HND Engineering pathway to take -- advice requested please

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In summary: Your Name]In summary, the individual is currently pursuing their HND in Engineering online due to the pandemic and is having trouble deciding between the three available pathways: Electrical & Electronic, Mechanical & General. They have completed the Further Maths unit and are able to choose their own units, but are struggling with the online learning materials and support. They have a strong interest in mechanical and thermodynamics, but are also considering the electrical pathway for job opportunities in renewable energy. They are unsure about the general pathway and its potential career prospects, and are seeking advice from others. Ultimately, they are looking to make a decision soon and are considering both online learning and college options.
  • #1

Im currently doing my HND Engineering online do to Covid. I haven't chosen a pathway to take yet and conflict on the way to go.

There are 3 options, Electrical & Electronic, Mechanical & General. So far I've only done the Further Maths unit (almost finished) what is in all 3 options and i get to chose my units that i take. The is prob
1. I like mechanical and interested and really like thermodynamics, but as I am learning online the help/tutor is not good enough for the fluid units or mechanical principle units and the workbook material is shocking bad. Only one college offers mechanical but i had to leave do to illness and where not receptive to that.
2. I like bits of electrical (the electrical and renewable energy). I understand it and can do it on my own. But i hate electronics and thoughts off doing electronics and electrical for a career kills me. Plus very few places offer top up electrical not electronic degrees
3. I like general, you get free range of units so can match it up with what i like and it can easy match other course but general I am not sure if emplorers would look at as bad, too general, not chosen a route, to broad. Plus not sure i could find top up degree or do a top up degree that is more specialised (e.g material engineering).

Im coming to end of the unit so have to chose soon. I am not sure if I am going stay with online so want to kind of match with colleges aswell. online their helps is bad and marking is harsh compared to colleges (eg. if u get 3 distinctions and 1 pass for assignments, your end of module grade would be a pass).

I would be super greatful if i could hear from people and their advice, what they think.
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I understand your dilemma in choosing a pathway for your HND in Engineering. It can be challenging to make a decision, especially when you have conflicting interests and concerns about the quality of online learning.

Firstly, I would like to commend you for taking the initiative to continue your studies online despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. It takes a lot of determination and self-discipline to succeed in online learning, and I believe that these qualities will serve you well in whichever pathway you choose.

In terms of your options, it seems like you have a strong interest in mechanical and thermodynamics, but are facing difficulties with the online learning materials and support for this pathway. I would suggest exploring different online resources and reaching out to other online communities or forums for additional help and support. You could also consider reaching out to the college that offers mechanical courses and inquire about their online learning options or any alternative support they can provide.

With regards to the electrical and electronic pathway, it is understandable that you have reservations about pursuing a career in electronics. However, it is worth considering the potential job opportunities and demand for this field, especially in the renewable energy sector. You could also consider taking a mix of electrical and renewable energy units to tailor your degree to your interests.

Finally, the general pathway may seem like a safe option, but it is essential to consider your long-term career goals and how this pathway aligns with them. I believe that having a broad understanding of different fields can be beneficial, but it is also necessary to have a specialization to stand out in the job market. Perhaps you could look into top-up degrees or further studies in a specific area of interest related to the general pathway.

In conclusion, my advice would be to carefully consider your interests, career goals, and the resources available to you before making a decision. It may also be helpful to seek advice from professionals in the engineering field and gather more information about the job prospects for each pathway. Ultimately, the most important thing is to choose a pathway that you are passionate about and will lead you to a successful and fulfilling career.

Best of luck in your decision-making process.

Related to HND Engineering pathway to take -- advice requested please

1. What is an HND Engineering pathway?

An HND (Higher National Diploma) Engineering pathway is a specialized educational program that focuses on providing students with the skills and knowledge needed to work in the engineering industry. It typically includes a combination of theoretical and practical coursework, as well as hands-on experience through internships or work placements.

2. What are the benefits of taking an HND Engineering pathway?

There are several benefits to taking an HND Engineering pathway. Firstly, it provides a strong foundation in engineering principles and practices, making graduates highly employable in a variety of industries. It also allows for hands-on experience and the development of practical skills, which are highly valued by employers. Additionally, an HND can serve as a stepping stone to further education, such as a bachelor's degree, for those who wish to continue their studies.

3. What subjects are typically covered in an HND Engineering pathway?

The specific subjects covered in an HND Engineering pathway may vary depending on the institution, but common topics include mathematics, physics, mechanics, materials science, electrical and electronic engineering, and computer-aided design (CAD). Students may also have the opportunity to specialize in a particular area of engineering, such as mechanical, electrical, or civil engineering.

4. Is an HND Engineering pathway a good choice for me?

An HND Engineering pathway can be a good choice for those who have a strong interest in engineering and enjoy hands-on work. It is also a good option for those who want to enter the workforce quickly and have a practical skill set. However, it may not be the best fit for those who prefer a more theoretical and research-based approach to learning.

5. What career opportunities are available for HND Engineering pathway graduates?

Graduates of an HND Engineering pathway have a wide range of career opportunities available to them. They may work in industries such as manufacturing, construction, transportation, energy, or telecommunications. Some common job titles include engineering technician, project engineer, design engineer, or quality control engineer. With further education and experience, they may also advance to roles such as engineering manager or consultant.

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