Higher dimensions and symmetry

In summary, the conversation revolves around the idea of higher dimensions and how they are related to each other. The speaker suggests that each symmetry in a given space represents a higher dimension and that a cartesian plane can have an infinite number of dimensions. However, the other person in the conversation points out that these ideas need to be presented rigorously and with specific definitions, rather than just being idle speculations. They also caution against relying on popular science books for understanding complex mathematical concepts.
  • #1
I can't quite remember where I got this idea, but once my brain remembered one point about higher dimensions(that of how each higher dimension, at least in terms of the first three dimensions, is at 90 degrees from one another. Well, actually how can you say the first dimension is 90 degrees out from the zero dimension? You can't! Really, that works to where I'm going), i felt compelled to at least mention to others my 'insight.'

I mean if higher dimensions are 90 degrees from one another the common saying goes, then, as they say it is pretty hard to imagine(even Stephen Hawking has said this) what is 90 degrees after you get the third dimension?

I basically came to think that the fourth and higher dimensions are overlapping on one another by symmetry. Each symmetry is a higher dimension. How many symmetries a given space defined by a given shape is how many higher dimensions it can at least possibly have. I mean a cartesian plane turned 360 degrees on each other can have an infinity of dimensions of multiples of four.

Well, don't know if anybody has ever thought of this, so I posted it!
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I was a bit hesitant to post this because just stating the above doesn't give much to do or functionality; i mean, even if I'm right, so what? Well, just looking at the list of threads below, I noticed 'complex numbers', and I immediatelly see one way of making this insight fly . . . complex numbers are the arithmetic of higher dimensions according to my 'theory'!

Complex number at least in one explanation based on polar coordinates of moving the cartesian plane at 90 degrees successively.

From here, I can bet that many people here even can take this idea pretty far indeed!
  • #3
flashgordon2! said:
I mean if higher dimensions are 90 degrees from one another the common saying goes, then, as they say it is pretty hard to imagine(even Stephen Hawking has said this) what is 90 degrees after you get the third dimension?

Yes, it is difficult to make visual representations of four-dimensional objects in 3- or 2-dimensional space (though it is certainly possible - see tesseracts and, for that matter, penteracts), and is quite perilous to try to visualize higher-dimensional objects; However, the arithmetic and theory of such spaces is straightforward, and is presented in any introductory linear algebra textbook (for vector spaces).

I basically came to think that the fourth and higher dimensions are overlapping on one another by symmetry. Each symmetry is a higher dimension. How many symmetries a given space defined by a given shape is how many higher dimensions it can at least possibly have. I mean a cartesian plane turned 360 degrees on each other can have an infinity of dimensions of multiples of four.

What is a "symmetry"? What does it mean for a symmetry to be a higher dimension? How do you define the number of symmetries belonging to any given space? What does it mean to 'turn a cartesian plane 360 degrees'?

It is important to realize that mathematics is not a subject of idle speculation. It does not mean anything to have an idea unless you can present it rigorously under some set of axioms and with specific definitions. The subject of vector spaces of all dimensionalities is very well-understood (including the theory of infinite-dimensional spaces, which are critical to quantum mechanics and to solutions techniques to the equations describing myriad physical systems). If you want to learn about the mathematical representations of these objects (which are the same ones used by physicists and everyone else working in science), then you need only to take a few textbooks out of a library and work through them.

I was a bit hesitant to post this because just stating the above doesn't give much to do or functionality; i mean, even if I'm right, so what? Well, just looking at the list of threads below, I noticed 'complex numbers', and I immediatelly see one way of making this insight fly . . . complex numbers are the arithmetic of higher dimensions according to my 'theory'!

Complex number at least in one explanation based on polar coordinates of moving the cartesian plane at 90 degrees successively.

Complex numbers are not "the arithmetic of" anything. The set of complex numbers can be represented as a two dimensional real vector space, or (trivially) as a one dimensional complex vector space. They have nothing to do with the Cartesian plane (though the complex plane is certainly very similar to two-dimensional Euclidean space!). Polar coordinates simply provide a different way of representing a complex number; it is not difficult to show that for any real [itex]x[/itex] and [itex]y[/itex], there are some reals [itex]r>1[/itex] and [itex]t, \ 0 \leq t < 2\pi,[/itex] with [itex]x+iy = re^{it}[/itex].

Unfortunately, the presentations of mathematical ideas in typical popular science books are uniformly reprehensible. Do not take such presentations too seriously; Almost without exception they bear only superficial resemblance to the actual mathematical descriptions of systems. If you really want to understand the structure and power of modern science, the only way to do it is to work through the math.
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  • #4
there's reasons why Newton gave up talking to anybody about anything; well, at least crn chooses life;
  • #5
If you think you've come up with something new, I encourage you to write it up in some cogent form. I'll be happy to read it! :smile:

I am just trying to warn you that unless you spend some time with real mathematical and physical literature (in the form of textbooks, published articles, whatever! talks and seminars are also good opportunities), your view into how science and mathematics actually work will be extremely limited. Pop science books simplify things to the point of uselessness the vast majority of the time.

While Newton was busy "not talking to anyone about anything," he held a celebrated professorial position at Cambridge, and was consulted by numerous experts in various fields on all sorts of problems.
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  • #7
flashgordon2! said:

the rest of your concerns are not worth analysing!

Whose concerns are you referring to?

Oh, and did you note that the website you give pretty much flatly contradicts your original post?
  • #8
This is a mathematics forum. It's for discussing mathematics. If you want to learn some mathematics, then by all means stay and ask questions and listen to the advice you get. But if you want make up your own private meanings for technical words and spout oracular wisdrom, then please go elsewhere.

FAQ: Higher dimensions and symmetry

1. What are higher dimensions?

Higher dimensions refer to mathematical spaces that have more than three dimensions, which are length, width, and height. These dimensions are often used to explain complex concepts and phenomena that cannot be fully understood in our three-dimensional world.

2. How many dimensions are there?

There is no limit to the number of dimensions that can exist in mathematical space. However, in physics, we currently only consider the three dimensions of space and one dimension of time, known as the four-dimensional spacetime.

3. What is symmetry in higher dimensions?

Symmetry in higher dimensions refers to the balance and regularity of a shape or object when it is rotated, reflected, or translated in higher dimensions. In higher dimensions, there can be more complex symmetries that involve rotations and reflections in multiple planes.

4. How are higher dimensions related to string theory?

String theory is a popular theory in physics that suggests the existence of more than three dimensions. In string theory, particles are considered to be tiny strings vibrating in higher dimensions, which can explain the properties and behavior of matter and energy.

5. Can we visualize higher dimensions?

Since we live in a three-dimensional world, it can be challenging to visualize higher dimensions. However, mathematicians and scientists use mathematical models and equations to understand and explore higher dimensions. Some people also use analogies and visual aids, such as projecting a 3D object's shadow onto a 2D plane, to understand the concept of higher dimensions.

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