Historical Meeting: Astro & Clausius in SD

In summary, Astro and Clausius had a conversation about physics, their jobs, and Astro's studies. Astro said he was impressed by Clausius's engineering skills. They also discussed a potential future meeting.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Historical Meeting: Astro & Clausius in SD!

Yeah man! Although it was a very fast meeting, we were talking in my new place at San Diego!. A nice guy!. And yeah, his beard is original (I tried to pull out his beard hair and after some Astro screams I realized is beard is true!).

Behind a beer, Astro and myself had a nice talk about PF, about his job and some projects he has in mind, and also about my studies.

After all, I think it was like these events in which the prime minister of a country receives in his official residence to another important political personality. In this case, this picture represents the delivering of my PF Engineer Gurú to the Astronuc, the new one.

(Thinking seriously of this, I got really amazed of the event, cause 80 days before we were separated thousands of km away, and thursday we were just in the same point of the space over the surface of the Earth!).


  • Astronuc.jpg
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  • #2
Like a true engineer, Clausius2 presented me with a challenge. I could drink it as long as I could open the bottle - without a bottle opener. :biggrin: I had to use my key ring.

It was a great please to meet Clausius2 in person. Both of us were quite busy last week, but me managed to fit in a quick visit. The BBQ will have to wait. BTW, Clausius, you missed a great stake dinner. :-p Next time in SD.

After all, I think it was like these events in which the prime minister of a country receives in his official residence to another important political personality. In this case, this picture represents the delivering of my PF Engineer Gurú to the Astronuc, the new one.
Well, let's not get too formal. :biggrin: I don't want to have to wear a suit and tie.

Oh yeah, I should say Clausius is a handsome dude, and very polite and intelligent. :wink:
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  • #3
Astronuc said:
Like a true engineer, Clausius2 presented me with a challenge. I could drink it as long as I could open the bottle - without a bottle opener. :biggrin: I had to use my key ring.:

That's true! He looked for a solution of how opening a beer without any opener. That's a cooool engineer!. On the other hand, I chose the spanish solution: taking a Coke (a trivial but the energetically cheapest one):smile:
  • #4
Yeah, that's really historical! Very nice picture. :smile:
Astronuc, I think you're the only man who looks really cute with the beard. :approve:
  • #5
That's very cool you guys. It does make one really appreciate the internet's far reaching-ness (I know that's not a word).

BTW, I use the sharp edge of a counter top or table to get my bottle tops off without an opener.
  • #6
FredGarvin said:
That's very cool you guys. It does make one really appreciate the internet's far reaching-ness (I know that's not a word).
Yeah, it was great to meet a fellow PFer in person. I know there a more out that way. We'll have to get you out to San Diego sometime Fred. Perhaps we could do a PF Engineering Conference and Beach Party. :biggrin:

FredGarvin said:
BTW, I use the sharp edge of a counter top or table to get my bottle tops off without an opener.
I was thinking about that option, but I didn't want to damage the counter-top or table. Clausius had just moved into that apartment.

I should probably get a bottle opener for my key ring - one that does not have sharp edges, so it won't be confiscated at airport security.
  • #7
Lisa! said:
Yeah, that's really historical! Very nice picture. :smile:
Astronuc, I think you're the only man who looks really cute with the beard. :approve:
Thanks Lisa! Actually my kids have never seen me without my beard. I have had the current beard since the first week of June, 1981, and before that I had had a beard for about 4 years. So in the last 28 years, I have been shaven (or shorn) for about 2 weeks. The beard in my current avatar is the original one.
  • #8
So many hippies! I can't breathe! :rolleyes: :-p
  • #9
Astronuc said:
Oh yeah, I should say Clausius is a handsome dude, and very polite and intelligent. :wink:
I could have told you that.
Glad you enjoyed yourselves. :smile:
  • #10
Astronuc said:
Thanks Lisa! Actually my kids have never seen me without my beard. I have had the current beard since the first week of June, 1981, and before that I had had a beard for about 4 years. So in the last 28 years, I have been shaven (or shorn) for about 2 weeks. The beard in my current avatar is the original one.
Interesting! So your beard is older than me and Clausius.:cool:
  • #11
Clausius2 said:
Yeah man! Although it was a very fast meeting, we were talking in my new place at San Diego!. A nice guy!. And yeah, his beard is original (I tried to pull out his beard hair and after some Astro screams I realized is beard is true!).
Behind a beer, Astro and myself had a nice talk about PF, about his job and some projects he has in mind, and also about my studies.
After all, I think it was like these events in which the prime minister of a country receives in his official residence to another important political personality. In this case, this picture represents the delivering of my PF Engineer Gurú to the Astronuc, the new one.

Wow, nice meeting indeed.

Clausius, how is life in San Diego ?

  • #12
arildno said:
I could have told you that.

:blushing: :blushing:
  • #13
marlon said:
Wow, nice meeting indeed.
Clausius, how is life in San Diego ?

very good, thanks!. Maybe my way or learning fluid mechanics is much worse than in Spain, and I am learning very little by the way. But on the other hand I am very happy with the place, the people and this whole situation is a challenge for me.

