Help With Forces of gravitational attraction

In summary, the conversation discusses a question about finding the point between the Earth and the Moon where the force of gravity is zero. The question provides the masses of the Earth and Moon, the distance between them, and the gravitational constant. The person asking the question is having trouble verifying their equation and is seeking guidance. The responder suggests checking the equation and explains that the distances used in the equation will be measured from two different points. They also suggest using the distance between the centers to simplify the equation.
  • #1
K the question is basically where you are given the Earth's Mass (5.98*10^24kg) the moon's mass in this equation is 1.2% of the mass of the earth. (7.176*10^22kg) We are also given that the distance from the centres is 3.84*10^5km (converted to metres is 3.84*10^8)
So I have no problems with these. (This is a bonus question by the way)
The question states that somewhere along this line, the force of gravity is zero. But when i try to solve the eq'n i keep getting undefined answers.

So can anyone point me in the right direction?

K since this seems to not make much sense i'll rephrase it.

There is a point between the Earth and the Moon where the Force of Gravity is ZERO Newtons, By knowing the mass of the two masses, the distance between the masses and the Gravitational Constant, how can i find where Fg = 0
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  • #2
I'm having a little trouble verifying your equation, as I'm not sure what's a subscript and what's a quantity. You might want to check that. However, I suspect your problem is more mathematical than physical.

Remember - the r's in your equation will be measured from two different points. Just for the sake of argument, let's say that r1 is the distance from the Earth's center and r2 is the distance from the moon's. At the point of gravitational equlibrium, these will not be the same. However, if R is the distance between the centers, then you could express them as r1 and (R - r1), removing one variable. Since you know R, the rest should be easy.

Hope this helps.
  • #3

To find the point where the force of gravity is zero, we can use the equation Fg = G * (m1 * m2) / r^2, where Fg is the force of gravity, G is the gravitational constant (6.67 * 10^-11 N*m^2/kg^2), m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between the centers of the objects.

In this case, we have the masses of the Earth and the Moon, and we can calculate the force of gravity at different points along the line connecting them. As we move away from the Earth towards the Moon, the force of gravity will decrease. At some point, it will reach zero and then start increasing again as we get closer to the Moon.

To solve for the point where Fg = 0, we can set the equation equal to zero and solve for r. This will give us the distance from the center of the Earth where the force of gravity is zero. The equation will look like this:

0 = G * (5.98 * 10^24 kg * 7.176 * 10^22 kg) / r^2

Solving for r, we get r = √(G * (5.98 * 10^24 kg * 7.176 * 10^22 kg) / 0), which will give us an undefined answer. This is because we are dividing by zero, which is not possible.

However, we can still make some observations from this equation. We can see that as the distance between the Earth and the Moon increases, the force of gravity will decrease. And when the distance is infinite (or very large), the force of gravity will be zero. This is because the gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the objects, so as the distance increases, the force decreases.

So, to find the point where the force of gravity is zero, we would need to go infinitely far away from the Earth and the Moon. This is not possible, as the Moon orbits the Earth and there is a finite distance between them.

In summary, the equation for the force of gravity can help us understand the relationship between the masses and distance of two objects. However, in this scenario, the distance at which the force of gravity is zero is not a physically possible value.

Related to Help With Forces of gravitational attraction

1. What is gravitational attraction?

Gravitational attraction is a force of nature that causes two objects with mass to be pulled towards each other.

2. How is gravitational attraction calculated?

The force of gravitational attraction between two objects is calculated using the equation: F = G (m1 x m2) / d^2, where G is the universal gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and d is the distance between them.

3. What factors affect the strength of gravitational attraction?

The strength of gravitational attraction is affected by the masses of the objects and the distance between them. The greater the masses of the objects and the smaller the distance between them, the stronger the gravitational attraction will be.

4. Is gravitational attraction the same as weight?

No, gravitational attraction and weight are not the same. Weight is the measure of the force of gravity acting on an object, while gravitational attraction is the force that causes objects to be pulled towards each other.

5. How does the force of gravitational attraction keep planets in orbit?

The force of gravitational attraction between a planet and the sun keeps the planet in orbit. The planet's orbit is a balance between the forward motion of the planet and the pull of gravity from the sun, causing the planet to continuously orbit around the sun.

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