Help with internal moments = external moments

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of internal moments and how they should equal external moments. The calculation for the total internal moments of an object with a mass of 2 kg is also discussed. The conversation also includes a question about the meaning of Iα and its role in determining the internal moment.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Internal moments need to equal external moments, work out the total of the internal moments. The object has a mass of 2 kg


Homework Equations

I have obtained

the moment about I (labelled as MI) + Iα

The Attempt at a Solution

the moment about I (MI)

Force in y direction = 2 kg x 12m/s^2 = 24 N.m
Force in x direction = 2 kg x 30m/s^2 = 60 N.m

(Force y x moment arm x) = 24N.m x 5m = 120 N
(Force x x moment arm y) = 60 N.m x 10m = 600N

120N - 600N = -480 N

Iα = 3kg.m^2 x 10 rad/s^2 = 30 N

sorry I know I may have the units all jumbled

So the total internal moments = 600N + 30N = 630 N

the crunch for me is I don't actually get why the internal moment consists of Iα and the moment about point I.

What is Iα actually telling me ? I interpret it to mean that an object offers I resistance to being moved and it is moving at α, therefore it's force is Iα.

But if that is telling me the torque about that point why do we need to calculate the moment about the point as well to get the internal moment ?

Physics news on
  • #2
urbano said:
Force in x direction = 2 kg x 30m/s^2 = 60 N.m
I came up with -60 N because inertial reaction force is to the left, and force is expressed in Newtons.
What do diagonal red line and orange horiz. and vert. lines represent?

FAQ: Help with internal moments = external moments

1. What is the concept of "internal moments = external moments"?

The concept of "internal moments = external moments" is a fundamental principle in mechanics and structural analysis. It states that the sum of all forces and moments acting on a body must be equal to zero for the body to be in equilibrium. This means that the internal forces and moments within a body must balance out the external forces and moments acting on it.

2. Why is it important to understand "internal moments = external moments"?

Understanding the principle of "internal moments = external moments" is crucial in engineering and design, as it ensures that structures are stable and can withstand external loads. Without this understanding, structures may collapse or fail due to imbalanced forces and moments.

3. How is the principle of "internal moments = external moments" applied in real-world situations?

The principle of "internal moments = external moments" is applied in various fields, such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and architecture. It is used to analyze and design structures like bridges, buildings, and machines to ensure their stability and safety.

4. What are some common examples of "internal moments = external moments" in everyday life?

Examples of the principle of "internal moments = external moments" in everyday life include a bookshelf standing against a wall, a ladder leaning against a building, and a bicycle wheel rotating on its axle. In all these cases, the internal moments within the objects balance out the external moments acting on them, keeping them in equilibrium.

5. Are there any exceptions to the principle of "internal moments = external moments"?

In general, the principle of "internal moments = external moments" holds true for most situations. However, there are some cases where external moments may be intentionally introduced to achieve a desired effect, such as in the design of a seesaw or a lever. In these cases, the internal moments may not be equal to the external moments, but the overall system is still in equilibrium.
