Help with Thermodynamics Revision Questions

Also, anyone know how to start this question?Use S = nR.ln((V.T^3/2)/n) + (3/2)nR((5/3) +C) to obtain an expression for the Helmholtz Free Energy of an ideal gas.The Helmholtz free energy is defined as: F = U - TSSubstitute the expression for entropy (S) into the above equation and use the Ideal Gas Law (PV = nRT) to express internal energy (U) in terms of temperature (T). Then use the given expression for S and simplify.
  • #1
I am stuck on a few questions in the thermodyanmics section. It is a revision sheet for the upcoming test. I have done about 2/3 of it but am stuck on a few questions. I will type up the questions in hopes of getting some help. Thank you in advance.

1. Derive a Maxwell relation by using the equality of the mixed second partial derivatives of the enthalpy H(S,p)

2. What thermodynamics state function does X represent in the following: dX = (p/nR)dV + (V/nR)dp

3. Beginning with dS = (1/T)dU + (p/T)dV and the definiton of the heat capacity at a constant volume, derive an expression for the entropy of an ideal monatomic gas as a function of the temperature T and volume V.

4. Calculate the change in entropy of an ideal gas when it undergoes an adiabatic free expansion starting from a state volume of 200cm^3, pressure 50kPa and temperature 300K to a final volume of 400cm^3.

And the last one,

5. An engineer announces that he has made a new type of heat engine with a greater theoretical maximum efficiency than the Carnot cycle. The new cycle consists of:
1. Adiabatic expansion from V1 to V2
2. Isobaric compression to V3
3. Adiabatic compression to V4
4. Isobaric expansion back to V1.
Derive an expression for the total work done by the engine in one cycle in terms of temperature and an expression for the heat absorbed in the isobaric expansion in terms of temperature.

Thanks again for the people who attempted to help or looked at this thread.
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  • #2
I worked out qn 3. So scrap that. :)
  • #3
IrAlien said:
I am stuck on a few questions in the thermodyanmics section. It is a revision sheet for the upcoming test. I have done about 2/3 of it but am stuck on a few questions. I will type up the questions in hopes of getting some help. Thank you in advance.

1. Derive a Maxwell relation by using the equality of the mixed second partial derivatives of the enthalpy H(S,p)

Begin by writing out the enthalpy function: H = U + PV


[tex]T = (\frac{\partial H}{\partial S})_P[/tex] and

[tex]V =(\frac{\partial H}{\partial P})_S[/tex]

before taking the second partial derivative.

2. What thermodynamics state function does X represent in the following: dX = (p/nR)dV + (V/nR)dp

Multiply both sides by nR:

[tex]nRdX = PdV + VdP = d(PV)[/tex]

That should tell you right away what dX is (think Ideal Gas law).

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  • #4
IrAlien said:
4. Calculate the change in entropy of an ideal gas when it undergoes an adiabatic free expansion starting from a state volume of 200cm^3, pressure 50kPa and temperature 300K to a final volume of 400cm^3.
This is a little tricky.

Since the expansion is free, there is no external work done by the gas. The work is done to the gas itself, however, in expanding. So there is work done. Since the work is done to the gas and no heat is added or lost, we know that the total energy of the gas does not change, so the temperature does not change.

So: dU = dQ - PdV = = TdS - PdV = 0

We conclude that TdS = PdV or dS = PdV/T = nRdV/V (using PV=nRT)The change in entropy of the gas is [itex]\int ds[/itex].

[tex]\Delta S = \int_{V_i}^{V_f} ds = \int_{V_i}^{V_f} \frac{nR}{V}dV = nRln(\frac{V_f}{V_i}) = nRln(2)[/tex]

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  • #5
Thank you! I've done the Maxwell relation last night and got exactly what you got, but failed to get a working forumlae for 4 (Because I don't know what to put for "n" in dS = n.R.ln(v2/v1). n = pV/RT, R's cancel out but what value of "V" do I use? I'm still a little stuck on 5. How do I derive the work for an adiabatic expansion in that cycle? I look around but they don't give decent derivations. And since my professor likes to see derivations... -shudders-

Again, thank you Andrew Mason.
  • #6
...Holy, I didn't combine the product of the derivatives. I guess now it's fairly obvious, dX is T. Lol...Thanks a lot again.
  • #7
IrAlien said:
Thank you! I've done the Maxwell relation last night and got exactly what you got, but failed to get a working forumlae for 4 (Because I don't know what to put for "n" in dS = n.R.ln(v2/v1). n = pV/RT, R's cancel out but what value of "V" do I use?
nR = PV/T where P is the pressure at a particular volume V and temperature T. So if P = 50 kPa and T = 300 K when V = 200 cm^3, what is nR?

I'm still a little stuck on 5. How do I derive the work for an adiabatic expansion in that cycle? I look around but they don't give decent derivations. And since my professor likes to see derivations... -shudders-
Use the adiabatic condition:

[tex]PV^\gamma = \text{Constant} = K[/tex]

From that you can work out the expression for work [itex]\int Pdv[/itex] by substituting: [itex]P = KV^{-\gamma}[/itex]

[tex]\int_{V_i}^{V_f} PdV = K\int_{V_i}^{V_f}V^{-\gamma}dV[/tex]

That gives you the work for adiabatic expansion/compression. The work integral under the isobars is just [itex]P\Delta V[/itex]. Be sure to get the right signs and add them up

  • #8

I got to w = K( (V(final)^1-n) - V(initial)^1-n) )/ (1-n)
n = gamma

The question wants me to convert them all in terms of temperature. Can you give me a hint on where to start on changing that to Temperatures?

Also, anyone know how to start this question?

Use S = nR.ln((V.T^3/2)/n) + (3/2)nR((5/3) +C) to obtain an expression for the Helmholtz Free Energy of an ideal gas.
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  • #9
IrAlien said:

I got to w = K( (V(final)^1-n) - V(initial)^1-n) )/ (1-n)
n = gamma

The question wants me to convert them all in terms of temperature. Can you give me a hint on where to start on changing that to Temperatures?
Use: T = PV/nR. So T1 = P1V1/nR; [itex]PV^\gamma = K[/itex] so [itex]T2 = KV_2^{1-\gamma}/nR[/itex] ...etc.

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FAQ: Help with Thermodynamics Revision Questions

1. What is thermodynamics?

Thermodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with the relationships between heat, energy, and work. It studies how heat and energy are converted into work and vice versa, and how these processes affect the properties of matter.

2. Why is thermodynamics important?

Thermodynamics is important because it helps us understand and predict how energy is transferred and transformed in various systems. It has applications in many fields including engineering, chemistry, biology, and environmental science.

3. What are the laws of thermodynamics?

The laws of thermodynamics are fundamental principles that govern energy and heat transfer. The first law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted. The second law states that the total entropy (disorder) of a closed system will always increase over time. The third law states that it is impossible to reach absolute zero temperature through a finite number of steps.

4. How do I solve thermodynamics revision questions?

The key to solving thermodynamics revision questions is to understand the fundamental concepts and equations of thermodynamics. Start by identifying the given information and what you are trying to solve for. Then, use the appropriate equations and solve for the unknown variable. It is important to pay attention to units and use the correct units in your calculations.

5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when studying thermodynamics?

Some common mistakes to avoid when studying thermodynamics include not understanding the basic concepts, not paying attention to units, and not practicing enough problems. It is also important to understand the difference between heat and temperature, as well as the different types of thermodynamic systems and processes. It is helpful to review and understand the equations and how they are derived, rather than just memorizing them.

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