Historical qustion-models of atoms

In summary, the electron orbits around the nucleus because of inertia, and it radiates energy by emitting photons.
  • #1

I am apprentice in quantum physics and physics generally. When Rutherford posted his model, he was strongly negated because of the fact that electrons will fall in nucleus. Well i got that part quiet well but when i learned that planet goes around its sun mainly because inertia (losing very small fraction to surroundings) and finally grasped the concept of circular motion, it struck me. I am puzzled here, why they didn't assume that electron has inertia too or something. If electron would collapse to nucleus why wouldn't Earth collapse to sun? Coulumb's force=gravity imo.

I am probably getting some concepts here wrong, but i cannot find consist answer anywhere about Earth's revolution.

Can u correct me and try to answer my question?

Thank you.
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  • #2
A body that is set in motion in an attractive potential field (like a gravitational field or an electric field) can indeed be put into a stable orbit that will never fall into the center of the field. Electric fields and gravitational fields are described by the same equation (the inverse square law), so at first glance, they would appear to lead to exactly the same behavior.

The difference is that the electron is charged. By Rutherford's time, enough was understood about electrodynamics to know that any electric charge which is accelerated will emit radiation (the technical term for this is Bremsstrahlung.) Remember that acceleration can mean a change in speed or a change in direction. The electron is always traveling at the same speed, but since it's in a circular orbit, it is always changing direction. Therefore, according to the laws of electrodynamics, it should constantly be radiating energy. If it were, this would gradually slow down the electron, breaking its stable orbit and causing it to eventually fall into the nucleus. This is the reason that scientists were skeptical of the orbit model of the electron.

Incidentally, the same thing would happen to a planet in a gravitational field, except that a planet is electrically neutral, so there is no radiation generated.
  • #3
Thank you, things are much more clear now. But, this concept of electron emitting energy by having acceleration, he emits energy in form of photon right? and this energy would be "drawn" from kinetic energy from a electron, which is 1/2mv^2, thus in a spiral fashion collapsing into nucleus.

Am i getting this right?
  • #4
Exactly. Conservation of energy dictates that if the electron emits a photon with some amount of energy, that energy has to come from somewhere, so it is drawn from the electron's kinetic energy, which slows it down. This is why it is called "Bremsstrahlung"--that word is German for "braking radiation".
  • #5
chopin said:
exactly. Conservation of energy dictates that if the electron emits a photon with some amount of energy, that energy has to come from somewhere, so it is drawn from the electron's kinetic energy, which slows it down. This is why it is called "bremsstrahlung"--that word is german for "braking radiation".

thank you very much !

FAQ: Historical qustion-models of atoms

1. What were the early models of the atom?

The earliest model of the atom was proposed by the Greek philosopher Democritus, who believed that all matter was made up of indivisible particles called atoms. This was later developed by John Dalton in the 1800s, who proposed the "billiard ball" model of the atom.

2. How did the discovery of electrons impact the understanding of atoms?

The discovery of electrons by J.J. Thomson in 1897 led to the development of the "plum pudding" model of the atom, which proposed that atoms were made up of a positively charged sphere with negatively charged electrons embedded within it.

3. Who proposed the nuclear model of the atom?

Ernest Rutherford proposed the nuclear model of the atom in 1911, based on his famous gold foil experiment. This model proposed that atoms have a dense, positively charged nucleus at the center, surrounded by negatively charged electrons in orbit around it.

4. What was the significance of Niels Bohr's model of the atom?

Niels Bohr's model of the atom, proposed in 1913, introduced the concept of energy levels and quantized electron orbits. This model helped explain the stability of atoms and laid the foundation for modern atomic theory.

5. How has our understanding of atoms evolved over time?

Our understanding of atoms has evolved significantly over time, from the early idea of indivisible particles to the current understanding of subatomic particles and their interactions. Each new model of the atom has built upon previous discoveries and experiments, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the fundamental building blocks of matter.

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