Help with Laurent Series for Convergence in Different Regions

In summary, Laurent series are a way to express a function in terms of a power series with a region of convergence. This is done by rewriting the function in a form similar to the Taylor series for \frac{1}{1-z} and using convergence tests to determine the region of convergence. Different regions may require different forms of the series, such as using a series with 1/z instead of z in the denominator. This allows for a more accurate representation of the function in different regions.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Could anyone help me with Laurent series? I do not understand it at all even though the book has several examples.

And here is one with my comments

Find the Laurent series of
[tex] \frac{1}{(z-1)(z-2)} [/tex]

a in the region abs(z) < 1
b in the region 1< abs(z) < 2
c in the region abs(z) > 2

The Attempt at a Solution

They are using a theorem which says that any convergent series of the form
[tex] \sum_{j= - \infty}^{\infty} c_j (z-z_0)^j [/tex]

Using partial fractions

[tex] \frac{1}{(z-1)(z-2)} = \frac{1}{z-2} - \frac{1}{z-1} [/tex]

Now we proceed differently in each region to derive the convergent series

a For abs(z) < 1

6) [tex] \frac{1}{z-2} = - \frac{1}{2} \frac{1}{1 -z/2} = - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{j=0}^{\infty} = -\sum_{j=0}^{\infty} \frac{z^j}{2^j+1} [/tex]

The equation 6) I am not sure about, why did the rewrite it in the second from the left and how did they see that this could be written as the series in the third from the left. It is the just taylor series around zeros? and do they use zero because it is the center of the disk? And do the use the taylor series because the circle does not include the number 2?

they do the same for:
7) [tex] \frac{1}{z-1} = - \frac{1}{1-z} = -\sum_{j=0}^{\infty} z^j [/tex]

And then it is of course just to subtract the two equations and you get
[tex] \sum_{j=0}^{\infty} (-\frac{1}{2^{j+1}} + 1)z^j [/tex]

b for 1 < abs(z) < 2, equation 6 is still valid, but we have

[tex] \frac{1}{z-1} = \frac{1}{z} \frac{1}{1-1/z} = \frac{1}{z} \sum _{j=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{z^j} = \sum_{j=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{z^{j+1}} [/tex]

why was 6) still valid and 7) had to be replaced with 8)?

For abs(z) > 2, Equation 8 is still valid, why?
[tex] \frac{1}{z-2} = \frac{1}{z} \frac{1}{1-2/z} = \frac{1}{z} \sum_{j=0}^{\infty} (\frac{2}{z})^j = \sum_{j=0}^{\infty} \frac{2^j}{z^{j+1}} [/tex]

Edit: Not sure why the two last latex equations fail, they work in
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  • #2
One basic series you need to know is

[tex]\frac{1}{1-z} = 1+z+z^2+z^3+\cdots[/tex]

It's just the Taylor series about z0=0. Using convergence tests, you can show it's only valid when |z|<1.

The general approach to the problem is to rewrite the terms in such a way that it looks like that series above, where the denominator is 1-something and where the modulus of the something is less than 1.
  • #3
Thanks, but why did they get different Laurent series for different regions
  • #4
For instance, when 1<|z|<2, you can't use

[tex]\frac{1}{1-z} = 1+z+z^2+z^3+\cdots[/tex]

because the series won't converge since you don't have |z|<1. However, in that region, you have |1/z|<1, so if you can expand in powers of 1/z instead, you'll have a series that converges.
  • #5
But(!) you can use:


\frac{1}{1-\frac{1}{z}} = 1+\frac{1}{z}}+\frac{1}{z^2}} +\cdots

...Basically this and what vela wrote are the two things you have to know :)
  • #6
Thanks for all the help. All my exercises does in fact end up with [tex] \frac{1}{1-z} [/tex]

FAQ: Help with Laurent Series for Convergence in Different Regions

What is a Laurent Series?

A Laurent series is a type of power series that represents a complex function in terms of its power of (z-z0), where z0 is the center of the series. It is used to analyze the behavior of a function around a singularity or pole.

What are the different regions of convergence for a Laurent Series?

The regions of convergence for a Laurent series are the annulus of convergence and the circles of convergence. The annulus of convergence is the region between two concentric circles centered at z0, where the series converges for all points inside the outer circle and diverges for all points outside the inner circle. The circles of convergence are the circles centered at z0 where the series converges.

How do I determine the convergence of a Laurent Series in a specific region?

To determine the convergence of a Laurent series in a specific region, you can use the ratio test or the root test. These tests involve taking the limit of the absolute value of the ratio or root of the terms in the series. If the limit is less than 1, the series converges, and if it is greater than 1, the series diverges. If the limit is equal to 1, the test is inconclusive and other methods may be needed.

What is the significance of convergence in different regions for a Laurent Series?

The convergence in different regions for a Laurent series is important because it allows us to better understand the behavior of a function around a singularity or pole. By studying the different regions of convergence, we can determine the exact behavior of the function and make more accurate predictions and calculations.

What are some applications of Laurent Series in science?

Laurent series have many applications in science, including in the fields of physics, engineering, and mathematics. They are used to solve differential equations, analyze the behavior of physical systems, and model complex phenomena. They are also used in signal processing and control systems.

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