History of Steel: From Wood/Bone/Sinew to Metals

In summary, an interesting site discusses the history of stainless steel. It is amazing how humans have progressed from wood/bone/sinew to stone to metals - to highly technical materials.
  • #1
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An interesting site:

It is amazing how humans have progressed from wood/bone/sinew to stone to metals - to highly technical materials.

http://www.key-to-steel.com/Articles/Art106.htm - Part 1
http://www.key-to-steel.com/Articles/Art109.htm - Part 2


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  • #2
Astronuc said:
It is amazing how humans have progressed from wood/bone/sinew to stone to metals - to highly technical materials.

It sure is. If you're ever in the area, take a trip to http://www.bpmlegal.com/scotland/2002/gif/d4-IronBridge.jpg, the first metal bridge to be built. It still uses many wood working techniques such as dove tail jointing. I find it fascinating.

I'll be sure to take a look at yourr links tomorrow when i have more time.
  • #4
What a fantastic bridge matt! Its just beautiful.
I think it was around the turn of the century when someone added chromium to steel and made the first stainless steel.
  • #5
hypatia said:
What a fantastic bridge matt! Its just beautiful.
I think it was around the turn of the century when someone added chromium to steel and made the first stainless steel.

roughly around the turn-----the date several sites give is 1912

Astronuc has a link to a history of stainless, but this is also informative:

and especially this:

Wiki gives some 19th century forerunners of the 1912-1913 discovery


---quote Wiki---
The corrosion resistance of iron-chromium alloys was first recognized in 1821 by the French metallurgist Pierre Berthier, who noted their resistance against attack by some acids and suggested their use in cutlery. However, the metallurgists of the 19th century were unable to produce the combination of low carbon and high chromium found in most modern stainless steels, and the high-chromium alloys they could produce were too brittle to be of practical interest.
This situation changed in the late 1890s, when Hans Goldschmidt of Germany developed an aluminothermic (thermite) process for producing carbon-free chromium. In the years 1904-1911, several researchers, particularly Leon Guillet of France, prepared alloys that would today be considered stainless steel. In 1911, Philip Monnartz of Germany reported on the relationship between the chromium content and corrosion resistance of these alloys.
Harry Brearley of the Brown-Firth research laboratory in Sheffield, England is most commonly credited as the "inventor" of stainless steel. In 1913, while seeking an erosion-resistant alloy for gun barrels, he discovered and subsequently industrialized a martensitic stainless steel alloy. However, similar industrial developments were taking place contemporaneously at the Krupp Iron Works in Germany, where Eduard Maurer and Benno Strauss were developing an austenitic alloy (21% chromium, 7% nickel), and in the United States, where Christian Dantsizen and Frederick Becket were industrializing ferritic stainless.
---end quote---

so it seems something subtle was going on, already in 1821 people KNEW to mix chromium in with iron and had the idea of stainless steel, but all the chromium available had TOO MUCH CARBON IN IT.
they were apparently using carbon to reduce the chromium oxide and win the metal from the oxide, which left a residue of carbon.

the breakthrough was roundabout. first learn to win aluminum from ITS oxide by electrolysis, then make powder aluminum and mix THAT with chromium oxide
then apply heat in the absence of air, and the aluminum GOBBLES THE OXYGEN taking it away from the chromium and so you get the pure metal (without residue of carbon) (there would be aluminum oxide but it would slag off, i guess)
I could be wrong about the history, I am just interpreting what I think Wiki is saying. If somebody knows different, please say. If this is right then the curious roundaboutness is that you couldn't get stainless steel until you first figured out how to produce aluminum from its oxide by electricity.
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  • #6
Not so suprising that they dabbled in aluminum, at one time it was far more precious then gold.

Related to History of Steel: From Wood/Bone/Sinew to Metals

1. What is the history of steel?

The history of steel dates back to ancient times when humans first began using iron to make tools and weapons. However, it wasn't until the 17th and 18th centuries that steel production began to advance with the development of new techniques and technologies.

2. How was steel first made from wood, bone, and sinew?

The earliest forms of steel were made from a combination of iron and carbon. This was achieved by heating iron ore in a charcoal fire, allowing the carbon from the charcoal to infuse into the iron. The resulting material was then hammered and folded to remove impurities and increase its strength.

3. When did humans start using metals to make steel?

The use of metals to create steel can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of the Middle East and Asia, around 1800 BC. However, it wasn't until the 17th and 18th centuries that advancements in technology allowed for more efficient production of steel on a larger scale.

4. What are the benefits of using steel over other materials?

Steel has a number of advantages over other materials, including its strength, durability, and versatility. It is also more resistant to corrosion and can withstand high temperatures, making it ideal for use in construction, manufacturing, and transportation industries.

5. How has the production of steel changed over time?

The production of steel has undergone significant changes since its early days. With the invention of the Bessemer process in the 19th century, steel production became faster and more efficient. Today, advancements in technology have allowed for even more efficient and sustainable methods of producing steel, such as electric arc furnaces and recycling.

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