Help with Matlab solving second order differential equations

In summary: That should be easy to understand :)In summary, the Matlab rookie is trying to solve a second order differential equation using the harmonic equation. They are having trouble understanding the ode45 solver and are looking for help. They have found that the problem is with the frequency axis and the FFT.
  • #1
I am a Matlab rookie. I need to solve numerically the following second order differential equations

d^2x/dt^2 + w0_(el) * x = e/m_e * E - K3/m_e * x *y;
d^2y/dt^2 + w0_(v) * y = - K_3/2M * x^2;

I have started to deal with only the harmonic part of the problem. So I tried to solve

d^2x/dt^2 + w0_(el) * x
d^2y/dt^2 + w0_(v) * y

with the following program

t = 0:10^(-15):0.5*10^(-9);
x0 = zeros(1,2);
x0(1) = input('Insert the initial value of x');
x0(2) = input('Insert the initial value of dx/dt');
[t, x] = ode45(@harmonic, t, x0);
plot(t, x(:, 1), 'g')
title('Electronic position vs time'), xlabel('Time '),
plot(t, x(:, 2), 'b')
title('Nucleus position vs time'), xlabel('Time '),

where the function "harmonic" is

function ydot = harmonic(t, x)
ydot = zeros(2,1);
w_e = 10^30;
w_v = 10^24;
ydot(1) = x(3);
ydot(2) = x(4);
ydot(3) = -w_e*x(1);
ydot(4) = -w_v*x(2);

The outcome is a damping oscillation behaviour for x, which is of course meaningless because there aren't damping terms in the harmonic equations. So I am pretty desperate, if someone can help me I wuold be very glad.
Thank you!
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  • #2

I believe that you have mixed your variables in the ydot function. Try the following ydot function

function ydot = harmonic(t, x)
ydot = zeros(2,1);
w_e = 10^30;
ydot(1) = x(2);
ydot(2) = -w_e*x(1);

Write a similar function for the w_v.
  • #3
Thank you for your help MasterX! What y suggested works, but I need a single expression for both the oscillators. In this way I can add the coupling terms. I found out that the main problem was the solver: the ode45 is not suitable for stiff problems, like the one I am considering.
Thanks again!
  • #4
Actually, ode45 would do a pretty good job with stiff systems, as it is a higher order method.
As you have written the ydot function would not work. You have mixed the variables

So, let's assume that x(1) is x, x(2) is dx/dt, x(3) is y and x(4) is dy/dt. Note, that you must a similar assignment for the ydot variable.

This is what the ydot function should be:

function ydot = harmonic(t, x)
ydot = zeros(4,1);
w_e = 10^30;
w_v = 10^24;
ydot(1) = x(2);
ydot(2) = -w_e*x(1);
ydot(3) = x(4);
ydot(4) = -w_v*x(3);
  • #5
I have tried your code: it works. Now I have added the following part, which should provide the Fourier transform od the oscillations. The problem is that I can see two sharp peaks at 10^14 Hz for x(1) oscillations and 10^12 Hz for nuclei: they are shifted by one rder of magnitude in comparison with the input data. I mean, they should and must be at 10^15 and 10^13 Hz (I changed w_v from 10^24 to 10^26), becuase in the harmonic oscillator equation the frequency are squared and the input values are 10^30 and 10^15. Thank you again!

e = x(:, 1); % electrons' positions
p = x(:, 3); % phonons' positions
m = length(e);
n = pow2(nextpow2(m));
y = fft(e, n);
q = fft(p, n);
fs = (5*10^(-11)/n)^(-1); % step in the freq domain
f = (0:(n-1))*(fs/n); % Frequency range
y0 = fftshift(y);
q0 = fftshift(q);
f0 = (-n/2:n/2 - 1)*(fs/n);
  • #6
What is the value of n? It is likely that n>m
  • #7
it can be n>m. In that case MATLAB adds zero values to the signal's vector, in order to make the length of the vectors match. At least that's what I have understood from the Mathlab help..
  • #8
That could be a problem. You should decrease the value of nextpow2(m) by one (or more) so that n<=m. Otherwise, you are taken the FFT of a different function than the one you have (unless, you know that as n->oo, x(:,1)->0).
If n<m then you should not use the first n data of x(:,1) array, but instead, you should try to use n data from the entire x(:,1) array. Namely, if you take the first n data, you are ignoring the effect that the last m-n data could have! Thus, try to take n data, but use both ends of the vector x(:,1).As a first attempt, I suggest to set n=m, and then use the nextpow2(m) function (make sure that n<=m).
  • #9
I have just try to set m=n and the problem has not been solved. Maybe the problem could be in the definition of the frequency axis f0 or, I think most likely, in the edge effects of the FFT: the two peaks that I see are at the edges of the frequency axis.
  • #10
Well, I need to study a little more about the FFT :) What are fs,f equal to? I have not used them before!
Try something that is extremely easy. Change the time step, so that m=2^(any number you wish). In this way, pow2(nextpow2(m)) is equal to m.
  • #11
fs is the step in the frequency axis: 5*10^{-11} is the total temporal window (50 ps), n is the number of the time axis. SO fs is the inverse of the time step.
f is the frequency axis, but for the plot I use f0 because it is zero-centered and it shows the two parts (positive and negative) of the FFT.
Thank you again so much for your help, I owe you at least one beer!

FAQ: Help with Matlab solving second order differential equations

1. How do I solve a second order differential equation in Matlab?

To solve a second order differential equation in Matlab, you can use the built-in function "ode45". This function uses the Runge-Kutta method to approximate the solution of the differential equation. You will need to define the equation as a function and provide initial conditions. For more complex equations, you may need to use other functions such as "ode23" or "ode15s".

2. Can I solve a system of second order differential equations in Matlab?

Yes, Matlab has functions such as "ode45" and "ode23s" that can be used to solve systems of second order differential equations. You will need to define the equations as a system of functions and provide initial conditions for all variables. It is important to note that the initial conditions must be in the same order as the variables in the system of equations.

3. How do I plot the solution of a second order differential equation in Matlab?

To plot the solution of a second order differential equation in Matlab, you can use the "ode45" function along with the "plot" function. The "ode45" function will return the values of the solution at different time points, and the "plot" function will plot these values on a graph. You can also use the "odeplot" function to visualize the solution as it is being calculated.

4. Can I use symbolic variables in Matlab to solve second order differential equations?

Yes, Matlab has a symbolic math toolbox that allows you to work with symbolic variables and equations. You can use the "dsolve" function to solve second order differential equations symbolically. This can be useful for obtaining a general solution or for checking the accuracy of the numerical solution obtained using the "ode" functions.

5. Are there any tips for improving the accuracy of the solution when using "ode" functions in Matlab?

Yes, there are a few things you can do to improve the accuracy of the solution when using "ode" functions in Matlab. First, you can decrease the step size using the "odeset" function. This will result in more data points and a more accurate solution. Additionally, you can try using a different solver, such as "ode23s" or "ode15s", which may be more suitable for certain types of equations. Finally, you can also check the error and tolerance settings to make sure they are appropriate for your specific problem.

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