HiWhat are these Wikileaks cables? Were these some paper/electronic

  • Thread starter jackson6612
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In summary, the conversation discusses the Wikileaks cables and the motives behind the leaks. It questions whether the documents were sold or leaked, and if the leaker could be traced. The conversation also mentions the focus of the leaks and the reason for releasing them in steps. Additionally, there is a discussion about the potential financial gain for the website and the ethical implications of the leaks. It is noted that the person responsible for the leaks is already behind bars and that the leaks have gained credibility and attention from the media. The conversation concludes by mentioning a thread in the Politics & World Affairs forum dedicated to this topic.
  • #1

What are these Wikileaks cables? Were these some paper/electronic documents sold by someone to Wikileaks website? Or, is it that when cables were being sent they were tapped and sold later? Could't the 'leaker' be traced? Are these leaks only focused on the US diplomacy or the US diplomatic missions activities round the world? Why are they releasing the leaks in steps? For the last few days everyday new leaks are coming out, why not all at once? Do the website earn any money by this?

Do you think such a 'leakage'/'transparency' a good thing?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

We have a discussion already in place in Politics & World Affairs forum area.
  • #3

jackson6612 said:

What are these Wikileaks cables? Were these some paper/electronic documents sold by someone to Wikileaks website? Or, is it that when cables were being sent they were tapped and sold later? Could't the 'leaker' be traced? Are these leaks only focused on the US diplomacy or the US diplomatic missions activities round the world? Why are they releasing the leaks in steps? For the last few days everyday new leaks are coming out, why not all at once? Do the website earn any money by this?

Do you think such a 'leakage'/'transparency' a good thing?

I think the person (a military) responsible for leaking to wikileaks is already behind bars. Not only the US, but many other countries were "victims" in past years (how wikileaks gained credibility in the first place). They were generally seen positively then. The leaks are released in steps because wikileaks wants to be in the news as long as it can (common goal to any media), because yes, they do make money by being talked about by millions of people for a long period of time. Once the entire US military files are released, there may be not much left for them to do.

Of course, now that the head is being accused of sexual aggressions, it should make the site lose some support (although it's rather coincidental that this story comes out now specifically). However, for the general press, the leaked information and the whole story in general is pure gold, because the general public will buy the newspaper. Now what could be more intriguing than information labeled "top secret" by the top agencies?
  • #4

There is already a thread in P&WA.
  • #5

The Wikileaks cables are a collection of classified documents from various governments and organizations that have been leaked to the public by the website Wikileaks. These documents can be in paper or electronic form and were not necessarily sold to Wikileaks. The source of the leaks is often a whistleblower or someone with access to the information who believes it should be made public.

It is possible for the leaker to be traced, but many take steps to remain anonymous in order to protect themselves from potential backlash. The leaks cover a range of topics, not just US diplomacy, and are released in stages to allow for proper review and analysis of the information.

The website does not earn money from these leaks, as their mission is to promote transparency and accountability in government and other organizations. Whether or not these leaks are a good thing is a matter of personal opinion. Some may argue that they provide important information to the public, while others may argue that they can harm diplomatic relationships and compromise national security. As scientists, it is important for us to objectively analyze the information and consider the potential impacts on society and our understanding of global events.

Related to HiWhat are these Wikileaks cables? Were these some paper/electronic

What are these Wikileaks cables?

The Wikileaks cables are a collection of confidential and classified documents that were leaked to the public by the organization Wikileaks. These documents contain diplomatic and intelligence information from various governments and organizations around the world.

Were these some paper/electronic?

The Wikileaks cables are primarily electronic documents. They were originally leaked in the form of digital files, such as PDFs, and were later published on the Wikileaks website. Some of the documents may have been printed out on paper copies for easier access, but the majority of the leaks were in electronic form.

Who leaked these documents?

The source of the Wikileaks cables was a former United States Army intelligence analyst named Chelsea Manning. She leaked the documents to Wikileaks in 2010 and was later convicted and sentenced to 35 years in prison for her actions. Her sentence was later commuted by President Obama in 2017.

What is the significance of these leaks?

The Wikileaks cables are considered to be one of the largest and most significant leaks of classified information in history. They shed light on various controversial and sensitive topics, such as government corruption, human rights abuses, and military operations. The leaks sparked international debates and raised questions about government transparency and accountability.

Are these documents authentic?

The authenticity of the Wikileaks cables has been verified by various media outlets and government agencies. However, some of the documents have been redacted or edited to protect sensitive information. It is important to note that Wikileaks has faced criticism for potentially endangering individuals and compromising national security by publishing these documents.

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