Higgs production cross section

In summary: However, this is just a way of comparing NP and SM, and has nothing to do with taking uncertainties from different orders of calculation.In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the gluon-gluon fusion cross section for the Standard Model Higgs boson with a mass of 125 GeV at center-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. Two different calculations, one from a twiki page and one from a reference paper, show different results due to differences in the order of calculation (NNLO vs NLO). The conversation also touches on the use of uncertainties from different orders of calculation and the state-of-the-art calculation for Higgs production being N3LO.
  • #1
Hi all,

I try to find the exact calculated gluon- gluon fusion cross section for the SM- Higgs with mass 125 GeV, for instance at CME = 14 TeV.

I found on twiki page:
" https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCPhysics/CERNYellowReportPageAt1314TeV#s_14_0_TeV "

##\sigma(gg \to h) = 49.47~ pb##

while in reference like "arXiv:hep-ph/0503172 ", table(3.2):

##\sigma(gg \to h) \sim 37 ~ pb##

Both calculations are NLO, but why there is this difference ?
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  • #2
The first one is NNLO QCD. For electroweak processes it is just NLO but those should be a small contribution. The NLO calculation discusses some NNLO effects but I don't understand what exactly they do.
  • #3
So I wonder can we calculate ## \sigma (gg \to h) ## at LO or NLO like in " arXiv:hep-ph/0503172 ",

while take the uncertainties (the standard deviation ) from NNLO calculations ?

The following paper " arXiv:1206.5047 [hep-ph]" made that in Fig. (1). While they use LO formula for the production cross section Equ. (5), they cite the Cern twiki page for ## \sigma1~ \mbox{and}~ \sigma2 ##,

is this consistent to take the uncertainty from NNLO calculation for a cross section calculated at LO?
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  • #4
Safinaz said:
is this consistent ?

Virtually nothing that is done is consistent. Your choice is a) the latest calculations, or b) a consistent set of calculations. Most people choose a).

For Higgs production, the state of the art is N3LO, Anastasiou et al. PRL 114, 212001 (2015)
  • #5

I added my last sentence :) , I hope it's clear enough.
  • #6
Here is the NNNLO calculation. They also compare LO, NLO, NNLO and NNNLO in figure 2. The difference between NLO and NNLO is ~10/pb, although both still show significant scale-dependence. NNNLO is significantly better in terms of scale-dependence. Note that the plot is for 13 TeV. Figure 3 includes 14 TeV bands, the same difference is visible there.

I don't understand how you would take a NNLO calculation for a LO uncertainty. Where is the point in having an uncertainty on LO if you have a NNLO calculation?
  • #7
mfb said:
I don't understand how you would take a NNLO calculation for a LO uncertainty. Where is the point in having an uncertainty on LO if you have a NNLO calculation?

It's this paper " arXiv:1206.5047 [hep-ph]", as you see for Fig. (1), they take the uncertainty 14.7 % from [10] , which are NNLO. While they use LO formula, ( Equ.5 )for the new physics ( NP) ## gg \to h ## cross section.

Even I don't know in Fig. (1), when they normalized ## \sigma_{NP} ## by ## \sigma_{SM} ## which value for ## \sigma_{SM} ## they considered, did they calculate it at LO or they just take [10] value .
  • #8
Safinaz said:
It's this paper " arXiv:1206.5047 [hep-ph]", as you see for Fig. (1), they take the uncertainty 14.7 % from [10] , which are NNLO. While they use LO formula, ( Equ.5 )for the new physics ( NP) ## gg \to h ## cross section.
Those are different things.
As far as I understand it, they compare the cross-section for (LO NP + NNLO SM) with (NNLO SM), and use the NNLO SM uncertainty (which is independent of new physics) as comparison: if the NP prediction is within the uncertainties of the SM calculation, the cross-section alone is not sufficient to see new physics.

Related to Higgs production cross section

1. What is the Higgs production cross section?

The Higgs production cross section is a measure of the rate at which Higgs bosons are produced in particle collisions. It is typically expressed in units of femtobarns (fb) and is dependent on the center of mass energy of the colliding particles.

2. How is the Higgs production cross section calculated?

The Higgs production cross section is calculated using theoretical models and experimental data. These models take into account the properties of the colliding particles, their energy, and the probability of producing a Higgs boson in the collision. Experimental data is used to validate these calculations and fine-tune the models.

3. Why is the Higgs production cross section important?

The Higgs production cross section is important because it provides insight into the fundamental nature of the Higgs boson and its interactions with other particles. It also helps in the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model, as any deviations from the predicted cross section could indicate the presence of new particles or interactions.

4. How does the Higgs production cross section vary with energy?

The Higgs production cross section increases with increasing center of mass energy of the colliding particles. This is because higher energies provide more opportunities for the production of a Higgs boson. However, at very high energies, the cross section may decrease due to the effects of quantum mechanics.

5. Can the Higgs production cross section be measured experimentally?

Yes, the Higgs production cross section can be measured experimentally by colliding particles with known energies and counting the number of Higgs bosons produced. This measurement can then be compared to theoretical predictions to validate our understanding of the Higgs boson and its interactions.

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