

Meanwhile (my post-1 expression):
(sqrt(N))/3 = 0.47.
There is no need to look at a particular N nor write out the ratio in decimal form. (1/3)(1-1/3)=2/9. Take the square root of that and you have ##\sqrt 2/3##.

FAQ: Help with an expectation value formula

1. What is an expectation value formula?

An expectation value formula is a mathematical equation used to calculate the average value or outcome of a particular variable in a given system. It is often used in statistics and quantum mechanics to determine the most probable result of a measurement or experiment.

2. How is an expectation value formula calculated?

An expectation value formula is typically calculated by multiplying the value of each possible outcome by its respective probability, and then summing these products together. This can also be represented as an integral in continuous systems.

3. What is the significance of an expectation value formula?

The significance of an expectation value formula lies in its ability to provide a predicted outcome or average value for a system, based on its underlying probability distribution. This can be useful in making decisions or predictions in various fields of science and mathematics.

4. Can an expectation value formula be applied to all systems?

No, an expectation value formula is typically only applicable to systems that follow a known probability distribution. This means that it may not be suitable for use in systems with complex or unknown patterns of behavior.

5. Are there any limitations to using an expectation value formula?

One limitation of using an expectation value formula is that it may not accurately represent the true average or outcome of a system if there are significant outliers or extreme values. Additionally, it may not be suitable for use in non-linear systems or those with highly variable probabilities.
