What Rules Are Used to Simplify the Recursive Formula for Large j?

In summary, the conversation discusses a power series solution to a differential equation and the recursive formula for its coefficients. The speaker is having trouble evaluating the formula for large j and is questioning the method being used in the book. They suggest using l'Hopital's rule, but the book seems to be applying a different rule by ignoring terms that are small compared to j. The speaker also questions the inclusion of "+1" in the denominator and the cancellation of js in the numerator and denominator.
  • #1
I've done a power series solution to a differential equation and got the recursive formula for the coefficients below. Now I am to evaluate it for large j and I don't get the answer in the book.

I'm not sure what method they are using to get the answer although their answer makes sense physically.

a j+1 = aj * 2 * {(j + L + 1) - k }/ ( {j+1}(j + 2L + 2) )

where L and k are constants and j is just an integer index number.

If I consider large j I would say
aj+1 approx. aj * 2 (j) / ( j * j) = aj * 2/j

If I say j => infinity and use l'Hopital's rule I get

aj+1 = aj * 2 / (2j + 2L + 3) approx. aj * 1/j

The book gets

aj+1 approx. aj * 2j / ( j*(j+1))

What rules are they applying to get this?

(of course a j+1 means aj+1 and aj means aj )
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  • #2
Essentially, they are ignoring terms "small" compared with the very large j: in this case that's just about everything that doesn't involve j.

I must admit that I don't understand why they include the "+1" in "j+1" in the denominator. If j is large, then 1 is certainly small compared with it. Also, there is no reason not to cancel the js in the numerator and denominator.

If j= 10000, say, then 2j/(j(j+1))= 20000/(10000*10001)= 20000/100100= 0.00019998 while 2/(j+1)= 2/(10001)= 0.00019998- exactly the same thing and 2/j= 2/10000= 0.0002.

Your use of L'Hopital's rule IS incorrect. Your first result of
aj * 2 (j) / ( j * j) = aj * 2/j is good.
  • #3

It seems like you have done a great job with your power series solution and have come up with a valid recursive formula for the coefficients. In order to evaluate it for large j, you have correctly considered the limit as j approaches infinity. However, the book's answer may be using a different approach or simplifying the expression in a different way.

To get to their answer, they may have used the fact that (j+L+1) can be approximated as j when j is large. This is because the constant L would have a much smaller contribution compared to the rapidly increasing j. Similarly, they may have approximated (j+2L+2) as j+1. This would result in their expression of aj+1 approx. aj * 2j / (j*(j+1)), which is equivalent to aj * 2/j as j approaches infinity.

It's also possible that the book is using a different method or technique to solve the differential equation, which is why their answer may differ from yours. It's important to remember that there can be multiple valid ways to solve a problem, and the key is to understand the reasoning behind each step.

In summary, both your approach and the book's approach are valid and may just differ in their simplifications or approximations. Keep up the good work and continue to ask questions when you encounter discrepancies in your solutions.

FAQ: What Rules Are Used to Simplify the Recursive Formula for Large j?

1. What is a power series solution?

A power series solution is a mathematical method used to approximate a function by representing it as an infinite sum of polynomial terms. This allows for the calculation of the function at any point within its domain.

2. When is a power series solution useful?

Power series solutions are commonly used in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields to solve differential equations and model complex systems. They are also useful for finding numerical solutions to functions that cannot be easily solved algebraically.

3. How do you find a power series solution?

To find a power series solution, the function must first be expressed as a polynomial. Then, the coefficients of the power series can be found by repeatedly differentiating the function and evaluating it at a specific point. These coefficients can then be used to create the power series representation of the function.

4. What are some common applications of power series solutions?

Power series solutions are used in many areas of mathematics, science, and engineering. Some common applications include modeling physical systems, solving differential equations, and approximating complicated functions.

5. What are some limitations of power series solutions?

Although power series solutions can be very accurate, they are not always applicable in all situations. They are most effective for functions with a small range of convergence and may not accurately approximate functions with discontinuities or singularities. Additionally, the process of finding coefficients for the power series can be time-consuming and may not always yield a closed-form solution.

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