Hilbert's hotel and busses : Injectivity - Surjectivity

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  • Thread starter mathmari
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In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of Hilbert's hotel and buses, where guests are moved to odd room numbers to make space for new guests. The formula for determining the room number for new guests is given, and the injectivity and surjectivity of the maps for old and new guests are discussed. The possibility of using rational numbers to map guests to rooms is also mentioned.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hey! :eek:

I look at the problem with hilbert's hotel and the busses. First one bus with infinitely many guests, then four busses with infinitely many guests and then infinitely many busses with infinitely many guests.

At each case we move all the guests that are already in the hotel to the odd room numbers.

So the even room numbers are free for the new guests.

In the first with one bus we use the formula $n = 2(i-1)+2$ where $i\in \mathbb{N}\setminus\{0\}$ is the number of place in the bus and $n$ is the even room number that this guest will get. In the second case with the four busses we use the following:
\begin{equation*}\begin{matrix} & 1. \text{ Bus } & 2. \text{ Bus } & 3. \text{ Bus } & 4. \text{ Bus } \\ 1. \text{ Person } & \text{ Room } 2 & \text{ Room } 4 & \text{ Room } 6 & \text{ Room } 8 \\ 2. \text{ Person } & \text{ Room } 10 & \text{ Room } 12 & \text{ Room } 14 & \text{ Room } 16 \\ 3. \text{ Person } & \text{ Room } 18 & \text{ Room } 20 & \text{ Room } 22 & \text{ Room } 24 \\ \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots \\ i. \text{ Person } & \text{ Room } 8(i-1)+2 & \text{ Room } 8(i-1)+4 & \text{ Room } 8(i-1)+6 & \text{ Room } 8(i-1)+8\end{matrix}\end{equation*} In the last case with the infinitely many busses we use the formula $2^{i}\left (2(j-1)+1\right )$ where $i$ is the place in the bus and $j$ is the number of the bus.

Using this we get \begin{equation*}\begin{matrix} \text{Place}/\text{Bus} & 1. \text{ Bus} & 2. \text{ Bus} & 3. \text{ Bus} & 4. \text{ Bus} & 5. \text{ Bus} & \ldots \\ 1 & 2 & 6 & 10 & 14 & 18 & \ldots \\ 2 & 4 & 12 & 20 & 28 & 36 & \ldots \\ 3 & 8 & 24 & 40 & 56 & 72 & \ldots \\ \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots \end{matrix}\end{equation*}
I want to describe the injectivity and the surjectivity of the maps, and if the maps for the old and the new guests are injective and surjective.

The map for the old guests is injective, since it means that the new room thet they get either had no previous guest or one.

The same holds also for the map for the new guests. Their new rooms either had no previous guests or one.

As for the surjectivity. As for the rooms of the old guests, only the odd room umbers have a preimage and so the map is not surjective. As for the rooms of the new guests, only the even room umbers have a preimage and so the map is not surjective. Is that correct? (Wondering)
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  • #2
At each case we move all the guests that are already in the hotel to the odd room numbers.

i woulndn't. For example, in tne second case where, after all rooms are full, four new buses each containing an infinite (we really need "countably infinite") number of guests come I would move guests in room "n" to room 5n. Then put the guest from the first new bus in rooms 5n+ 1, from the second bus in 5n+ 2, etc.

For the last problem where a (countably) infinite number of busses, each containing a (countably) infinite number of guest, consider the set of rational numbers. That set is countable so we can "number" each rational number. We can think of the original set of guests as correponding to the rational numbers 1/n then the guests from the first new bus 2/n, etc. Put each guest into the integer numbered room corresponding to that rational number. I think that is basically what you have done.
  • #3
HallsofIvy said:
i woulndn't. For example, in tne second case where, after all rooms are full, four new buses each containing an infinite (we really need "countably infinite") number of guests come I would move guests in room "n" to room 5n. Then put the guest from the first new bus in rooms 5n+ 1, from the second bus in 5n+ 2, etc.

So is the idea of my post wrong? Isn't it similar to yours? (Wondering)
HallsofIvy said:
For the last problem where a (countably) infinite number of busses, each containing a (countably) infinite number of guest, consider the set of rational numbers. That set is countable so we can "number" each rational number. We can think of the original set of guests as correponding to the rational numbers 1/n then the guests from the first new bus 2/n, etc. Put each guest into the integer numbered room corresponding to that rational number. I think that is basically what you have done.

I haven't really understood the last part:

"Put each guest into the integer numbered room corresponding to that rational number."

What exactly do you mean? (Wondering)
  • #4
mathmari said:
I want to describe the injectivity and the surjectivity of the maps, and if the maps for the old and the new guests are injective and surjective.

The map for the old guests is injective, since it means that the new room they get either had no previous guest or one.

Hey mathmari!

We don't look at just the new rooms do we?
Nor does it matter whether a room had a previous guest or not, does it? (Worried)

I think we are talking about the set of old guests, the set of newly arriving guests, and the set of rooms yes? (Wondering)
If so, then initially all rooms were occupied by exactly 1 old guest.
So the initial map of old guests to rooms is both injective and surjective.
After the old guests were moved to new rooms, each room had either an old guest, or no guest.
So the new map of old guests to rooms is injective.

Or do you have different sets or maps in mind? (Wondering)

mathmari said:
The same holds also for the map for the new guests. Their new rooms either had no previous guests or one.

