Hohmann Orbit Transfer: Minimize Delta V for Bigger Orbit

  • Thread starter greg_rack
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In summary, the Hohmann transfer is the most efficient way to move from one circular orbit to another. It requires the least delta-V possible.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hi guys,

just a short question of Hohmann transfer.
I got the derivation for the required ##\Delta v##, composed by the sum of two impulses, for establishing on a larger orbit... but how do we demonstrate it's actually the transfer which requires the smallest ##\Delta v##?
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  • #2
Let the initial and final circular orbits have radii ##a## and ##b## respectively. Right after the initial burn at point ##P_1## let the spaceship have velocity ##\mathbf{u}##, and right before the final burn at point ##P_2## let the spaceship have velocity ##\mathbf{v}##. Angular momentum is conserved during the transfer orbit from ##P_1## to ##P_2##, so$$a u_{\theta} = b v_{\theta} \implies v_{\theta} = \frac{a}{b} u_{\theta}$$Energy is also conserved during the transfer orbit, so \begin{align*}
u^2 - \frac{2GM}{a} &= v^2 - \frac{2GM}{b} \\

u_r^2 + u_{\theta}^2 - \frac{2GM}{a} &= v_r^2 + v_{\theta}^2 - \frac{2GM}{b}
\end{align*}now eliminate ##v_{\theta}## using the previous relation, i.e.\begin{align*}
v_r^2 = \left(1- \frac{a^2}{b^2} \right)u_{\theta}^2 + u_r^2 - 2GM \left( \frac{1}{a} - \frac{1}{b} \right)
\end{align*}Now consider the two burns. In the initial and final circular orbits the velocities are ##\mathbf{e}_{\theta} \sqrt{\frac{2GM}{a}}## and ##\mathbf{e}_{\theta}\sqrt{\frac{2GM}{b}}## respectively. The changes in the velocity due to the first burn is\begin{align*}

\mathbf{b}_1 &= \left( u_{\theta} - \sqrt{\frac{2GM}{a}} \right) \mathbf{e}_{\theta} + u_r \mathbf{e}_r \\

|\mathbf{b}_1|^2 &= \left( u_{\theta} - \sqrt{\frac{2GM}{a}} \right)^2 + u_r^2

\end{align*}Similarly for the second burn you can write \begin{align*}
|\mathbf{b}_2|^2 &= \left( \sqrt{\frac{2GM}{b}} - v_{\theta} \right)^2 + v_r^2 \\

&= \left( u_{\theta} - \frac{a}{b} \sqrt{\frac{2GM}{b}} \right)^2 + u_r^2 + 2GM \left( \frac{3}{b} - \frac{2}{a} - \frac{a^2}{b^3}\right)
\end{align*}having used the previous relation to eliminate ##v_r## and ##v_{\theta}##. The most efficient orbit means minimising ##\mathcal{Q} = |\mathbf{b}_1| + |\mathbf{b}_2|##. Holding ##u_{\theta}## constant, both ##|\mathbf{b}_1|## and ##|\mathbf{b}_2|## increase monotonically with ##u_r##. Consider decreasing ##u_r## until either (i) ##u_r = 0## (in which case ##P_1## is the periapsis of the transfer orbit) or otherwise (ii) until some critical non-zero value ##u_r = k## below which the rocket won't reach the final circular orbit (in which case ##P_2## is the apoapsis of the connecting orbit). Recall that the total energy of an orbit of semi-major axis ##\alpha## is ##-GM/2\alpha##. In either case, to reach the final circular orbit we must have ##\alpha \geq \dfrac{1}{2} \left(a + b \right)##.

For case (i), if ##P_1## is the periapsis of the transfer orbit (##u_{r} = 0## at ##P_1##) then\begin{align*}

u_{\theta}^2 - \frac{2GM}{a} = - \frac{GM}{\alpha} \implies u_{\theta}^2 \geq GM\left( \frac{b}{a(a+b)}\right)

\end{align*}You can prove yourself that this constraint implies both ##|\mathbf{b}_1|## and ##|\mathbf{b}_2|## are monotonically increasing functions of ##u_{\theta}##, and hence that ##\mathcal{Q}## is minimised for this ##u_{\theta} = \sqrt{GM\left( \dfrac{b}{a(a+b)}\right)}##.

Similarly for case (ii), if ##P_2## is the apoapsis of the transfer orbit (##v_{r} = 0## at ##P_2##) then\begin{align*}
v_{\theta}^2 - \frac{2GM}{b} &= -\frac{GM}{\alpha} \\

\frac{a^2}{b^2} u_{\theta}^2 &= GM\left( \frac{2}{b} - \frac{1}{\alpha} \right) \\

u_{\theta}^2 &\geq \frac{b^2}{a^2} GM \left( \frac{a}{b(a+b)}\right) = GM \left( \frac{b}{a(a+b)}\right)
\end{align*}as before.

Notice then, that the transfer orbit corresponding to the minimum ##u_{\theta}## has both ##P_1## as a periapsis and ##P_2## as an apoapsis; i.e. the Hohmann transfer!
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  • #3
Note that for some situations the three-burn bi-elliptic transfer orbit requires less delta-V that the corresponding two-burn Hohmann transfer orbit.
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FAQ: Hohmann Orbit Transfer: Minimize Delta V for Bigger Orbit

1. What is Hohmann Orbit Transfer?

Hohmann Orbit Transfer is a type of orbital maneuver used to transfer a spacecraft from one circular orbit to another, with the goal of minimizing the amount of fuel (Delta V) required for the transfer.

2. How does Hohmann Orbit Transfer minimize Delta V?

Hohmann Orbit Transfer takes advantage of the natural gravitational forces between celestial bodies to minimize the amount of fuel needed for a spacecraft to change orbits. By using a specific timing and trajectory, the spacecraft can achieve the desired orbit with the least amount of fuel.

3. Why is minimizing Delta V important for a bigger orbit?

Minimizing Delta V is important for a bigger orbit because it reduces the amount of fuel needed for the spacecraft to reach its destination. This is especially important for long-distance missions, as it allows the spacecraft to carry more payload and have a longer operational lifespan.

4. What factors affect the success of a Hohmann Orbit Transfer?

The success of a Hohmann Orbit Transfer depends on several factors, including the mass and speed of the spacecraft, the distance between the initial and final orbits, and the gravitational forces of the celestial bodies involved. Accurate calculations and precise timing are also crucial for a successful transfer.

5. Are there any disadvantages to using Hohmann Orbit Transfer?

While Hohmann Orbit Transfer is an efficient method for minimizing Delta V, it does have some drawbacks. It can take longer to reach the destination compared to other orbital maneuvers, and it may not be suitable for certain mission objectives or time-sensitive missions. Additionally, it requires precise calculations and timing, which can be challenging for complex or multi-body systems.

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