Help with Banked turns - Physics

In summary, the key to understanding baked turns involving roads is to realize that the net force must point towards the center of the circle in order to maintain a constant speed. This can be achieved by breaking down the normal reaction into horizontal and vertical components, with the horizontal component balancing the tendency to slip outwards. This is why banking a road makes it safer to traverse at high speeds.
  • #1
So I'm having a hard time understanding baked turns involving roads. Mainly I'm confused on how to derive the friction force into the x and y components and why it turns be like so. I also am confused about when i encounter a problem that involves friction in banked turns like in the picture below. Ignore the coefficient of friction; I'm just trying to understand the physics of it.
phy 3.png
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  • #2
Welcome to PF;
The key to these problems is to realize that, in order to go around the circle at a constant speed, the net force must point directly towards the center of the circle.
If there is no friction, then there are only twp forces on the car.
Therefore these must sum to a single force pointing horizontally to the right (in the pic).
You can add vectors head-to-tail.
  • #3
when car goes on a banked road, the normal reaction is perpendicular to the road. On breaking up the components, u get the sine component of the normal reaction in the horizontal direction.this is what balances the tendency of the body to slip outwards. Banking makes the bend more safe to traverse at high speed, as NsinA and the friction supply the essential centripetal acceleration for balancing the tendency of slipping which is radially outwards.

"A" is the banked angle.

FAQ: Help with Banked turns - Physics

1. What is a banked turn?

A banked turn is a type of turn in which a vehicle or object moves around a curved path while remaining at a constant speed. In a banked turn, the centripetal force required to keep the object moving in a curved path is provided by a combination of the object's weight and the normal force from the surface it is moving on.

2. How does the angle of bank affect a turn?

The angle of bank, which is the angle at which the surface is inclined, affects the amount of centripetal force that can be provided by the normal force. As the angle of bank increases, the normal force also increases, allowing for a higher speed to be maintained during the turn without slipping or skidding.

3. What factors determine the required angle of bank?

The required angle of bank for a turn is determined by the speed of the object and the radius of the turn. A higher speed or a tighter turn radius will require a greater angle of bank in order to maintain a constant speed without slipping or skidding.

4. How is the centripetal force calculated for a banked turn?

The centripetal force for a banked turn can be calculated using the formula Fc = mv^2/r, where Fc is the centripetal force, m is the mass of the object, v is the velocity, and r is the radius of the turn. This formula takes into account the angle of bank, as the radius used in the calculation is the horizontal component of the actual turn radius.

5. What is the difference between a banked turn and a flat turn?

In a flat turn, the centripetal force required to keep the object moving in a curved path is provided solely by the frictional force between the tires and the surface. This results in a lower maximum speed that can be maintained without slipping or skidding. In a banked turn, the normal force also contributes to the centripetal force, allowing for a higher maximum speed to be maintained without slipping or skidding.

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