Hi,i want to understand how fundamental group of a closed oriented

In summary, the conversation discussed the relationship between the fundamental group, homology, and cohomology groups of a closed oriented 3-manifold. Poincare duality was mentioned as a way to determine the top and bottom homology groups. The first cohomology group can be computed and used with Poincare duality to determine the second homology group, and the universal coefficient theorem can be used to find the torsion part of the first cohomology group. The group H^1(M) is isomorphic to the free part of H_1(M), and the torsion part of H^1(M) is equal to Ext(H_0(M),Z).
  • #1

i want to understand how fundamental group of a closed oriented 3-mfd determines all its homology and cohomology gorups. Please can you help me.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

seydunas said:

i want to understand how fundamental group of a closed oriented 3-mfd determines all its homology and cohomology gorups. Please can you help me.

- Poincare Duality

- The first homology over Z is the abelianization of the fundamental group
  • #3

Yes, i understood why we need to Poincare duality. But my central question is that abelianization of the fundamental group is the first homology group, but others? second homology group and the third? i know the second homology group is the torsion part of the fundamental group but how? And the third guy is what and why?
  • #4

Every orientable manifold has top homology group equal to Z. There is a general proof that there is a fundamental cycle
that generates the homology. Poincare duality just restates this fact for the top and bottom dimensions. For the rest, compute the first cohomology then use Poincare duality - I think
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  • #5

i just know the poicare duality and i use it when i need to get cohomology group of any manifold. Bu you said that compute the first cohomology group to get second homology group of oriented three manifold. i am not sucssesful doing such thing, how can you compute it? Or is there any simple way to figure out the torsion part of the fundamental group.
  • #6

seydunas said:
i just know the poicare duality and i use it when i need to get cohomology group of any manifold. Bu you said that compute the first cohomology group to get second homology group of oriented three manifold. i am not sucssesful doing such thing, how can you compute it? Or is there any simple way to figure out the torsion part of the fundamental group.

what about the universal coefficient theorem for cohomology?
  • #7

Ok, i know the universal coefficient theorem says that if g: H^1 (M)----> Hom( H_1 (M)---->Z) then g is surjective. It means that H^1(M) / ker(g) isomorphic to Hom( H_1 (M)---->Z) and ker(g) is torsion part of H^1(M). So what is H^1 (M)?
  • #8

seydunas said:
Ok, i know the universal coefficient theorem says that if g: H^1 (M)----> Hom( H_1 (M)---->Z) then g is surjective. It means that H^1(M) / ker(g) isomorphic to Hom( H_1 (M)---->Z) and ker(g) is torsion part of H^1(M). So what is H^1 (M)?

The kernel is Ext(H0(M),Z) and H0(M) equals Z. It seems to me that this group is trivial so H^1 (M) is isomorphic to Hom( H_1 (M)---->Z). Is this right?

In that case H^1 (M) is isomorphic to the free part of H_1 (M). This is not what you said so I am worried that this is wrong.
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  • #9

In fact you are right, because the H^1 (M) will be the free part of the H_1(M). I was on the wrong way. Ok now the picture is more visible:) But torsion part of H^1(M)=ker(g) is Ext(H_0(M), Z)? i don't know the homological algebra. If i am convinced it , question will be comlpleted for me.

FAQ: Hi,i want to understand how fundamental group of a closed oriented

1. What is a fundamental group?

The fundamental group is a mathematical concept used in topology to describe the basic structure of a space. It is a group that consists of all possible continuous paths on a space, where the multiplication operation is concatenation of paths and the identity element is the constant path at a given point.

2. How is the fundamental group of a space calculated?

The fundamental group of a space is calculated using algebraic topology, specifically the use of homotopy theory. This involves studying the continuous deformations of paths on the space and determining which paths can be continuously deformed into each other. The resulting set of equivalence classes forms the fundamental group.

3. What is a closed oriented space?

A closed oriented space is a topological space that is both closed and oriented. Closed means that the space contains all its limit points, while oriented means that the space has a consistent orientation for all its points, meaning that there is a consistent way to assign a direction to each point in the space.

4. Why is the fundamental group important?

The fundamental group is important in topology because it helps to classify spaces and understand their topological properties. It is also useful in other areas of mathematics, such as algebraic geometry and algebraic topology, and has applications in physics and engineering.

5. Are there any real-world applications of the fundamental group?

Yes, the fundamental group has many real-world applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. For example, it is used in robotics to determine the paths that a robot can take without colliding with obstacles, and in computer graphics to create smooth and realistic animations. It also has applications in data analysis, machine learning, and optimization problems.

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