- #1
- 5
- 0
- Homework Statement
- Assembler.java
- Relevant Equations
- Create a mini-Assembler for a 32-bit MIPS processor.
I already wrote the regToByte method, but I don't understand how to write the makeI and makeR methods correctly.
Create a mini-Assembler for a 32-bit MIPS processor; Program should accept input lines from the user until HALT is read. With each line, translate the line into MIPS machine code. Print the total memory space needed for the completed program.
The form for all assembly lines will be:
<code> <rd> <rs> <rt> (for codes ADD, AND);
<code> <rd> <rt> <shift_amount> (for codes SRL, SLL);
<code> <rt> <rs> <immediate> (for codes ADDI, ANDI);
BEQ <rs> <rt> <branch_address>;
LW <rt> immediate <rs>; SW <rt> immediate <rs>
Your Assembler should accept the following subset of the complete ISA:
Functions: ADD, ADDI, AND, ANDI, BEQ, LW, SW, SRL, SLL; Registers: $zero, $v0-1, $a0-3, $t0-9, $s0-7.
Immediates and shift amounts should be read in decimal. Branch addresses should be read as a decimal offset from PC+4 (positive or negative). That is, you don't need to do any address arithmetic, just use the immediate given.
Printing a 32-bit binary number can be done in Java with the following: System.out.println("***: " + String.format("%32s", Integer.toBinaryString(word)).replace(" ", "0"));
Mod note: Added code tags
Аssembler can read and translate one line at a time. It does not need to read in the whole file first. In the example below, I cut and pasted nine lines into the running program. So you main program can be something like:
Until HALT ---- Read a line ------ Translate it ------- Print it
Assembler - Your Name Here
*** Begin entering Assembler:
ADD $v0 $v1 $zero
AND $a0 $a1 $a2
ADDI $a3 $t4 -321
ANDI $t0 $t5 123
BEQ $s0 $t1 +517
LW $s1 -12 $t2
SW $s2 20 $t3
SRL $a2 $a3 3
SLL $a3 $a2 31
***: 00000000011000000001000000100000
***: 00000000101001100010000000100100
***: 00100001100001111111111010111111
***: 00110001101010000000000001111011
***: 00010010000010010000001000000101
***: 10001101010100011111111111110100
***: 10101101011100100000000000010100
***: 00000000000001110011000011000010
***: 00000000000001100011111111000000
*** Assembly complete. Program required 9 words of memory.
Create a mini-Assembler for a 32-bit MIPS processor; Program should accept input lines from the user until HALT is read. With each line, translate the line into MIPS machine code. Print the total memory space needed for the completed program.
The form for all assembly lines will be:
<code> <rd> <rs> <rt> (for codes ADD, AND);
<code> <rd> <rt> <shift_amount> (for codes SRL, SLL);
<code> <rt> <rs> <immediate> (for codes ADDI, ANDI);
BEQ <rs> <rt> <branch_address>;
LW <rt> immediate <rs>; SW <rt> immediate <rs>
Your Assembler should accept the following subset of the complete ISA:
Functions: ADD, ADDI, AND, ANDI, BEQ, LW, SW, SRL, SLL; Registers: $zero, $v0-1, $a0-3, $t0-9, $s0-7.
Immediates and shift amounts should be read in decimal. Branch addresses should be read as a decimal offset from PC+4 (positive or negative). That is, you don't need to do any address arithmetic, just use the immediate given.
