Help with Heisenberg's "isospin" Hamiltonian

In summary, Heisenberg describes nucleons as having a spin-like degree of freedom. He introduces the matrix \rho^{ξ}, \rho^{η}, \rho^{ς} to describe the changing of ρς = +1 to -1. The space (\xi, \eta, \zeta) is not the ordinary space. The complete Hamiltonian for the nucleus isH = 1/2M \sum_k p_k^2 - 1/2 \sum_i(1 - \rho^{\zeta}_i) + 1/4 \sum_{k>l}K(r_{kl})(1 + \rho^\
  • #1
I'm having some trouble grasping the meaning of the exchange term in the Hamiltonian Heisenberg gives in his classic 1932 paper (the one typically given as the first to describe nucleons via a spin-like degree of freedom; NOTE: I realize this isn't the same as what is today called isospin, but for lack of a better term that's what I'm going to call it). Since it's not widely available in English, here's the relevant bit (from D. M. Brink's Nuclear Forces):

In order to write down the Hamiltonian function of the nucleus the following variables are useful: Each particle in the nucleus is characterized by five quantities: the three position-coordinates (x,y,z) = r, the spin σz along the z-axis and a fifth number ρς which can be +/- 1. ρς = +1 means the particle is a neutron, ρς = -1 means the particle is a proton. Because of the exchange there appear in the Hamiltonian transitional elements changing ρς = +1 to ρς = -1 and it is useful to introduce the following matrices

\rho^{ξ} = \left( \begin{array}{cc} 0 & 1\\ 1 & 0 \end{array} \right)
\rho^{η} = \left( \begin{array}{cc} 0 & -i\\ i & 0 \end{array} \right)
\rho^{ς} = \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0\\ 0 & -1 \end{array} \right)

The space [itex](\xi, \eta, \zeta)[/itex] is, of course, not the ordinary space.

In terms of these variables the complete Hamiltonian function of the nuclei (M proton-mass, ##r_{kl} \rightarrow |r_k-r_l|##, ##p_k## momentum of particle k) is

H &= 1/2M \sum_k p_k^2 \\
&- 1/2 \sum J(r_{kl})(\rho^{\xi}_k\rho^{\xi}_l + \rho^{\eta}_k\rho^{\eta}_l) \\
&+ 1/4 \sum_{k>l}K(r_{kl})(1 + \rho^\zeta_k)(1 + \rho^\zeta_l) \\
&+ 1/4 \sum_{k>l}e^2/r_{kl}(1 - \rho^\zeta_k)(1 - \rho^\zeta_l) \\
&- 1/2 D \sum_k (1+\rho^\zeta_k)

Now, up to a point, I perfectly understand it; he gives the number of protons as [itex]1/2 \sum_i(1 - \rho^{\zeta}_i) [/itex], the number of neutrons as [itex]1/2 \sum_i(1 + \rho^{\zeta}_i) [/itex], and a nucleus with equal numbers of protons and neutrons has [itex]\sum_i(\rho^{\zeta}_i) = 0[/itex] (assuming the "1" is actually the identity matrix, or that ##\rho^{zeta}## here refers to the eigenvalue rather than the matrix). He doesn't state it, but the ##\rho##s act on a two-component (iso-)spin vector, where the normalized eigenvectors of [itex]\rho^{zeta}[/itex] are [(1, 0)T and (0, 1)T] with eigenvalues [1, -1] respectively, so (1, 0)T would be a state that's definitely a neutron and (0, 1)T would be one that's definitely a proton, and linear combinations of them giving mixed states.

However, where things start to get murky for me are when the other "axes" come in; I can see that the eigenvectors of the other ##\rho##'s both have components whose absolute value is ##\sqrt(2)/2## (e.g. equal odds of being a proton or a neutron), which also makes sense -- if they have a definite "isospin" along the [itex]\xi[/itex] "axis", then the value along the [itex]\zeta[/itex] axis will be completely unknown. But, did he come up with these? He says that it's helpful to introduce them because of the exchange, but I'm failing to see how that follows. It seems like the operator that would swap a vector ([a, b, c, d]) to ([c, d, a, b]) would be [itex]\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0&0&0&1 \\ 1 &0& 0& 0 \\ 0 & 1& 0& 0 \end{pmatrix}[/itex], and I don't see how that can come from the "exchange operator" in the above Hamiltonian (##1/2 \sum J(r_{kl})(\rho^{\xi}_k\rho^{\xi}_l + \rho^{\eta}_k\rho^{\eta}_l)##) (I tried kronecker products of the 2x2 matrices and expanding them into 4x4 block matrices and using normal matrix multiplication, neither of which gave anything looking like an exchange operator)...

Further, I'm not even sure what the eigenvalues of the non-##\zeta## ##\rho##operators would even mean; the ##\rho^{zeta}_k##'s tells you whether the ##k^{th}## is a proton or a neutron, but what does the ##\rho^{xi}_k## tell you?
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  • #2
Thanks for the post! Sorry you aren't generating responses at the moment. Do you have any further information, come to any new conclusions or is it possible to reword the post?
  • #3
Thanks for the encouragement; I think the problem stems from my incomplete understanding of spin, particularly with regards to multiple particles. I've since found a few references where they show that the two-particle spin operators are I⊗σ and σ⊗I, as opposed to the naive versions I tried (e.g. diag(σ, I) and diag(I, σ)); I still don't quite follow *why* mime were incorrect, but at least now I know where to look for the answers.

Related to Help with Heisenberg's "isospin" Hamiltonian

1. What is Heisenberg's "isospin" Hamiltonian?

Heisenberg's "isospin" Hamiltonian is a mathematical model used in quantum mechanics to describe the interactions between particles with different isospin values. Isospin is a quantum number that represents the number of different types of particles in a system, such as protons and neutrons. The Hamiltonian is a mathematical operator that describes the total energy of a system.

2. How is Heisenberg's "isospin" Hamiltonian used in research?

Heisenberg's "isospin" Hamiltonian is used in research to study the behavior and interactions of particles with different isospin values. It is particularly useful in nuclear physics and particle physics, where particles with different isospin values are present.

3. What are the components of Heisenberg's "isospin" Hamiltonian?

The components of Heisenberg's "isospin" Hamiltonian include the kinetic energy of each particle, the potential energy between particles, and the spin interactions between particles. It also includes terms for the isospin values of the particles and their interactions.

4. How does Heisenberg's "isospin" Hamiltonian relate to other Hamiltonians?

Heisenberg's "isospin" Hamiltonian is a specific type of Hamiltonian that takes into account the isospin values of particles. It is related to other Hamiltonians, such as the Schrodinger Hamiltonian, which describes the total energy of a system without considering isospin.

5. What are the limitations of Heisenberg's "isospin" Hamiltonian?

One limitation of Heisenberg's "isospin" Hamiltonian is that it does not take into account the strong nuclear force, which is responsible for interactions between particles within the nucleus. It also does not account for the effects of relativity, which can be important for particles with high energies. Additionally, it assumes that particles have equal masses, which may not always be the case.

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