Hilbert Spaces in LQG: Is Physical Hilbert Space Infinite?

In summary: So it seems that the physical Hilbert space does in fact include the Gauss and diffeomorphism constraints.
  • #1
Well, you all know that LQG has different kinds of Hilbert spaces (4 in the sake of truth). You start with the kinematical Hilbert space that is the vector space of all possible quantum states of spacetime. However, all these spacetimes are not physically real, not all of them make sense. Then you have three constraints that "select" all the spacetimes that are physically possible. First you apply the Gauss constraint to the Kinematical Hilbert Space to obtain the gauge invariant Hilbert space, to it you apply the diffeomeorphism constraint to obtain the diffeomorphism invariant Hilbert space, and to it you apply the Hamiltonian constraint to obtain the physical Hilbert space, this is the "correct" space of quantum states of spacetime. Then you know that the kinematical Hilbert space is an infinite dimensional vector space, but my doubt is if the physical Hilbert space is also infinite dimensional. It should seem that not, since the number of quantum states is less than in the kinematical Hilbert space, but given my problems to understand the concept of infinity (you know the set of natural numbers has the same cardinality that the set of rational numbers even if it seems paradoxical) I'm not sure. So the question is, is the physical Hilbert space infinite dimensional, and if not, what's its dimension?
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Meteor, you asked about the dimension of the physical Hilbert space of Loop Gravity. It is infinite.
I should be able to give you a page reference in Rovelli's book
tomorrow, or some more satisfactory response. Tonight I'm already falling asleep and can't think clearly.
  • #3
Originally posted by meteor
Well, you all know that LQG has different kinds of Hilbert spaces (4 in the sake of truth). You start with the kinematical Hilbert space that is the vector space of all possible quantum states of spacetime. However, all these spacetimes are not physically real, not all of them make sense. Then you have three constraints that "select" all the spacetimes that are physically possible. First you apply the Gauss constraint to the Kinematical Hilbert Space to obtain the gauge invariant Hilbert space, to it you apply the diffeomeorphism constraint to obtain the diffeomorphism invariant Hilbert space, and to it you apply the Hamiltonian constraint to obtain the physical Hilbert space, this is the "correct" space of quantum states of spacetime.

Firstly, the kinematical space of states by definition consists of the states that satisfy both the gauss and diffeomorphism constraints, but not necessarily the hamiltonian constraint. Secondly, these aren't states of spacetime, but if LQG had turned out to be correct, they woud've been states of the gravitational field from which spacetime would've been recovered in the classical limit.

Originally posted by meteor
...is the physical Hilbert space infinite dimensional, and if not, what's its dimension?

Both the kinematical and physical space of states are infinite dimensional.
  • #4
marcus and jeff, thanks for the response
Firstly, the kinematical space of states by definition consists of the states that satisfy both the gauss and diffeomorphism constraints, but not necessarily the hamiltonian constraint
But that's not what says this post of J.Baez. He says that the kinematical Hilbert space doesn't include the Gauss constraint and the diffeomorphism constraint
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  • #5
Originally posted by meteor
...Baez...says that the kinematical Hilbert space doesn't include the Gauss constraint...

Consider the following excerpt from the link you gave:

...we start with a big "kinematical" Hilbert space...Then we impose the Gauss constraint and get the "gauge-invariant" Hilbert space...

By "gauge-invariant Hilbert space" baez meant the gauge-invariant part of the initially "big" kinematical Hilbert space, etc.

Now consider this excerpt from the same link:

And finally comes the Hamiltonian constraint...Solutions to this will form the "physical Hilbert space".

Related to Hilbert Spaces in LQG: Is Physical Hilbert Space Infinite?

1) What is a Hilbert space in LQG?

A Hilbert space in LQG (Loop Quantum Gravity) is a mathematical space used to describe the quantum states of a physical system. It is a complex vector space with an inner product that allows for the calculation of probabilities and expectation values for observables.

2) How is a Hilbert space in LQG related to space and time?

In LQG, space and time are discretized and represented by a network of interconnected loops. The quantum states of these loops are described by elements in the Hilbert space, and the operators acting on this space describe the dynamics of space and time.

3) Is the physical Hilbert space in LQG infinite?

There is currently no consensus among physicists on whether the physical Hilbert space in LQG is infinite or finite. Some theories suggest that it is infinite, while others propose a finite number of discrete states. Further research and experimentation are needed to determine the true nature of the physical Hilbert space in LQG.

4) How does LQG differ from other theories of quantum gravity?

LQG differs from other theories of quantum gravity, such as string theory, in its fundamental approach. LQG is based on the principles of general relativity and uses a discrete approach to describe space and time, while string theory is based on the idea of strings vibrating in a higher-dimensional space.

5) What are the implications of an infinite physical Hilbert space in LQG?

If the physical Hilbert space in LQG is indeed infinite, it would have significant implications for our understanding of the universe. It could mean that the universe has an infinite number of possible configurations, and that there could be an infinite number of parallel universes within the multiverse. However, further research is needed to confirm or refute this possibility.

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