I wish some day we could meet the new PF Physics gurú (you)in SD, and make a crazy party beach. By the way today is my warming up party of my place, do you want to come?:biggrin:
  • #14
Glad you guys had a good time!

I love meeting people off the 'net for the first time. There is such a strange sense of familiarity and yet complete stranger-ness (yes, that is a word) at the same time.

FredGarvin said:
BTW, I use the sharp edge of a counter top or table to get my bottle tops off without an opener.

Never try this with a stone counter top, or a concrete edge of any kind...
  • #15
Lisa! said:
Yeah, that's really historical! Very nice picture. :smile:
Astronuc, I think you're the only man who looks really cute with the beard. :approve:
lol, you liar.
I like the turban too
What? that's not a turban?
  • #16
Clausius2 said:
very good, thanks!. Maybe my way or learning fluid mechanics is much worse than in Spain, and I am learning very little by the way.

don't worry, you already know enough:wink:

But on the other hand I am very happy with the place, the people and this whole situation is a challenge for me.
I wish some day we could meet the new PF Physics gurú (you)in SD, and make a crazy party beach. By the way today is my warming up party of my place, do you want to come?:biggrin:

I really would like that, you know. Besides, Astronuc is one of the members i also would like to meet one day.

Besides, in all honesty, i am a bit jealous at the fact that you can study in the USA. I am sure this will be a very big advantage for your future career.

See you man

  • #17
marlon said:
don't worry, you already know enough:wink:
I really would like that, you know. Besides, Astronuc is one of the members i also would like to meet one day.
Besides, in all honesty, i am a bit jealous at the fact that you can study in the USA. I am sure this will be a very big advantage for your future career.
See you man
I am not sure about that advantage, Marlon. It would depend on WHERE I am going to begin to take advantage of it. For sure in Spain I am not going to take any advantage of it, so in order to do that I have to think if working abroad is worthy or not for me in the future. Just now, my plan is to stay here for some time after my studies and see what happens then.
  • #18
Astronuc said:
Yeah, it was great to meet a fellow PFer in person. I know there a more out that way. We'll have to get you out to San Diego sometime Fred. Perhaps we could do a PF Engineering Conference and Beach Party. :biggrin:
Oh...twist my arm on that one! I promise that if I win the big game this week, I'll bring all of the PF engineering staff (and a few others) out to SD and we can all crash at Clausius's place.

I have a relative in Escondido...hmmm...
  • #19
What a wonderful photo! And whew, they are both so good looking! Glad you two had a chance to meet.
  • #20
That's really great. I've yet to meet any PFers in person myself.

The bottle opener on the key ring comes in handy.
I even keep a cork screw in my car lol. It came in handy when I took a lovely lady to the beach with a bottle and a couple glasses to watch the sun set.
  • #21
Well, if I get to SD on a weekend, we will have to try to get all PFers in the LA and SD area together. :wink:

South LA is only about an hour away (well not during rush hour, which is pretty much all day in LA). :biggrin:

Seriously, LA is about 2 hrs away from SD.
  • #22
Astronuc said:
Well, if I get to SD on a weekend, we will have to try to get all PFers in the LA and SD area together. :wink:
South LA is only about an hour away (well not during rush hour, which is pretty much all day in LA). :biggrin:
Seriously, LA is about 2 hrs away from SD.
I'm game! :approve:
  • #23
Drop me a pm when it happens.

Glad you guys had a nice visit. Clausius, I am also glad you are enjoyiong the States. If I recall, this is your first semester of ... grad school? UCSD?

Do you have a lab picked out yet?
  • #24
FredGarvin said:
Oh...twist my arm on that one! I promise that if I win the big game this week, I'll bring all of the PF engineering staff (and a few others) out to SD and we can all crash at Clausius's place.

I have a relative in Escondido...hmmm...

Hey man, you were planning a party in my proper place and I didn't know about that!:smile:

Yes, Pattylou, you're right.
  • #25
Clausius2 said:
Hey man, you were planning a party in my proper place and I didn't know about that!:smile: .
Well, you would have found out when you got home from work that night! We'd save you a few beers though.

Related to Historical Meeting: Astro & Clausius in SD

1. Who were Astro and Clausius?

Astro and Clausius were two important scientists in the field of thermodynamics. Astro was a British astronomer and physicist while Clausius was a German physicist and mathematician.

2. When did the historical meeting between Astro and Clausius take place?

The historical meeting between Astro and Clausius took place in the year 1850.

3. What was the purpose of the meeting between Astro and Clausius?

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss their theories and findings in the field of thermodynamics and to exchange ideas and collaborate on new research.

4. What were the contributions of Astro and Clausius to the field of thermodynamics?

Astro is known for his work on the kinetic theory of gases and for formulating the laws of thermodynamics, while Clausius is known for his work on the second law of thermodynamics and for introducing the concept of entropy.

5. How did the meeting between Astro and Clausius impact the field of thermodynamics?

The meeting between Astro and Clausius helped to further advance the field of thermodynamics and led to new discoveries and developments in the understanding of heat, energy, and their relationship to work.

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