HEP: Definition of Soft Particle & Branching Fractions in GeV

In summary, "soft" refers to particles with low momentum, and there is no exact definition. Gamma is the width of the resonance of an unstable particle, and it is in GeV due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The branching ratio is a dimensionless probability of a particle decaying into a specific final state. When measuring particles, the resulting distribution follows a Cauchy or Breit-Wigner distribution, with its center interpreted as the mass of the particle and its width representing the inverse-lifetime of the resonance.
  • #1
in HEP, what exactly is the definition of soft particle?

also, why are branching fractions [tex]\Gamma[/tex] in GeV instead of a unitless ratio?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
There is no exact definition of "soft". What is the cutoff of height to be considered tall?

Gamma is a width or a partial width, not a branching fraction.
  • #3
What exactly is a soft particle? Is it just a particle with low pT?

Gamma is the width of what? why is it in GeVs?
  • #4

indigojoker said:
What exactly is a soft particle? Is it just a particle with low pT?

depends on the context. But it can be "soft Pt particle" !

Gamma is the width of what? why is it in GeVs?

Gamma can be the width of the resonance of an unstable particle (like a Z boson).
Within the scheme c=h=1, you can choose arbritraly to express lengths, times, energies with a single unit (like GeV).
  • #5
"Soft Particle" would be a good name for a band.
  • #6
indigojoker said:
What exactly is a soft particle? Is it just a particle with low pT?

"soft" means that it has momentum below a certain cutoff. For experimentalists, these are particles that do not have enough energy/momentum to set off a detector. For a theorist, we usually refer to soft particles as those that have the "minimum" energy/momentum. For example: when a theorist says "soft photon" (s)he is referring to a photon that has zero energy and momentum (since they're massless, this can happen).

Gamma is the width of what? why is it in GeVs?

Due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, particles do not have a fixed mass but have a "mean" mass (what people quote as "the mass") and an "uncertainty" [itex]\Delta m[/itex]. It is this uncertainty that is [itex]\Gamma[/itex]. It has units of mass (and therefore energy when c=1), and by the uncertainty principle, the lifetime of the particle is [itex]\hbar/\Gamma[/itex]. Physically, when you make a mass measurement you don't get a spike at "the mass" but a sort-of bell-curve centered at the mass (technically it's a Cauchy distribution in most cases), and [itex]\Gamma[/itex] is the width of the bump half way down ("Full Width at Half Max").

The branching ratio is the "partial width" of the particle decaying to one final state, divided by the total width (sum of all the partial widths = total lifetime). This is dimensionless and represents the probability of a particle decaying into a *particular* final state.
  • #7
blechman said:
Physically, when you make a mass measurement you don't get a spike at "the mass" but a sort-of bell-curve centered at the mass (technically it's a Cauchy distribution in most cases)

Could you expound on this Cauchy distribution business? I would have expect that any more than 1 single reading would cause the distribution to gain a finite variance?
  • #8
typically, when you "measure" a particle, you are *actually* measuring the decay products of said particle. When you plot the number of events as a function of the total energy of the decay products, you do not get a single spike but a distribution of energy that (assuming the decay did not happen too close to threshold) reproduces a Cauchy (or Breit-Wigner) distribution:

[tex] \frac{d\sigma}{dE}\sim\frac{1}{(E-E_0)^2+\Gamma^2/4}[/tex]

The center of the distribution (E_0) is interpreted as the mass of the resonance, and Gamma is the FWHM, representing the inverse-lifetime of the resonance.

This is all explained quite well in most QM textbooks. See Sakurai's "Modern QM" for example. In fact, Jackson's "Intro to E&M" text also talks about it, as does Landau-Lif****z, since this result comes from wave mechanics and thus there is an analogy in classical E&M.

Hope that helps!
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  • #9
blechman said:
... as does Landau-Lif****z, since this result ...

Any moderators out there: this is the second time I couldn't put the poor Russian's name on a post! Maybe you should make an exception for that in your code...

Just making an observation.
  • #10
blechman said:
typically, when you "measure" a particle, you are *actually* measuring the decay products of said particle. When you plot the number of events as a function of the total energy of the decay products, you do not get a single spike but a distribution of energy that (assuming the decay did not happen too close to threshold) reproduces a Cauchy (or Breit-Wigner) distribution:

[tex] \frac{d\sigma}{dE}\sim\frac{1}{(E-E_0)^2+\Gamma^2/4}[/tex]

The center of the distribution (E_0) is interpreted as the mass of the resonance, and Gamma is the FWHM, representing the inverse-lifetime of the resonance.

This is all explained quite well in most QM textbooks. See Sakurai's "Modern QM" for example. In fact, Jackson's "Intro to E&M" text also talks about it, as does Landau-Lif****z, since this result comes from wave mechanics and thus there is an analogy in classical E&M.

Hope that helps!

Aha -- that makes a lot of sense. I'm familiar with the maths, but never really made the connection between Breit-Wigner and experimental data... Thank you for taking the time to explain.

FAQ: HEP: Definition of Soft Particle & Branching Fractions in GeV

1. What is the definition of a "soft particle" in HEP?

In HEP (high energy physics), a "soft particle" refers to a particle with a relatively low momentum, typically on the order of a few GeV (gigaelectronvolts) or less. Soft particles are often produced in the initial stages of a high energy collision and can provide valuable information about the underlying physics processes.

2. How are branching fractions measured in GeV?

Branching fractions in HEP are typically measured in units of GeV (gigaelectronvolts), which is a unit of energy. Specifically, branching fractions are calculated by dividing the number of observed decays of a specific particle by the total number of decays, and then multiplying by the energy of the particle in GeV. This allows for a more precise measurement of the branching fraction than simply counting the number of decays.

3. What is the relationship between branching fractions and cross sections in HEP?

In HEP, branching fractions and cross sections are both measurements that provide information about the probability of a specific particle decay or interaction. However, branching fractions are specific to the decay of a single particle, while cross sections provide information about the interactions between multiple particles. Additionally, branching fractions are typically measured in units of GeV, while cross sections are measured in units of area.

4. Can branching fractions in HEP be greater than 1?

No, branching fractions in HEP cannot be greater than 1. Branching fractions are defined as the ratio of the number of observed decays of a specific particle to the total number of decays, and therefore cannot exceed 1. However, it is possible for the sum of branching fractions to exceed 1 if there are multiple possible decay modes for a single particle.

5. How do branching fractions in HEP impact our understanding of the Standard Model?

Branching fractions in HEP provide valuable information about the decay and interaction processes of particles, which can help us further understand the fundamental building blocks and interactions of the universe. By measuring and comparing branching fractions of different particles, scientists can test the predictions of the Standard Model and potentially uncover new physics beyond it.

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