Hole drilled through center of the earth

In summary: But in the case of the linear "orbit" that passes through the center of the earth, the central mass is located at the center of the degenerate ellipse, and not at either of the endpoints.
  • #1
Suppose that a small hole is drilled straight through the center of the earth, thus connecting two antipodal points on its surface. Let a a particle of mass m be dropped at time t = 0 into this hole with initial speed zero. Find the period of the simple harmonic motion exhibited by the particle.

I found this to be about 84 min.

Look up (or derive) the period of a satellite that just skims the surface of the earth; compare with the previous result. How do you explain the coincidence. Or is it a coincidence?

I looked this up on the internet and found the period to be 84 min as well. But I'm unable to explain the coincidence. Please help.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
No, it is not a coincidence. The period of an orbit about the Earth is determined by the maximum distance of the orbit from the center of the Earth (the "apogee"). For a satellite that "just skims the earth" or one that goes through the center of the Earth those are the same- the radius of the earth.
  • #3
HallsofIvy said:
No, it is not a coincidence. The period of an orbit about the Earth is determined by the maximum distance of the orbit from the center of the Earth (the "apogee"). For a satellite that "just skims the earth" or one that goes through the center of the Earth those are the same- the radius of the earth.

I derived the formula for the orbital period:


where a is the the semi-major axis, which is R in this case.

But a path that goes through the center of the Earth isn't an orbit, in the usual sense of the word. However, I was able to derive independently that the period in this case has the same formula. So, isn't that a coincidence?
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  • #4
alexmahone said:
However, I was able to derive independently that the period in this case has the same formula. So, isn't that a coincidence?

No it isn't. You always get the the same values for the orbit at surface level and for a linear path through a homogeneous spherical mass distribution (it doesn't need do go through the center).

By the way: Earth is not homogeneous. With the http://geophysics.ou.edu/solid_earth/prem.html" I get a period of 76 minutes from pole to pole and return.
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  • #5
DrStupid said:
No it isn't. You always get the the same values for the orbit at surface level and for a linear path through a homogeneous spherical mass distribution (it doesn't need do go through the center).

I know we get the same value, but why do you say it isn't a coincidence?
  • #6
HallsofIvy said:
The period of an orbit about the Earth is determined by the maximum distance of the orbit from the center of the Earth (the "apogee"). For a satellite that "just skims the earth" or one that goes through the center of the Earth those are the same- the radius of the earth.

According to Keplers 3rd law the period of an orbit is determined by the semi major axis and for a linear "orbit" from surface to the center of Earth (assuming Earth to be a point mass) it would be half the radius of earth.
  • #7
alexmahone said:
I know we get the same value, but why do you say it isn't a coincidence?

Because it is the inevitable result of natural laws.
  • #8
DrStupid said:
According to Keplers 3rd law the period of an orbit is determined by the semi major axis and for a linear "orbit" from surface to the center of Earth (assuming Earth to be a point mass) it would be half the radius of earth.

I guess you mean half the diameter of the earth. So you're assuming that the path, that passes through the center of the earth, is a degenerate ellipse (with semi-major axis R and semi-minor axis zero)?

What if the path does not pass through the center of the earth? Assuming that it is a degenerate ellipse to use Kepler's 3rd law would not help because the center of the Earth would not be in the plane of the ellipse.
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  • #9
alexmahone said:
I guess you mean half the diameter of the earth.

No, I mean half the radius. It would be a degenerate ellipse with semi-major axis R/2 and semi-minor axis zero.

alexmahone said:
What if the path does not pass through the center of the earth?

That's not possible. According to Kepler's 1st law the central mass is located in a focus of the ellipse and in this special case that means at the inner end of the path.
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  • #10
DrStupid said:
According to Kepler's 1st law the central mass is located in a focus of the ellipse and in this special case that means at the inner end of the path.

But in the case of the linear "orbit" that passes through the center of the earth, the central mass is located at the center of the degenerate ellipse, and not at either of the foci.
  • #11
alexmahone said:
But in the case of the linear "orbit" that passes through the center of the earth, the central mass is located at the center of the degenerate ellipse, and not at either of the foci.

That's wrong. You can't brake natural laws.

If you want to have a linear path with a point mass in the middle you have to compose it of two elliptic orbits, each with the point mass in the inner focus. The particle starts on the first orbit and reaches the center within half the corresponding period T'. Then it changes to the second orbit (this is possible because in the center the direction is not defined due to infinite angular velocity) and reaches the opposite surface within additional T'/2. The way back takes once more T'. According to Keplers 3rd law the period of the degenerate ellipse is


where T is the period of the corresponding circular orbit. Therefore the period of the complete linear path is


If you don't believe it you may check it with a numerical simulation.

FAQ: Hole drilled through center of the earth

What is the concept of drilling a hole through the center of the Earth?

The concept of drilling a hole through the center of the Earth involves creating a tunnel that goes straight through the Earth's crust, mantle, and core. This would essentially create a shortcut from one side of the Earth to the other.

Is it possible to drill a hole through the center of the Earth?

Currently, it is not possible to drill a hole through the center of the Earth. The technology and engineering required to do so are not yet available. Additionally, the extreme heat and pressure at the Earth's core would make it nearly impossible for any drill to withstand and penetrate through.

How deep would the hole need to be to reach the center of the Earth?

The radius of the Earth is approximately 6,371 kilometers. Therefore, the hole would need to be at least 6,371 kilometers deep to reach the center of the Earth. However, factors such as the Earth's curvature and varying density of the layers would make the exact depth difficult to determine.

What would happen if a hole was drilled through the center of the Earth?

If a hole were to be drilled through the center of the Earth, it would create a direct path for magma and other molten materials to flow from the core to the surface. This could potentially cause catastrophic volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. It could also disrupt the Earth's magnetic field and possibly affect its rotation.

Are there any potential benefits of drilling a hole through the center of the Earth?

Some scientists have proposed that drilling a hole through the center of the Earth could lead to a better understanding of the Earth's structure and composition. It could also potentially provide access to valuable resources deep within the Earth. However, these benefits would come with significant risks and challenges.

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