Help with writing the equation of motion for a rigid body assemblage

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a rigid body assemblage with a force acting upon it. The goal is to pick a generalized coordinate to write a single degree of freedom equation of motion. The options for the coordinate are the angle at support A, the angle at support B, or the displacement relative to a point on the assemblage. The chosen coordinate is the displacement relative to the point where the force acts. D'Alembert's principle is used to formulate the equation of motion, taking into account inertial forces, lever arms, and damping forces. The conversation also considers the inertial force due to resistance to rotation of the bar, and discusses how to find the relationship between uC(t) and u(t
  • #1

Homework Statement

Problem figure

The rigid body assemblage shown in the figure above, has a force P(t) acting upon it (varying with time). Pick a generalized coordinate such that a single degree of freedom equation of motion can be written.

There is a black, massless, rigid bar. Call this Bar A. It is supported on its left end by a pin joint, A.

There is a red bar, with uniform mass per unit length, mbar. Call this Bar B. It is supported on its right end by pin joint B.

There are two dampers with damping ratio c. The damping force they exert is proportional to the velocity at their ends. Therefore, Fdamper = c*v. Call the damper on Bar A, Damper A, and the damper on Bar B, Damper B.

There is a spring, with spring constant k.

One may consider the displacements the system undergoes to be small enough so that small angle approximations may be applied: sin(theta) =~ theta.

Homework Equations

For a simple single degree of freedom problem, the equation of motion can usually be written as: m*u''(t) + c*u'(t) + k*u(t) = p(t)

Where u(t) is the displacement relative to a given point, and u'(t) is the first derivative of u(t) with respect to time (velocity), and u''(t) is the second derivative of u(t) with respect to time (acceleration).

The Attempt at a Solution

I will use D'Alembert's principle to formulate the equation of motion. D'Alembert's principle states that a dynamic system can be analyzed as a system in equilibrium if inertial forces are also considered to be acting on the body.

Probably one of the most important things to do here is pick a good generalized coordinate. There are several possible choices:

1) the angle with the horizontal at support A - call it angle alpha
2) the angle with the horizontal at support B - call it angle beta
3) The displacement relative to some points along the assemblage, u(t)

The option I went with was the displacement u(t) relative to the point on the black bar where the force P(t) acts. Call this point C.

Consider the up direction, and the counter-clockwise direction to be positive.

Therefore, for a given u(t):

Damper A, would exert a force of FdA = -u'(t)*c

Due to effect of the lever arm, a displacement u(t) at the location of the application of the force, would create a displacement 2*u(t).

Call the point at the end of the spring that connects to Bar B, point C. The spring will exert a force downwards of Fs = (2*u(t) - uC(t))*k. Where uC(t) is the displacement at point C.

Damber B, would a exert a force of FdB = -uC'(t)*c.

For the application of D'Alembert's principle, the mass M will exert an inertial force downwards of Fi = -m*uC''(t) - m*g, at the center of mass of the bar, where m = mbar*2*(L/6) = mbar*(L/3).

Where I get stuck is considering the inertial force due to the resistance to rotation of the bar. Should I figure out what force would be exerted at point C due to the rotation of Bar B around pin B, due to displacement uC(t)? Would that be MomentC = -((Io + m(L/3)^2)*u''C(t)/(L/3) + mg*(L/6)), where Io is the moment of inertia of the bar around its center of mass, and the angular acceleration is expressed as u''C(t)/(L/3) using small angles approximation? Would dividing MomentC by the length of Bar B then give me the equivalent force acting at the end of the bar?

Probably the biggest problem then staring me in the face is how I'd figure out uC(t) in terms of u(t). I suppose if everything above is correct, I would know the force at the end of Bar B, and due to equilibrium, I know this is the force is the force through the spring. Therefore, F(at the end of B) = k(2*u(t) - uC(t))...however, the LHS (left hand side) of that equation has uC''(t) I can't simply isolate for uC(t) in order to find what it is in relationship to u(t)...

That's the mental mess I need to untangle myself from right now. It's late at night, so hopefully some sleep will help me too, but some hints in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
Not sure about the generalized coordinate, but writing α and β for the perturbation angles I get the following for the spring tension
[itex]k(2L/3 \alpha - L/3 \beta - d) = (P - c \dot{\alpha})/2[/itex]
[itex] = (c \dot{\beta} +I\ddot{\beta})/2[/itex]
From the last two, you can integrate to get an equation relating [itex]∫P, \alpha, \beta, \dot{\beta}[/itex]. Using that you can eliminate α to get an equation relating [itex]∫P, \beta, \dot{\beta}, \ddot{\beta}[/itex].

Related to Help with writing the equation of motion for a rigid body assemblage

1. What is a rigid body assemblage?

A rigid body assemblage is a system of multiple rigid bodies connected together by joints or constraints. These bodies do not deform or change shape when subjected to external forces.

2. Why is it important to write the equation of motion for a rigid body assemblage?

The equation of motion for a rigid body assemblage allows us to analyze the motion and behavior of the system under different external forces. It helps us understand the dynamics of the system and make predictions about its future motion.

3. What information is needed to write the equation of motion for a rigid body assemblage?

To write the equation of motion, we need to know the mass, dimensions, and orientation of each individual body in the assemblage, as well as the forces and torques acting on them.

4. Can the equation of motion for a rigid body assemblage be simplified?

Yes, the equation of motion can be simplified by choosing a specific reference frame and using the principles of Newton's laws of motion and the conservation of angular momentum. This reduces the number of variables and makes it easier to solve for the motion of the system.

5. Are there any assumptions made when writing the equation of motion for a rigid body assemblage?

Yes, some assumptions are made in order to simplify the equation of motion. These include assuming that the bodies are rigid, the joints are ideal, and there is no air resistance or friction. In reality, these assumptions may not hold true, but they allow us to analyze the system using basic principles of physics.

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