Help with proof (Roots of unity question)

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of proving the equation \prod_{k=1}^{n-1}2\sin\tfrac{k\pi}{n}=n, where n is a given integer. The conversation also explores different approaches and strategies for proving the equation, including connecting it to complex roots and using the absolute value of the roots. There is also a discussion about the notation used in the conversation, such as the use of "sine" and "Im" (imaginary part).
  • #1
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/kno(It n data

I need to prove that [itex]\prod_{k=1}^{n-1}2\sin\tfrac{k\pi}{n}=n[/itex]
I just don't know where to start and what type of proof to do.

Is there any help to get? :D

Homework Equations

I know this has nothing to do with an equation.
But i have come up with the equation i have to prove after investigating lenths between roots x^n=1 where x=ℂ.

I wonder if I can somehow connect the factorization of x^n=1 to the proof.

The Attempt at a Solution

I have no idea what to do, this is why I am asking for help :D
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Physics news on
  • #2
One way of defining "sine" is to say that sin(t) is the y coordinate of the point on the circumference of the unit circle at distance t, around the circumference, from (1, 0). Here, t is [itex]k\pi/n[/itex] so these points are equally spaced about the unit circle and, I am sure you understand, those points are the complex roots of the equation [itex]z^n= 1[/itex]. Now, what can you say about the product of the imaginary parts of those roots?

(Note [itex](x- a)(x- b)= x^2- (a+ b)x+ ab[/itex], [itex](x- a)(x- b)(x- c)= x^3- (a+ b+ c)x^2+ (ab+ ac+ bc)x- abc[/itex], etc.)
  • #3
HallsofIvy said:
Here, t is [itex]k\pi/n[/itex] so these points are equally spaced about the unit circle and, I am sure you understand, those points are the complex roots of the equation [itex]z^n= 1[/itex]. Now, what can you say about the product of the imaginary parts of those roots?

What if [itex]k=1 [/itex] --- this point isn't a root of [itex]z^n= 1[/itex]? As far as i understand?


Now to your question I am also a little confused.

I take [itex]z^3=1 [/itex] as an example. It has the roots [itex]e^{ik2\pi/3}[/itex]. If I exclude the root at (1,0) I have two imaginary parts left: [itex]i\sin2\pi/3[/itex] and [itex]i\sin4\pi/3[/itex]. So: [itex]\pm \sqrt{3}/2[/itex]. The product of these being [itex]3/4[/itex] --> not sure what you are getting at. But i might misunderstand it all.
  • #4
Hmmm- you know I wondered briefly about this but did not follow up on it- what you are trying to prove is not true!

If n= 3, then k= 1 and 2 so that the product is [itex]2sin(\pi/3)sin(2\pi/3)= 2(sqrt{3}/2)^2= 3/2[/itex], not 3!
  • #5
HallsofIvy said:
Hmmm- you know I wondered briefly about this but did not follow up on it- what you are trying to prove is not true!

If n= 3, then k= 1 and 2 so that the product is [itex]2sin(\pi/3)sin(2\pi/3)= 2(sqrt{3}/2)^2= 3/2[/itex], not 3!

--> [itex]2sin(\pi/3)2sin(2\pi/3)= 3 [/itex]

Did i write it wrong in my first post since you forgot the two in front of [itex]sin(2\pi/3[/itex])?
  • #6
I hope you didnt give up on me :-p
  • #7
Anyone willing to help here?
  • #8
It's a bit of a trick. [itex]x^n-1=(x-1)(x^{n-1}+x^{n-2}+...+x+1)[/itex]. You can also write [itex]x^n-1=(x-1)(x-x_1)(x-x_2)...(x-x_{n-1})[/itex] where the [itex]x_k[/itex] are the other roots [itex]x^n-1[/itex] that aren't 1. So define [itex]f(x)=(x^{n-1}+x^{n-2}+...+x+1)=(x-x_1)(x-x_2)...(x-x_{n-1})[/itex]. So [itex]f(1)=n[/itex] and it's also equal to [itex](1-x_1)(1-x_2)...(1-x_{n-1})=|1-x_1| |1-x_2| ... |1-x_{n-1}| [/itex]. Now work out what those absolute values are.
  • #9
Dick said:
It's a bit of a trick. [itex]x^n-1=(x-1)(x^{n-1}+x^{n-2}+...+x+1)[/itex]. You can also write [itex]x^n-1=(x-1)(x-x_1)(x-x_2)...(x-x_{n-1})[/itex] where the [itex]x_k[/itex] are the other roots [itex]x^n-1[/itex] that aren't 1. So define [itex]f(x)=(x^{n-1}+x^{n-2}+...+x+1)=(x-x_1)(x-x_2)...(x-x_{n-1})[/itex]. So [itex]f(1)=n[/itex] and it's also equal to [itex](1-x_1)(1-x_2)...(1-x_{n-1})=|1-x_1| |1-x_2| ... |1-x_{n-1}| [/itex]. Now work out what those absolute values are.

Yes i see somewhat of a connection here.

