HelpSolve Maximization Problem: 1170X1 + 1110X2

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem in maximization with constraints and the question of why certain constraints are included. It is concluded that some constraints may be unnecessary and can be ignored if they do not provide additional restrictions on the feasible area.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hi Mathematicians,
I recently encountered this problem in maximization...
Maximize 1170X1 + 1110X2
Subject to
1. 9x1 +5x2 ≥ 500
2. 7x1 +9x2 ≥ 300
3. 5x1 + 3x2 ≤ 1500
4. 7x1 + 9x2 ≤ 1900
5. 2x1 + 4x2 ≤ 1000
X1,X2 ≥ 0

Where it was stated that 9x1 +5x2 ≥ 500 and 7x1 + 9x2 ≤ 1900 are the two constraints forming the feasible region…I was just wondering why the two…..
1. When x1 =0 x2 = 100, when x2 =0 x1=55.556….i n (2) x1=42.85 x2=33.33 evidently x1,x2 in (1) is bigger than (2)
2. In (4) x1=271.42 x2=211.11
In (5) x1=500 x2=250 a problem here why is 4 taken as one of the constraints and yet the values of x1 and x2 in 5 are greater than in 4 ?
Am puzzled…
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  • #2
What you are saying is that some of the constraints are unnecessary- they do not put any additional restriction on the feasible area. Just ignore them. I presume that in what ever application this is from, there was some condition that might have a restraint on the feasible area, but, it turns out, others cover that.
  • #3
HallsofIvy said:
What you are saying is that some of the constraints are unnecessary- they do not put any additional restriction on the feasible area. Just ignore them. I presume that in what ever application this is from, there was some condition that might have a restraint on the feasible area, but, it turns out, others cover that.

thanks i have figured out the problem.

FAQ: HelpSolve Maximization Problem: 1170X1 + 1110X2

1. What is the purpose of the "HelpSolve Maximization Problem: 1170X1 + 1110X2"?

The purpose of this problem is to maximize the value of the expression "1170X1 + 1110X2" by finding the optimal values for the variables X1 and X2. This type of problem is commonly encountered in economics, operations research, and other fields where optimization is important.

2. How do you solve the "HelpSolve Maximization Problem: 1170X1 + 1110X2"?

To solve this problem, you need to use a mathematical method called linear programming. This involves setting up a set of constraints and using an algorithm to find the values for X1 and X2 that will maximize the objective function "1170X1 + 1110X2". There are various software programs and techniques that can be used to solve linear programming problems.

3. What are the variables X1 and X2 in the "HelpSolve Maximization Problem: 1170X1 + 1110X2"?

The variables X1 and X2 represent two decision variables in the problem. These variables can take on different values, and the goal is to find the values that will maximize the objective function.

4. What are constraints in the "HelpSolve Maximization Problem: 1170X1 + 1110X2"?

Constraints are limitations or restrictions that must be considered when solving the maximization problem. These can include limits on resources, budget constraints, or other factors that affect the values of X1 and X2. Constraints are important because they help determine the feasible region for the problem.

5. Can the "HelpSolve Maximization Problem: 1170X1 + 1110X2" have multiple optimal solutions?

Yes, it is possible for this problem to have multiple optimal solutions. This means that there may be more than one combination of values for X1 and X2 that will result in the same maximum value for the objective function. In some cases, there may be an infinite number of optimal solutions.

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