Help with basic transfinite induction proof

In summary, transfinite induction is a method used to prove statements about well-ordered sets, extending the principle of mathematical induction to infinite cases. The process involves three main steps: establishing a base case for the smallest element, assuming the statement holds for all elements less than a given ordinal, and then demonstrating that it also holds for the given ordinal. This technique is essential in set theory and can be applied to various mathematical structures to show the validity of propositions across infinite domains.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
I'm working on a basic transfinite induction proof, which I'd need some help with. It concerns the construction of the Borel ##\sigma##-algebra.
Some definitions:

Let ##\mathcal{F}_0## be the set of open subsets of ##\mathbb R##.

Successor For any ordinal ##\alpha##, let ##\mathcal{F}_{\alpha+1}## be the set of countable unions of sets ##E_n\in\mathcal{F}_\alpha## and their complements ##E_m: E_m^c\in \mathcal{F}_\alpha##.

Limit For any limit ordinal ##\lambda##, put ##\mathcal{F}_{\alpha}=\cup_{\alpha<\lambda} \mathcal{F}_\alpha##.

Together, these form a nested sequence of sets for all ordinals, that is, ##\alpha<\beta\implies \mathcal{F}_\alpha\subset\mathcal{F}_\beta##. The Borel sigma algebra is ##\mathcal{F}_{\omega_1}##, where ##\omega_1## is the first uncountable ordinal.

The following statement has been left as an exercise in transfinite induction in a handout.

##\mathcal{F}_{\omega_1}\subset\mathcal{G}## for any ##\sigma##-algebra ##\mathcal{G}## containing ##\mathcal{F}_0##, i.e. ##\mathcal{F}_{\omega_1}## is the minimal ##\sigma##-algebra containing ##\mathcal{F}_0##.

I'm looking at Wikipedia and am trying to follow their outline:

1. Show it for the base case, i.e. that ##\mathcal{F}_{0}\subset\mathcal{G}##.

This is, however, trivial, since we said that ##\mathcal{G}## should contain ##\mathcal{F}_{0}##.

2. Show it for successor ordinals, that is, if ##\mathcal{F}_\alpha\subset\mathcal{G}##, then ##\mathcal{F}_{\alpha+1}\subset\mathcal{G}##.

This follows from the fact that ##\mathcal{G}## is a ##\sigma##-algebra and thus it is closed by countable unions and complements, and since ##\mathcal{F}_\alpha\subset\mathcal{G}##, this gives ##\mathcal{F}_{\alpha+1}\subset\mathcal{G}##. However, looking at Wikipedia, I'm unsure if this is all I have to do in the successor step. On Wikipedia, they claim that, if necessary, show also that if ##\mathcal{F}_\alpha\subset\mathcal{G}##, then ##\mathcal{F}_\beta\subset\mathcal{G}## for all ##\beta<\alpha##. I'm not sure if have to or how to show this.

3. Show it for limit ordinals, that is, if ##\mathcal{F}_\alpha\subset\mathcal{G}## for all ##\alpha<\lambda## where ##\lambda## is a limit ordinal, then ##\mathcal{F}_\lambda\subset\mathcal{G}##.

I'm not sure how to do this.

Appreciate any help.
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  • #2
psie said:
2. ... looking at Wikipedia, I'm unsure if this is all I have to do in the successor step. On Wikipedia, they claim that, if necessary, show also that if ##\mathcal{F}_\alpha\subset\mathcal{G}##, then ##\mathcal{F}_\beta\subset\mathcal{G}## for all ##\beta<\alpha##. I'm not sure if have to or how to show this.
By that "if necessary" they mean that, if you can't prove
by assuming
then try proving it by assuming the stronger precedent:
$$\forall \beta \leq \alpha:\ \mathcal{F}_{\beta}\subset\mathcal{G}$$

Since you were able to do the first, you don't need to do the second. Using a weaker precedent (first case) means you have a stronger result.
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  • #3
Thanks. I guess 3. is not so hard after all.

If ##\mathcal{F}_\alpha\subset\mathcal{G}## for all ##\alpha<\lambda##, then ##\mathcal{F}_\lambda=\cup_{\alpha<\lambda}\mathcal{F}_\alpha\subset\mathcal{G}##. The conclusion follows from the following implications: $$E\in \cup_{\alpha<\lambda}\mathcal{F}_\alpha\implies E\in\mathcal{F}_\alpha \text{ for some } \alpha<\lambda \implies E\in\mathcal{F}_\alpha\subset\mathcal{G} \text{ by assumption.}$$ Also the nested property ##\alpha<\beta\implies \mathcal{F}_\alpha\subset\mathcal{F}_\beta## for any ordinals ##\alpha,\beta## is not hard to show. Either ##\beta## is a successor ordinal or a limit ordinal. If it is a successor ordinal, note that ##E\in\mathcal{F}_\alpha\implies E\in\mathcal{F}_{\alpha+1}## for any ##\alpha## since every ##\mathcal{F}_\alpha## contains ##\emptyset## and ##\mathbb R## (and thus by complements and countable unions, so will ##\mathcal{F}_{\alpha+1}##). If ##\beta## is a limit ordinal, then ##E\in\mathcal{F}_\alpha## implies it is in the union of all ##\mathcal{F}_\alpha## for ##\alpha<\beta##, so ##E\in \cup_{\alpha<\beta}\mathcal{F}_\alpha=\mathcal{F}_\beta##.
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