High School Physics Placement Advice

In summary: BS, and then continue on to get further education at a more science-eccentric Grad school.In summary, the speaker is a sophomore in high school who is currently taking academic chemistry and is a straight A student. They are interested in pursuing physics as a career and want to take AP Physics. They are currently in Geometry and plan to take Algebra 2 over the summer to be in Pre-Calc next year. Despite the recommendation to take Calculus for AP Physics, the speaker is willing to take on the challenge and has been doing independent studies in physics. They mention their state college having a highly rated physics department and are considering not taking AP Physics and still having a good chance of getting into their state college for a Bachelor of Science degree
  • #1
I'm currently a Sophomore in High School taking Academic Chemistry and a Straight A student (except for a B+ in Spanish 3, atm), and since I want to pursue Physics as a career path, I really want to take AP Physics. I am only in Geometry right now, but I'm planning to take Algebra 2 over the summer to put me into Pre-Calc. next year. I have heard that you should really be doing Calc. for AP Physics, but I am willing to take that challenge. I have also been spending quite a lot of time doing independent studies into Physics to build up background knowledge.

On the other hand, my state college does have a nice Physics department (rated in the 20's for top-physics programs), so if I don't take AP, I assume I still have a good chance to at least get into my state college for a BS, and then continue on to get further education at a more science-eccentric Grad school. I also can take AP senior year, but I feel like I wouldn't enjoy academic Physics, since I am getting rapidly more passionate for it. Any Advice?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
If your school offers it, you could take AP Physics B, which is non-calculus based (Algebra 2 and Pre-calc will more than suffice for this class). AP Physics B will not fulfill any of the physics requirements in college if you major in physics, but at least it will give you an idea if this is a subject that truly interests you.

If not, I'd say it's not a bad idea to take Calculus and AP Physics C (calculus-based version of physics) concurrently; of course, you'll need to plan out your class schedule accordingly, since I'm not sure what other subjects you may plan to take in your senior year. AP Physics C will fulfill some of the introductory physics requirements if you do decide to major in physics.

Good on you for getting ahead in math by taking courses during the summer. To be honest, the calculus involved in AP Physics C is not so incredibly difficult (integrals, derivatives, a bit about power series) that you could not study these concepts on your own ahead of time without taking calculus (assuming you were strong in pre-calc). Of course, you shouldn't neglect to have as strong a background in mathematics as possible if you want to be a physicist, so I would still recommending doing both Calculus AB and BC while still in high school.
  • #3
JaredMTg said:
If your school offers it, you could take AP Physics B, which is non-calculus based (Algebra 2 and Pre-calc will more than suffice for this class). AP Physics B will not fulfill any of the physics requirements in college if you major in physics, but at least it will give you an idea if this is a subject that truly interests you.

If not, I'd say it's not a bad idea to take Calculus and AP Physics C (calculus-based version of physics) concurrently; of course, you'll need to plan out your class schedule accordingly, since I'm not sure what other subjects you may plan to take in your senior year. AP Physics C will fulfill some of the introductory physics requirements if you do decide to major in physics.

Good on you for getting ahead in math by taking courses during the summer. To be honest, the calculus involved in AP Physics C is not so incredibly difficult (integrals, derivatives, a bit about power series) that you could not study these concepts on your own ahead of time without taking calculus (assuming you were strong in pre-calc). Of course, you shouldn't neglect to have as strong a background in mathematics as possible if you want to be a physicist, so I would still recommending doing both Calculus AB and BC while still in high school.
Thanks for the advice! I'll be meeting with my counselor in the spring for scheduling, so i'll defiantly be asking about the AP courses offered. Since there is no way to get into Calc. next year, B may be my safest choice, and the I can always take C in Senior year (since I don't care too much for Environmental Science and isn't an requirement for graduating). As for Calc AB and AC, I will have to see if the summer courses will offer those, and if so, I can take one next summer and then the other in Senior year. Once again, thanks!
  • #4
Taking Physics A and B at the same time as pre-calculus and trig is perfectly ok as long as you know how to utilize the basic trig functions properly (which you should learn in geometry). They only really demand you take Calculus with it if you're taking Physics C. You should take both AP Physics C: Mechanics and AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism your senior year to properly prepare for the Honors Physics classes at your university that any reputable uni will recommend you take to get a feel for what Physics truly like.
  • #5
PhotonSSBM said:
Taking Physics A and B at the same time as pre-calculus and trig is perfectly ok as long as you know how to utilize the basic trig functions properly (which you should learn in geometry). They only really demand you take Calculus with it if you're taking Physics C. You should take both AP Physics C: Mechanics and AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism your senior year to properly prepare for the Honors Physics classes at your university that any reputable uni will recommend you take to get a feel for what Physics truly like.
Thanks, i'll see if I can take both AP classes in senior year (may have to drop math for it, but if I do Calc in the summer then i'll be fine).
  • #6
Paulthevgnerd said:
On the other hand, my state college does have a nice Physics department (rated in the 20's for top-physics programs), so if I don't take AP, I assume I still have a good chance to at least get into my state college for a BS, and then continue on to get further education at a more science-eccentric Grad school.

I'm sure you mean Science-centric, but I still have no idea what that means.

Paulthevgnerd said:
I also can take AP senior year, but I feel like I wouldn't enjoy academic Physics, since I am getting rapidly more passionate for it. Any Advice?

I'm confused about this, so you want to be a physics major, but feel like you wouldn't enjoy academic physics?

How long are your summer sessions, is this a year round school?
  • #7
Student100 said:
I'm sure you mean Science-centric, but I still have no idea what that means.
I'm confused about this, so you want to be a physics major, but feel like you wouldn't enjoy academic physics?

How long are your summer sessions, is this a year round school?
1.) Yeah, I meant centric. Sorry, must of been a typo.
2.) It means schools built around science, so like how MIT it built around technology studies rather then being something general like a state college that can cover multiple degrees(such as sciences to psychology to sports). I haven't gone university searching yet so I don't even know if there is many science-centric schools out there.
3.)Academic, when compared to Honors and AP, is a slower paced course. For someone that indulges himself into Physics as a free-time thing, I would find myself bored taking the academic course, and feel as if it is dumbed down when comparing to my skill-level (not trying to oversell myself here). I'm kicking myself in the butt for not taking up honors chem., and know that i'll feel worse if I did the same for Physics. So maybe "enjoy" wasn't the best choice of wording ^^;
4.)Summer sessions is just the three months of summer, but do act as an actual course that you were to take during the 10 month span of regular school.

FAQ: High School Physics Placement Advice

What is high school physics placement?

High school physics placement refers to the process of determining which level of physics course a student should enroll in based on their prior knowledge and understanding of the subject. It helps to ensure that students are placed in a class that is appropriate for their skill level.

What factors are considered when determining high school physics placement?

Factors that are typically taken into consideration when determining high school physics placement include the student's math skills, previous science courses taken, and grades in those courses. Some schools may also administer a placement exam to further assess the student's level of understanding.

What courses are available for high school physics placement?

The most common courses for high school physics placement are physics, honors physics, and AP physics. However, some schools may offer additional courses such as conceptual physics or mechanics.

How can I prepare for high school physics placement?

To prepare for high school physics placement, it is important to review basic math skills, such as algebra and trigonometry, as well as fundamental scientific concepts. Some schools may also provide study materials or practice exams to help students prepare.

What should I do if I am struggling in my high school physics placement course?

If you are struggling in your high school physics placement course, it is important to seek help from your teacher or a tutor. You can also review online resources or join a study group to improve your understanding of the material. Additionally, make sure to communicate with your teacher and ask for feedback on how to improve your performance.

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