Help with VHDL to transition state diagram

In summary: So first make a truth table for just B2 and B9 from A1, B4, B5, and B7. Then add 4 more columns for the...Then you have you memory holding section, which sets the value of B4, B5, and B7 on the rising edge of A2 based on the value of clockThen you have more concurrent logic which sets B1 and ultimately sets A3In summary, the homework statement is trying to find equations for homework that uses B2, B3, B6, and B8. The VHDL code provides equations for these variables. If Clock is 1 and the rising edge on A2 then B4, B5
  • #1

Homework Statement

VHDL code:

Homework Equations

B2 = B7 * A1
B3 = (B9 * B2) + (B1(1) * /B1(0) * /A1
B6 = B9 + /A1
B8 = B2 + (B9 * /A1) + (/B5 * (A1 + B7))
If Clock = 1 and rising edge on A2 then we reset B4, B5, B7 to 0.
B4 = B3 = (B9 * B2) + (B1(1) * /B1(0) * /A1
B5 = B6 = B9 + /A1
B7 = B8 = (B2 + (B9 * /A1) + (/B5 * (A1 + B7)))

then this part is confusing me.

end process;

B1 <= B4 & B5 & B7; //What does this mean?
B9 <= '1' when B4 = '0' and B5 = '1' else '0'; //B9 will equal 1 only if B4 and B5 is = to 1 else B9 = 0.
with B1 select //Do not understand this part what does B1 select mean?
A3 <=
'0' when "000" | "111", //when what is 000 or 111?
'1' when others;

end architecture a1;

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Just to clarify, you need help converting this code to a state transistion diagram?

Typically we need you to make an attempt first, but I will answer your direct questions.

masterchiefo said:
B1 <= B4 & B5 & B7; //What does this mean?

B4, B5, and B7 are defined as std_logic. So they are single bit elements
B1 is defined as a 3 bit std_logic_vector.

the & signal will result in a concatenation.


c1 will be equal to "10"

masterchiefo said:
B9 <= '1' when B4 = '0' and B5 = '1' else '0'; //B9 will equal 1 only if B4 and B5 is = to 1 else B9 = 0.
Almost, B4 has to be 0 and B5 has to be 1

masterchiefo said:
with B1 select //Do not understand this part what does B1 select mean?
A3 <=
'0' when "000" | "111", //when what is 000 or 111?
'1' when others;
in spoken form, this mean A3 is equel to '0' when B1 is "000" or "111"
for all other possible B1 values A3 is equal to '1'
  • #3
donpacino said:
Just to clarify, you need help converting this code to a state transistion diagram?

Typically we need you to make an attempt first, but I will answer your direct questions.
B4, B5, and B7 are defined as std_logic. So they are single bit elements
B1 is defined as a 3 bit std_logic_vector.

the & signal will result in a concatenation.


c1 will be equal to "10"Almost, B4 has to be 0 and B5 has to be 1in spoken form, this mean A3 is equel to '0' when B1 is "000" or "111"
for all other possible B1 values A3 is equal to '1'
I made a table of truth, but I am not sure if this is correct.

Are my middle signals need to each have a 0|1 bit ?
  • #4
I'm not entirely sure what you are asking but you will need to fill in the truth table and make a state transition diagram.
Also there is a LOT of unnecessary complications here. Is this a homework assignment? what is the purpose of the circuit?

start by making a truth table for B2, B3, B6, and B8 using A1, B4, B5, and B7
then make a separate truth table for A3 from B1 (you already did that)
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  • #5
donpacino said:
I'm not entirely sure what you are asking but you will need to fill in the truth table and make a state transition diagram.
Also there is a LOT of unnecessary complications here. Is this a homework assignment? what is the purpose of the circuit?

start by making a truth table for B2, B3, B6, and B8 using A1, B4, B5, and B7
then make a separate truth table for A3 from B1 (you already did that)
This is not really a home work just an optional practice I am doing to understand the concept more. I hate it when I can't understand a concept so I practice until I can master it :)

I'm not entirely sure to understand.

Could you just do the first line for the first table truth please, if this current one is not good?
so the first 4 are my main input. in the middle my signals and last my output

| B2 | B3 | B6 | B8 || B4 | B5 | B7 | B9 || A3 |

thank you very much man for helping.
  • #6
you essentially have 3 components to this circuit.

concurrent logic, which has A1, B4, B5, and B7 as inputs,B2, and B9 as middle, and B3, B6, and B7as outputs.

Then you have you memory holding section, which sets the value of B4, B5, and B7 on the rising edge of A2 based on the value of clock

Then you have more concurrent logic which sets B1 and ultimately sets A3

so first make a truth table for just B2 and B9 from A1, B4, B5, and B7. Then add 4 more columns for the others
  • #7
donpacino said:
you essentially have 3 components to this circuit.

concurrent logic, which has A1, B4, B5, and B7 as inputs,B2, and B9 as middle, and B3, B6, and B7as outputs.

Then you have you memory holding section, which sets the value of B4, B5, and B7 on the rising edge of A2 based on the value of clock

Then you have more concurrent logic which sets B1 and ultimately sets A3

so first make a truth table for just B2 and B9 from A1, B4, B5, and B7. Then add 4 more columns for the others
Why are B2 and B9 as middle?
Also would each of my row have 4 bits too?
also why do I have 3 inputs? when in my code it says «A3 : out std_logic);» In my understanding I have 1 output only?
  • #8
it is a requirement to have a truth table for output of concurrent logic. I called B3, B6, and B7 outputs due to the fact that they are inputs to our memory device

We do have memory in the system, specifically B4, B5, and B7. So we need to define the input to those stages. That input is defined by B3, B6, and B7 (and '0'). To make the truth table for those 3 signals we need to first find B2 and B9, hence 'middle' signals. Then the current state of B4, B5, and B7 along with A1 will be 'inputs'. When I said inputs, i only meant for your intermediate truth table.

If you want to know how the output (A3) will change due to only A1, A2, and clock, then you will need a sequencing diagram and truth table. does that make sense? In addition your output will be unknown until you until you set B4, B5, and B7 to a known state

Related to Help with VHDL to transition state diagram

What is VHDL?

VHDL stands for Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language. It is a programming language used to describe digital and mixed-signal systems, particularly in the field of electronics and computer engineering.

How can I transition a state diagram in VHDL?

To transition a state diagram in VHDL, you will need to use the "process" statement. This allows you to define the conditions for transitioning between states and the actions to be taken in each state. You can also use "if" statements and case statements to handle different transitions.

Can I use VHDL to design complex systems?

Yes, VHDL is a powerful language that can be used to design complex systems. It offers a wide range of features such as data types, control structures, and libraries that make it suitable for designing a variety of systems.

Is VHDL difficult to learn?

VHDL can be challenging to learn, especially for those who are new to programming. However, with practice and patience, it is possible to become proficient in VHDL. It is recommended to start with simple examples and gradually move on to more complex ones to build a strong foundation.

Are there any resources available for learning VHDL?

Yes, there are many resources available for learning VHDL, including books, tutorials, online courses, and forums. It is also helpful to practice coding and to seek guidance from experienced engineers or instructors. With the right resources and dedication, anyone can learn VHDL.

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