Higgs Field & Gravity: What's the Connection?

In summary: There is no known model without conformal anomaly ?Violating conformal symmetry is pretty generic in 4d chiral gauge theories. Even if the anomaly doesn't show up in the usual way (say for YM SU(3)) they can be violated nonperturbatively (I have in mind Seiberg-Witten, confinement etc etc) or spontaneously broken (by other mass terms) In summary, the Higgs field does not have any relationship to gravity. Matter still has mass if the Higgs field is turned off. The conformal symmetry is violated by quantum effects, so you couldn't have it, even in principle with or without the Higgs.
  • #1
This may or may not be the correct place for this question.

Having looked on-line for the answer and found nothing I could understand, I hope someone here can shed some light on my question:

If the Higgs field exists, what sort of relationship might it have with gravity?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Well, I've always kind of wondered this, too. On the face of it, the two are completely unrelated. Suppose you turned the higgs field off. Never mind how you'd do this, but just assume that you could. Most of the matter in the universe would still have mass. The proton and the neutron, for example, don't need the higgs to be massive. And dark matter would probably still be massive, too. So this tells me that the higgs has absolutely no relationship to gravity. That is, gravity still exists if there is no higgs.

I think that the correct statement about gravity is that it couples to energy density, not mass---this is literally what the Einstein equations say. I guess that ``energy density'' sometimes just means ``mass''.

But this is a bit of a cop out: I've just pushed the question about the higgs back to a question about whatever gives the protons and neutrons and dark matter mass :) Suppose you could somehow switch off ALL mass in the universe, and protons and neutrons were massless. But this stuff STILL couples to gravity, because it STILL has energy---in this case, the massless stuff would have kinetic energy.

This answer is right, I'm pretty sure, but it doesn't help me sleep at night, so to speak.
  • #3
If you have only massless stuff around, and no "effective mass" at all, what is the difference with exact (unbroken) conformal symmetry ?
  • #4
BenTheMan said:
The proton and the neutron, for example, don't need the higgs to be massive. And dark matter would probably still be massive, too. So this tells me that the higgs has absolutely no relationship to gravity. That is, gravity still exists if there is no higgs.
Yes, I can see that if the fundamental particles had no invariant mass, the stress energy tensor would not be zero, so we could still have gravitational coupling. But if this were the case, could we really have anything but a thermal bath?

A naive look at a bound state, say the hydrogen atom, would indicate that taking the limit m->0 results in the binding energy also going to zero (no binding at all). So it appears, in this sense, the matter as we know it is very dependent on the Higgs coupling to give an effective mass to the fundamental fermions ... because without it we would just have a thermal bath. I brought up this issue of "bound state of massless particles" in a question earlier and someone mentioned that there is no agreement in literature on how to treat "bound" states in such an ultra-relativistic limit.

Regardless of the specifics, it appears the world would be unrecognizably different without a Higgs.

EDIT: Humanino, is that what you are referring to above as well? With no effective masses we'd have true scale invariance, so there would be no "length scale" to any interactions in the universe?
  • #5
JustinLevy said:
Humanino, is that what you are referring to above as well? With no effective masses we'd have true scale invariance, so there would be no "length scale" to any interactions in the universe?
yes, that's exactly what I have in mind (taking "length scale" to mean both space and time lengths, of course).
  • #6
The conformal symmetry is violated by quantum effects, so you couldn't have it, even in principle with or without the Higgs. You'd have to imagine a different universe.
  • #7
Haelfix said:
The conformal symmetry is violated by quantum effects, so you couldn't have it, even in principle with or without the Higgs. You'd have to imagine a different universe.
There is no known model without conformal anomaly ?
  • #8
Violating conformal symmetry is pretty generic in 4d chiral gauge theories. Even if the anomaly doesn't show up in the usual way (say for YM SU(3)) they can be violated nonperturbatively (I have in mind Seiberg-Witten, confinement etc etc) or spontaneously broken (by other mass terms)

Its not exhaustive, but pretty strong nonetheless.

Ahh, that life was that simple!
  • #9
Thanks for the answer Haelfix, I appreciate.

Sorry if I have elementary questions, I'm only an experimentalist. Let us say I forget about real the world for now, and I go back a to 1995 : how about string worldsheet modular invariance (2D conformal) ? I remember it has a special status, that is more like a gauge symmetry, related to the fact that the theory is in this case defined over a background vacuum. I thought it was related to the GSO projection, but I can not find it anymore in my books, and I'm confusing myself now. I think I need a little reboot. :smile:
  • #10
The Higgs field supposedly emerges from spontaneous symmetry breaking when the universe was in a high energy, unstable state, with all forces and known entities combined (space,mass,energy,time,etc)... as symmetry was broken and the unuiverse entered a more stable configuration, all this entities and Higgs emerge as apparently independent entities...

So you could say Higgs is to gravity as it is to mass or space or time...opr as space is to mass...etc,etc...they are all related but have not yet been unified...nobody knows the real connection...

There are non mathematical descriptions in Lee Smolin's THE TROUBLE WITH PHYSICS (beginning pg 61) and Michio Kaku's HYPERSPACE AROUND PG 118...

Related to Higgs Field & Gravity: What's the Connection?

1. What is the Higgs Field?

The Higgs Field is a theoretical concept in particle physics that is responsible for giving particles their mass. It is a pervasive field that permeates the entire universe and interacts with particles as they move through it.

2. How does the Higgs Field relate to gravity?

The Higgs Field is closely related to gravity because it is the Higgs Field that gives particles their mass. And according to Einstein's theory of general relativity, the presence of mass is what causes the curvature of spacetime, which is the basis for gravity.

3. Can the Higgs Field explain why gravity is weaker than other fundamental forces?

Yes, the Higgs Field can help explain why gravity is the weakest of the fundamental forces. The Higgs Field is thought to interact more strongly with particles with larger mass, and since gravity is the force that acts on mass, it makes sense that it would be weaker compared to the other forces.

4. Is the Higgs Field the only explanation for the origin of mass?

No, the Higgs Field is not the only explanation for the origin of mass. While the Higgs Field is the most widely accepted explanation, there are other theories such as the technicolor theory that suggest alternative mechanisms for the generation of mass.

5. How does the discovery of the Higgs boson relate to the Higgs Field?

The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 provided strong evidence for the existence of the Higgs Field. The Higgs boson is a particle associated with the Higgs Field, and its discovery confirmed the theoretical predictions about the Higgs Field's role in giving particles their mass.

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