Help with gravitational potential energy of stars

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the gravitational potential energy of a collapsing star's core, the conservation of total energy and the liberation of energy in the form of heat, expanding outer layers, neutrinos, and light. It also touches on the importance of knowing the original radius of the core before collapse and converting the resulting luminosity to solar luminosities for comparison. The conversation provides equations and prompts for calculations to be done.
  • #1
I'm really stuck with this last not quite sure where to start...any help would be greatly appreciated! for a) I am not sure what to use for the mass of the star and the i have to subtract the two radii?

When a massive star is at the end of its life, the inner core that is perhaps 2 solar masses shrinks in radius from a size of around 0.01 solar radii to a radius of just 20 km.

a) Calculate that the gravitational potential energy of the core EPOTENTIAL = −0.6GM2
R before and after the collapse.

b) The total energy of the star is conserved during this collapse: ETOTAL = EOTHER + EPOTENTIAL. This implies that the difference is liberated as other forms of energy. Calculate the amount of energy liberated.

c) How important is it to know the original radius of the core before collapse?

d) The liberated energy goes into heat, expanding the outer layers of the star at very high speed, neutrinos and light. Assume that just 0.1 percent of this energy emerges as light over a period of 100 days. Determine the luminosity of the star over this period.

e) Convert this luminosity to solar luminosities. For comparison the entire Milky Way galaxy has a luminosity of around 2 × 1010 Solar Luminosities.
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  • #3
jess_vander said:
I'm really stuck with this last not quite sure where to start...any help would be greatly appreciated! for a) I am not sure what to use for the mass of the star and the i have to subtract the two radii?

Read the question again. It's all there.

When a massive star is at the end of its life, the inner core that is perhaps 2 solar masses shrinks in radius from a size of around 0.01 solar radii to a radius of just 20 km.

So the mass of the core is what's relevant - everything outside it is going to go BLOOEY! in the supernova. So the core mass is 2 Solar Masses (you hopefully know what that is.) The core's initial radius is 0.01 Solar radii (another constant I hope you know) and the final radius is 20 km. So the core collapses from pretty big to very small.

a) Calculate that the gravitational potential energy of the core EPOTENTIAL = −0.6GM2
R before and after the collapse.

Well you know R before and R after so that's pretty straightforward.

b) The total energy of the star is conserved during this collapse: ETOTAL = EOTHER + EPOTENTIAL. This implies that the difference is liberated as other forms of energy. Calculate the amount of energy liberated.

Ignore the heat already in the star - it's tiny compared to the big bang of core collapse.

c) How important is it to know the original radius of the core before collapse?

In otherwords what happens if it's a bit different? The cheat answer is not much, but you need to prove that with maths. Vary the initial radius and see what happens.

d) The liberated energy goes into heat, expanding the outer layers of the star at very high speed, neutrinos and light. Assume that just 0.1 percent of this energy emerges as light over a period of 100 days. Determine the luminosity of the star over this period.

Oodles of energy and luminosity. Once again show it with maths.

e) Convert this luminosity to solar luminosities. For comparison the entire Milky Way galaxy has a luminosity of around 2 × 1010 Solar Luminosities.

Once again the cheat answer is that the two are comparable. But you need to do the work to show that obviously.

FAQ: Help with gravitational potential energy of stars

1. What is gravitational potential energy of stars?

The gravitational potential energy of stars is the energy that is stored in the gravitational field surrounding the star. It is a measure of the work required to move an object from an infinite distance away to a certain distance from the star.

2. How is gravitational potential energy of stars calculated?

The gravitational potential energy of a star can be calculated using the formula U = -GMm/r, where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the star, m is the mass of the object, and r is the distance between the star and the object.

3. What factors affect the gravitational potential energy of stars?

The gravitational potential energy of stars is affected by the mass of the star, the mass of the object, and the distance between the star and the object. The greater the mass of the star and the object, and the closer they are, the higher the gravitational potential energy.

4. How does the gravitational potential energy of stars relate to their formation?

The gravitational potential energy of stars plays a crucial role in their formation. As a cloud of gas and dust collapses under its own gravitational attraction, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, causing the temperature and pressure to rise until a nuclear fusion reaction can occur and the star is born.

5. Can the gravitational potential energy of stars change over time?

Yes, the gravitational potential energy of stars can change over time as stars undergo different stages in their life cycle. For example, as a star consumes its nuclear fuel and begins to die, its gravitational potential energy decreases until it eventually becomes a white dwarf or a black hole.

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