If i do it for n=3,4,5:

n=3 ---> (x-1) (x^2-x(2cos(2π/3)+1)
n=4 ---> (x-1)(x+1)(x^2-x(2cos(π/2)+1)
n=5---> (x-1)(x^2-x(2cos(2π/5)+1)(x^2-x(2cos(4π/5)+1

The connection is see is that when x=1 then if (x-1) is excluded it equals to n. I am not excactly sure why though.
  • #10
\prod_{k = 1}^{n - 1}{2 \, \sin \left( \frac{k \, \pi}{n} \right)} = \st{2 \, \Im \prod_{k = 1}^{n - 1}{\exp \left( i \, \frac{k \, \pi}{n} \right)}} = \ldots
What is the sum in the exponential? What is [itex]\Im \exp \left( i \, \alpha \right), \ \alpha \in \mathbb{R}[/itex]? Then, use the values of the sine.


The 2nd step does not follow from the first step. Namely: [itex]\mathrm{Im}{z_1} \, \mathrm{Im}{z_2} \neq \mathrm{Im}(z_1 \, z_2)[/itex]
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  • #11
Dickfore said:
\prod_{k = 1}^{n}{2 \, \sin \left( \frac{k \, \pi}{n} \right)} = 2 \, \Im \prod_{k = 1}^{n}{\exp \left( i \, \frac{k \, \pi}{n} \right)} = 2 \, \Im \exp \left( i \, \frac{\pi}{n} \, \sum_{k = 1}^{n}{k} \right)
What is the sum in the exponential? What is [itex]\Im \exp \left( i \, \alpha \right), \ \alpha \in \mathbb{R}[/itex]? Then, use the values of the sine.

:( -- I am not completely familiar with all the notation here.

Especially the (exp) and the imaginary part. I am not sure how it all works together.
Any chance you can elaborate a little?

Also.. in the product it goes from k=1 to k=n-1 right? Thats not what you have written above -- is that on purpose or a typo?
  • #12
I really need help with this ASAP!

This proof is only PART of my huge assignment that is due in two days and i can't get it down. I really need some big time help here.
  • #13
Duckbeam said:
I really need help with this ASAP!

This proof is only PART of my huge assignment that is due in two days and i can't get it down. I really need some big time help here.

I'll do the case n=3. [itex]x^3-1=(x-1)(x-e^\frac{2 \pi i}{3})(x-e^\frac{4 \pi i}{3})[/itex]. Also [itex]x^3-1=(x-1)(x^2+x+1)[/itex]. Therefore [itex](x-e^\frac{2 \pi i}{3})(x-e^\frac{4 \pi i}{3})=(x^2+x+1)[/itex]. Put x=1 in that last expression and take the absolute value. Now try showing e.g. that [itex] | 1 - e^\frac{2 \pi i}{3} | = 2 sin(\frac{\pi}{3})[/itex].
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  • #14
Dick said:
I'll do the case n=3. [itex]x^3-1=(x-1)(x-e^\frac{2 \pi i}{3})(x-e^\frac{4 \pi i}{3})[/itex]. Also [itex]x^3-1=(x-1)(x^2+x+1)[/itex]. Therefore [itex](x-e^\frac{2 \pi i}{3})(x-e^\frac{4 \pi i}{3})=(x^2+x+1)[/itex]. Put x=1 in that last expression and take the absolute value. Now try showing e.g. that [itex] | 1 - e^\frac{2 \pi i}{3} | = 2 sin(\frac{\pi}{3})[/itex].

Yes yes i have done this!

When n=3 --> then x^2+x+1 = [itex]x^2-x(2cos(3π/2))+1[/itex]
Pluggin in one --> 3 = [itex]2-2cos(3π/2)[/itex]
Using DA formula--> 3 = [itex]2(1-(1-sin^2(π/3))[/itex]

So 3 = 4sin^2 (π/3)

Now in my assignment i have already shown that [itex] | 1 - e^\frac{2 \pi i}{3} | = 2 sin(\frac{\pi}{3})[/itex] .. A quick way (for now) is to say that [itex]e^\frac{2 \pi i}{3}[/itex] is the complex conjugate of [itex]e^\frac{4 \pi i}{3}[/itex] hence they have the same distance..

so they are both 2sin(π/3) long.

But my whole dilemma in all this is that i have no understanding how this all fits together.
I think it is cool that when taking out (x-1) the remaining is equal to n when putting in x=1.. but i don't understand why.. would it work putting in any other root? And why do we take out (x-1) --

i need some kind of explanation so i can get understanding of the phenomenon! :D haha
  • #15
Duckbeam said:
Yes yes i have done this!

When n=3 --> then x^2+x+1 = [itex]x^2-x(2cos(3π/2))+1[/itex]
Pluggin in one --> 3 = [itex]2-2cos(3π/2)[/itex]
Using DA formula--> 3 = [itex]2(1-(1-sin^2(π/3))[/itex]

So 3 = 4sin^2 (π/3)

Now in my assignment i have already shown that [itex] | 1 - e^\frac{2 \pi i}{3} | = 2 sin(\frac{\pi}{3})[/itex] .. A quick way (for now) is to say that [itex]e^\frac{2 \pi i}{3}[/itex] is the complex conjugate of [itex]e^\frac{4 \pi i}{3}[/itex] hence they have the same distance..

so they are both 2sin(π/3) long.