Shouldn't it be that each room either had 1 new guest, or not a new guest?
Does it matter that a room had a previous guest or not? (Wondering)

I guess we might also look at the map of all guests to the rooms.
Afterwards all rooms are occupied by exactly 1 guest, so the map is injective. (Thinking)

mathmari said:
As for the surjectivity. As for the rooms of the old guests, only the odd room umbers have a preimage and so the map is not surjective. As for the rooms of the new guests, only the even roomn umbers have a preimage and so the map is not surjective.

Is that correct?

The initial map of old guests to rooms is surjective, isn't it? (Wondering)
After they have moved, the map of old guests to rooms is indeed not surjective.
And the map of new guests to rooms is indeed not surjective either.

I wonder if the map of all guests to rooms is surjective. (Thinking)
  • #5
Klaas van Aarsen said:
I think we are talking about the set of old guests, the set of newly arriving guests, and the set of rooms yes? (Wondering)
If so, then initially all rooms were occupied by exactly 1 old guest.
So the initial map of old guests to rooms is both injective and surjective.
After the old guests were moved to new rooms, each room had either an old guest, or no guest.
So the new map of old guests to rooms is injective.

I guess we might also look at the map of all guests to the rooms.
Afterwards all rooms are occupied by exactly 1 guest, so the map is injective. (Thinking)

The initial map of old guests to rooms is surjective, isn't it? (Wondering)
After they have moved, the map of old guests to rooms is indeed not surjective.
And the map of new guests to rooms is indeed not surjective either.

Ah ok! (Malthe)

Klaas van Aarsen said:
I wonder if the map of all guests to rooms is surjective. (Thinking)

In this case all the rooms are occupied and that would mean that the map of all guests to rooms is surjective, or not? (Wondering)
  • #6
mathmari said:
In the last case with the infinitely many busses we use the formula $2^{i}\left (2(j-1)+1\right )$ where $i$ is the place in the bus and $j$ is the number of the bus.

Using this we get \begin{equation*}\begin{matrix} \text{Place}/\text{Bus} & 1. \text{ Bus} & 2. \text{ Bus} & 3. \text{ Bus} & 4. \text{ Bus} & 5. \text{ Bus} & \ldots \\ 1 & 2 & 6 & 10 & 14 & 18 & \ldots \\ 2 & 4 & 12 & 20 & 28 & 36 & \ldots \\ 3 & 8 & 24 & 40 & 56 & 72 & \ldots \\ \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots \end{matrix}\end{equation*}

mathmari said:
In this case all the rooms are occupied and that would mean that the map of all guests to rooms is surjective, or not?

I was looking at your formula for infinitely many buses.
It makes me wonder if every even room gets a guest assigned to it. (Thinking)
  • #7
Klaas van Aarsen said:
I was looking at your formula for infinitely many buses.
It makes me wonder if every even room gets a guest assigned to it. (Thinking)

How can we check that? (Wondering)
  • #8
mathmari said:
How can we check that?

For surjectivity we have to verify if every even number can be written in the form of your formula, so that there is at least 1 guest that gets the room with that number.
Btw, for injectivity we should also verify that it cannot happen that 2 guests are assigned to the same room with an even number.

Each number can be written uniquely as a power of 2 multiplied by an odd number can't it? (Thinking)
It follows from the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, also known as the unique factorization theorem, doesn't it?

Does it mean that we can always find a bus passenger for an even room? (Wondering)

FAQ: Hilbert's hotel and busses : Injectivity - Surjectivity

What is Hilbert's hotel and how does it relate to injectivity and surjectivity?

Hilbert's hotel is a thought experiment proposed by mathematician David Hilbert to illustrate the concept of infinity. It involves a hotel with an infinite number of rooms, all of which are occupied. When a new guest arrives, the hotel manager can shift all the current guests to the next room and accommodate the new guest in the first room. This demonstrates the concept of injectivity, as each guest is assigned a unique room number. Similarly, if the hotel has an infinite number of buses and each bus has an infinite number of seats, the concept of surjectivity can be illustrated by showing that all the guests in the hotel can be accommodated on the buses, with each guest having a seat assigned to them.

How does Hilbert's hotel and busses demonstrate the difference between injectivity and surjectivity?

Hilbert's hotel and busses demonstrate the difference between injectivity and surjectivity by showing that while both concepts involve mapping elements from one set to another, they differ in their requirements. Injectivity requires that each element in the domain is mapped to a unique element in the codomain, while surjectivity requires that every element in the codomain has at least one element in the domain mapped to it.

Can Hilbert's hotel and busses be used to explain other mathematical concepts?

Yes, Hilbert's hotel and busses can be used to explain other mathematical concepts such as cardinality, which is the concept of comparing the size of two sets. In this thought experiment, the size of the set of guests in the hotel and the size of the set of seats on the buses are both infinite, but they can be compared by showing that they can be mapped to each other.

Are there any real-life applications of Hilbert's hotel and busses?

While Hilbert's hotel and busses is a theoretical concept, it can be applied to real-life situations where infinity is involved, such as in computer science and physics. For example, in computer science, the concept of Hilbert's hotel and busses can be used to explain the concept of infinite loops, where a program continues to run infinitely. In physics, it can be used to explain the concept of infinite universes in the multiverse theory.

How does Hilbert's hotel and busses relate to other branches of mathematics?

Hilbert's hotel and busses are closely related to the concepts of set theory, functions, and topology. It also has connections to other areas of mathematics such as group theory, where the concept of infinite groups can be illustrated using Hilbert's hotel and busses. It is a useful thought experiment that can be applied to various mathematical concepts and fields.

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