High order derivitative of exponential function

In summary: Most certainly not! You're going to have to use the chain rule every time, which is going to result in some polynomail times e^{ax^2}. In fact, the result is going to be related to the Hermite polynomials, defined byH_n(x) = (-1)^n e^{x^2}\frac{d^n}{dx^n}e^{-x^2}.Getting the form desired in the OP amounts to setting x \rightarrow iax.
  • #1
I am looking a formula to compute the derivitative of [tex]e^{a x^2}[/tex] with respect to x n times, where a is a constant.

[tex]\frac{d^n}{dx^n}e^{a x^2}[/tex]

I am going to find the result of above derivitative when x -> 0.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
well, take a couple of first derivatives, and see if you notice a pattern. Then if you do notice a pattern, try to prove it by induction...and after that take the limit as x-->0

P.S. I would have tried to take some derivatives myself, but it is bed time now...lol...
  • #3
The answer to this question would most probably be (2xa)^n*(e)^a(x)^2
  • #4
mubeenahm said:
The answer to this question would most probably be (2xa)^n*(e)^a(x)^2

Most certainly not! You're going to have to use the chain rule every time, which is going to result in some polynomail times [itex]e^{ax^2}[/itex]. In fact, the result is going to be related to the Hermite polynomials, defined by

[tex]H_n(x) = (-1)^n e^{x^2}\frac{d^n}{dx^n}e^{-x^2}[/tex].

Getting the form desired in the OP amounts to setting [itex]x \rightarrow iax[/itex].


(Note I used the "physicist definition" of the Hermite polynomials defined on the wikipedia page).
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  • #5
KFC said:
I am looking a formula to compute the derivitative of [tex]e^{a x^2}[/tex] with respect to x n times, where a is a constant.

[tex]\frac{d^n}{dx^n}e^{a x^2}[/tex]

I am going to find the result of above derivitative when x -> 0.

We define a new variable u = i sqrt(a) x:

[tex]\frac{d^n}{dx^n}e^{a x^2} |_{x = 0} = (i \sqrt(a))^n \frac{d^n}{du^n}e^{-u^2}|_{u = 0} =
(i \sqrt(a))^n (-1)^n e^{-u^2}H_n (u) |_{u = 0}
=(-2 i \sqrt(a))^n \frac{\sqrt{\pi }}{\Gamma \left(\frac{1-n}{2}\right)} [/tex]

where the last step has used the form of the Hermite numbers:


Note also that when n is odd the Gamma function blows up and so the value we seek is zero, when n is even the imaginary unit disappears and we obtain a real result.
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FAQ: High order derivitative of exponential function

1. What is a high order derivative of an exponential function?

A high order derivative of an exponential function refers to the nth derivative of the function, where n is a positive integer. It is calculated by taking the derivative of the exponential function n times.

2. What is the general formula for the high order derivative of an exponential function?

The general formula for the nth derivative of an exponential function f(x) = aex is f(n)(x) = a(ln(a))nex, where a is a constant and n is a positive integer.

3. How do you find the high order derivative of an exponential function?

To find the high order derivative of an exponential function, you can use the general formula or use the chain rule. For example, to find the third derivative of f(x) = ex, you would first find the first derivative (ex), then the second derivative (ex), and finally the third derivative (ex). You can also use the general formula by plugging in the values of a and n.

4. What is the significance of high order derivatives of exponential functions in mathematics?

High order derivatives of exponential functions have various applications in mathematics, especially in calculus and differential equations. They are used to solve problems related to growth and decay, such as population growth, radioactive decay, and compound interest. They also have applications in physics, engineering, and economics.

5. Are there any special properties of high order derivatives of exponential functions?

Yes, there are some special properties of high order derivatives of exponential functions. For example, the nth derivative of f(x) = ex is equal to the original function itself, making it an eigenfunction. Also, the higher the order of the derivative, the more rapidly the function grows or decays, depending on the sign of the base a.

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