But my whole dilemma in all this is that i have no understanding how this all fits together.
I think it is cool that when taking out (x-1) the remaining is equal to n when putting in x=1.. but i don't understand why.. would it work putting in any other root? And why do we take out (x-1) --

i need some kind of explanation so i can get understanding of the phenomenon! :D haha

The whole thing works the same way for n not equal to 3. In general you will need to prove that [itex] | 1 - e^\frac{2 \pi i k}{n} | = 2 \sin \frac{k \pi}{n} [/itex]. Those are the factors in your product. Or show [itex] | 1 - e^{i \theta} | = 2 \sin \frac{ \theta }{2}[/itex] for [itex] 0 \le \theta \le 2 \pi [/itex].
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  • #16
Dick said:
The whole thing works the same way for n not equal to 3. In general you will need to prove that [itex] | 1 - e^\frac{2 \pi i k}{n} | = 2 \sin \frac{k \pi}{n} [/itex]. Those are the factors in your product.

I think i get it! I appreciate it! :D
  • #17
Man, i can't get it for general term n.. i don't know why

Any other hint that can help help me.

This is what i have found for n=3,4,5

n=3 : 4sin^2(π/3) ..
n=4 : 8sin^2(π/4)..
n=5 : 16sin^2(π/5)sin^2(2π/5)

I noticed this pattern:

2^n-1 sin^2(π/n) sin^2(2π/n)... sin^2(mπ/n) where m is the number of complex conjugatess..
  • #18
Duckbeam said:
Man, i can't get it for general term n.. i don't know why

Any other hint that can help help me.

This is what i have found for n=3,4,5

n=3 : 4sin^2(π/3) ..
n=4 : 8sin^2(π/4)..
n=5 : 16sin^2(π/5)sin^2(2π/5)

I noticed this pattern:

2^n-1 sin^2(π/n) sin^2(2π/n)... sin^2(mπ/n) where m is the number of complex conjugatess..

It looks like you are ignoring the hint I have you and trying to work it out case by case. That's a lot of work and you don't have to do it. The basic part of the hint was that [itex](x^{n-1}+x^{n-2}+...+x+1)=(x-e^\frac{2 i \pi}{n})(x-e^\frac{i 4 \pi}{n})...(x-e^\frac{i 2 (n-1) \pi}{n})[/itex]. Don't you believe it?
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  • #19
Dick said:
It looks like you are ignoring the hint I have you and trying to work it out case by case. That's a lot of work and you don't have to do it. The basic part of the hint was that [itex](x^{n-1}+x^{n-2}+...+x+1)=(x-e^\frac{i \pi}{n})(x-e^\frac{i 2 \pi}{n})...(x-e^\frac{i (n-1) \pi}{n})[/itex]. Don't you believe it?

I do believe it! Because when x=1 the absolute values of the brackets on the RHS is basically the value of each distance and hence when multiplied together equals to n. But i still don't understand how to prove it.

i don't know if I am just stupid here.. but i can't see it at all.. :(btw, on the RHS i think you mean pi instead of x?
  • #20
Duckbeam said:
I do believe it! Because when x=1 the absolute values of the brackets on the RHS is basically the value of each distance and hence when multiplied together equals to n. But i still don't understand how to prove it.

i don't know if I am just stupid here.. but i can't see it at all.. :(

If you know the polynomial [itex]x^n-1[/itex] has n roots [itex]r_1, r_2, ... r_n[/itex], then you can factor the polynomial into [itex]x^n-1 = (x-r_1)(x-r_2)...(x-r_n)[/itex]. But you do know those n roots. They are [itex]1, e^\frac{2 i \pi}{n}, e^\frac{4 i \pi}{n}, ...[/itex]. They are the nth roots of unity. BTW I missing a '2' in the roots in my previous post. I'll fix it.

But now there is another way to factor [itex]x^n-1 = (x-1) (x^{n-1}+x^{n-2}+...+x+1)[/itex]. Now just compare the two factorizations and 'cancel' the x-1 part.
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FAQ: Help with proof (Roots of unity question)

1. What are the roots of unity?

The roots of unity are complex numbers that, when raised to a certain power, equal 1. These numbers are important in mathematics and have applications in fields such as number theory, algebra, and geometry.

2. How do you find the roots of unity?

The roots of unity can be found by using the formula e^(2πik/n), where k is an integer and n is the number of roots you are trying to find. This formula is also known as De Moivre's formula.

3. What is the significance of the roots of unity?

The roots of unity have many important applications in mathematics, particularly in the study of polynomials and complex numbers. They also have connections to topics such as symmetry, group theory, and trigonometry.

4. Can the roots of unity be found for any number?

No, the roots of unity can only be found for positive integer values of n. This means that there are an infinite number of roots of unity, but they are only defined for certain values of n.

5. How are the roots of unity used in real-world applications?

The roots of unity have many real-world applications, particularly in fields such as signal processing, physics, and engineering. They are also used in cryptography and in the study of prime numbers.

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