Printing a 32-bit binary number can be done in Java with the following: System.out.println("***: " + String.format("%32s", Integer.toBinaryString(word)).replace(" ", "0"));
Mod note: Added code tags
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Assembler
private static final boolean TEST_MODE = true;
public static void main(String[] args)
int count = 0;
System.out.println("Assembler - Your Name Here\n");
[B] // Your code here[/B]
System.out.println("\n*** Assembly complete. Program required " + count + " words of memory.");
[B]private static int makeR(byte opcode, byte rs, byte rt, byte rd, byte shamt, byte funct)
int returnValue = 0;
return returnValue;
[B] private static int makeI(byte opcode, byte rs, byte rt, short immed)
int returnValue = 0;
return returnValue;
[B] private static byte regToByte(String r)
byte returnValue = 0;
String upperCase = r.toUpperCase();
case "$AT":
returnValue = 1;
case "$ZERO":
returnValue = 0;
case "$V0":
returnValue = 2;
case "$V1":
returnValue = 3;
case "$A0":
returnValue = 4;
case "$A1":
returnValue = 5;
case "$A2":
returnValue = 6;
case "$A3":
returnValue = 7;
case "$T0":
returnValue = 8;
case "$T1":
returnValue = 9;
case "$T2":
returnValue = 10;
case "$T3":
returnValue = 11;
case "$T4":
returnValue = 12;
case "$T5":
returnValue = 13;
case "$T6":
returnValue = 14;
case "$T7":
returnValue = 15;
case "$T8":
returnValue = 24;
case "$T9":
returnValue = 25;
case "$S0":
returnValue = 16;
case "$S1":
returnValue = 17;
case "$S2":
returnValue = 18;
case "$S3":
returnValue = 19;
case "$S4":
returnValue = 20;
case "$S5":
returnValue = 21;
case "$S6":
returnValue = 22;
case "$S7":
returnValue = 23;
return returnValue;
[B] }
* Test Code below
* Do NOT modify
private static void testCases()
if (test_regToByte())
System.out.println("RegToByte working well\n");
System.out.println("RegToByte failed\n");
if (test_makeR())
System.out.println("makeR working well\n");
System.out.println("makeR failed\n");
if (test_makeI())
System.out.println("makeI working well\n");
System.out.println("makeI failed\n");
private static boolean test_regToByte()
boolean passedTest = true;
String[] regs = { "$ZERO", "$AT", "$V0", "$V1", "$A0", "$A1", "$A2", "$A3", "$T0", "$T1", "$T2", "$T3", "$T4",
"$T5", "$T6", "$T7", "$S0", "$S1", "$S2", "$S3", "$S4", "$S5", "$S6", "$S7", "$T8", "$T9" };
for (int i = 0; i < regs.length; i++)
passedTest &= testReg(regs[ i], i);
return passedTest;
private static boolean testReg(String regName, int expValue)
if (regToByte(regName) != expValue) System.out.printf("Fail: regToByte(\"%s\") = %d, should be %d\n", regName, regToByte(regName), expValue);
return regToByte(regName) == expValue;
private static boolean test_makeR()
boolean passedTest = true;
int i = makeR((byte) 1, (byte) 1,(byte) 1,(byte) 1,(byte) 1,(byte) 1);
if (i != 0b00000100001000010000100001000001)
System.out.println("Test: makeR(1,1,1,1,1,1) = " + Integer.toBinaryString(i) + " failed");
passedTest = false;
i = makeR((byte) 63, (byte) 0,(byte) 31,(byte) 0,(byte) 31,(byte) 0);
if (i != 0b11111100000111110000011111000000)
System.out.println("Test: makeR(63,0,31,0,31,0) = " + Integer.toBinaryString(i) + " failed");
passedTest = false;
return passedTest;
private static boolean test_makeI()
boolean passedTest = true;
int i = makeI((byte) 1, (byte) 1,(byte) 1,(short) 1);
if (i != 0b00000100001000010000000000000001)
System.out.println("Test: makeI(1,1,1,1) = " + Integer.toBinaryString(i) + " failed");
passedTest = false;
i = makeI((byte) 63, (byte) 0,(byte) 31,(short) 0);
if (i != 0b11111100000111110000000000000000)
System.out.println("Test: makeI(63,0,31,0) = " + Integer.toBinaryString(i) + " failed");
passedTest = false;
i = makeI((byte) 63, (byte) 0,(byte) 31,(short) -1);
if (i != 0b11111100000111111111111111111111)
System.out.println("Test: makeI(63,0,31,-1) = " + Integer.toBinaryString(i) + " failed");
passedTest = false;
return passedTest;
Аssembler can read and translate one line at a time. It does not need to read in the whole file first. In the example below, I cut and pasted nine lines into the running program. So you main program can be something like:
Until HALT ---- Read a line ------ Translate it ------- Print it
Assembler - Your Name Here
*** Begin entering Assembler:
ADD $v0 $v1 $zero
AND $a0 $a1 $a2
ADDI $a3 $t4 -321
ANDI $t0 $t5 123
BEQ $s0 $t1 +517
LW $s1 -12 $t2
SW $s2 20 $t3
SRL $a2 $a3 3
SLL $a3 $a2 31
***: 00000000011000000001000000100000
***: 00000000101001100010000000100100
***: 00100001100001111111111010111111
***: 00110001101010000000000001111011
***: 00010010000010010000001000000101
***: 10001101010100011111111111110100
***: 10101101011100100000000000010100
***: 00000000000001110011000011000010
***: 00000000000001100011111111000000
*** Assembly complete. Program required 9 words of memory.
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