Hollywood Wins DVD Case: Judge Sides with MPAA

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  • Thread starter The_Professional
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In summary, 321 Studios must stop selling its DVD copying program because it violates copyright law. The company plans to appeal the ruling.
  • #36
Originally posted by kat
Format change is perfectly acceptable, so is cutting and remixing. It is not true, however, that one can make and have on hand unlimited copies. Although it's unlikely that someone is going to bust down your door with a search warrant to check...the key word is..."fair use". :wink:
Thank You, please explain it to master_coda, my attempts seem to have fallen short...not my fault I suspect...
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  • #37
Originally posted by The_Professional
Not true. A DVD burner by design enables a consumer or individual to watch DVD movies and to make back-ups of anything: his entire hard drive, images, personal files, audio, video etc. You're saying that "(by design) it's used to evade the societally accepted rights of another, is a tool of crime" ? not true again. It is the program itself that circumvents restrictions in order for an individual to make a personal backup copy of whatever movie or cd he has legally paid for. And the fact is, DVD and CD media is much more fragile than tapes, hence the need to backup.
So, I realize that any DVD burner is not what is at stake, or in question, herein, it is that software that you mention, but if that software is bundled with "a DVD burner" then that Burner should not be sold, as it is a tool for Copyright Violation...

That, I suspect, is the point everyone in that case is trying to make...But I could be wrong so...
  • #38
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
So, I realize that any DVD burner is not what is at stake, or in question, herein, it is that software that you mention, but if that software is bundled with "a DVD burner" then that Burner should not be sold, as it is a tool for Copyright Violation...

That, I suspect, is the point everyone in that case is trying to make...But I could be wrong so...

The software does not come bundled with the burner. Even if it is not included, it only takes a minute to do a search on google to find the program.
So that means we should also ban search engines as well, as they "aid" in piracy. Big Joke.
  • #39
Originally posted by The_Professional
The software does not come bundled with the burner. Even if it is not included, it only takes a minute to do a search on google to find the program.
So that means we should also ban search engines as well, as they "aid" in piracy. Big Joke.

naw, not search engines, just the entire web
  • #40
Apparently in your *Ahem* Ignorance of Both, law, and the internet, you seemed to have missed completely the central issue reguarding the internet, freedom of speech, copyright law, and you!

For the very first time, in the history of humanity, human speech is directly translatable into actions, and actions that can be very deleterious to humanity...as in...

<<Insert string of maliciously intended code <--input/output-->Completely blacked out power stations>>

NOW! neither Copyright law, nor freedom of speech, have protections against this type of occurance, HOW could they!??! Never, in the history of humanity, has there been a position wherein human speech was directly translatable into action, unless you were a KING, and even then, a mad king could be shot...in this instance we have opportunity for anyone to act like a King simply by having the programming abilities, something copyright law was NEVER INTENDED to protect NEVER.

Now, that you can find malicious code, on the net, apparently is not a new thing (even though the net is) but it is something that requires that copyright rules need be, either, reviewed and/or revised and/or have a 'set aside', or completely new section(s) (Rules) to deal with (computer) programs as copyright law was never intended to protect the creation of The tools of burglary, larceny, piracy, nor malicious anarchy...and it is one of the above (which one?) that you all seem to want to have "protected"...funny I remember back when 'net people' wanted "no rules" agreeing that they would, willingly, Police themselves!...HEY! where did Y'all go"

It is the principal reason why democracy works The VOLONTARY upholding of the law by the vast majority of the citizenry...otherwise, it simply co$ts to much, throwing everyone in jail...

YOu are being unreasonable, and it just might cost you waaaaaay more then you ever dreamed!

Lights out, everyone!

What some of you seem intent upon protecting, is a right, to have the ability to pirate, cause the vast majority, of net users, cannot program!...so they need someone else to do that... right?
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  • #41
So, "Children" time to behave, as adults...responcibility.

It is very clear that "Unreasonable" applies to the idea of "Unlimited" inasmuch, as I can apply a limit of 1 Billion copies, (well below "Unlimited") and prove conclusively that you cannot listen to them all, (No practicle use, at this Limit) as you will die before you attain that age, ERGO = UNREASONABLE, therefore equals "Unfair" as well, and, it is ultimately unfair of you, to yourself, inasmuch as, you will be the one who is disappointed, as, guaranteed your "Request" is not going to be granted, not a chance, too many Responcible adults (theres 'those' words, agin) in the world to let that kind of 'childish' behaviour rule...in LAW.

So anyone got something that, they think, they can reasonably demonstrate, is a resonable limit?
  • #42
You might want to read the (my) "last" post, on this page/thread *Rights*...Maybe not...
  • #43
Hummm, since none of you seems to be willing to give me a reasonable estimation of what would be suitable limitation upon "Right to Copy" (for personal use)...try this one, how much economic activity do you think that, the third post above, will actually generate?...cause you know it is going to...don't you?
  • #44
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
So, "Children" time to behave, as adults...responcibility.

One of the things adults learn how to do is spell. It's a little something called responsibility. If you're going to start calling people children, at least learn to write like you're not a child.
  • #45
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Hummm, since none of you seems to be willing to give me a reasonable estimation of what would be suitable limitation upon "Right to Copy" (for personal use)...try this one, how much economic activity do you think that, the third post above, will actually generate?...cause you know it is going to...don't you?

I already told you. Unlimited is a suitable limit on the right to copy. Not according to your rules, but I see reason to follow your rules.
  • #46
Originally posted by master_coda
I already told you. Unlimited is a suitable limit on the right to copy. Not according to your rules, but I see reason to follow your rules.
Unlimited limit, hummm an oxymoron, must of been generated by an oxy-moron, as in "oxygenated moron" "One who has no concept of logic"...see 'master_coda'

(did I spell that right?)

EDIT it's fixed!
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  • #47
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Unlimited limit, hummm an oxymoron, musta been generated by an oxy-moron, as in "oxygenated moron" "One who has no concept of logic"...see 'master_coda'

(did I spell that right?)

No. You should have used "must have" not "musta".
  • #48
Originally posted by master_coda
No. You should have used "must have" not "musta".
Actually NO that's your rule, I can, as an "internet personna" (whatever the heck that is) use "musta" or, I can use what I have fixed it with, "Must of"...not bad though, for someone with a "spell checker", you found, well, what you think is an error, Oh Ya (is that spelt wronglee?) the machine I'm on, presently, doesn't have any spell checking abilities.

After that well there is one other explanation to come concerning you, tomorrow maybe...maybe not don't really think your worth the time, at this point...
  • #49
BTW I've got (God's Grace) 2465 posts in these forums, so, master_coda, why don't you go spell chek'em all!
  • #50
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
BTW I've got (God's Grace) 2465 posts in these forums, so, master_coda, why don't you go spell chek'em all!

That still wouldn't help. Your ideas would remain. Spell checking won't fix those.
  • #51
Originally posted by master_coda
That still wouldn't help. Your ideas would remain. Spell checking won't fix those.
They are not broken, but you do seem to have been, so BYE...(did I spell that right?)

Puerile little infantine is what you are, immature, unreasonable and pedomorphic...(Oooops! I spelt "Ooooops" wrong!) as well as guileless, immature, and ingenuous...

The only thing about my ideas that needs fixin is your eyeballs, and brain, in the "Reading and Comprehension" follow-through...but your too busy 'spell-checking' to have even, so little as, understood, what you have read...bye-bye baby, goodbye!
  • #52
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
They are not broken, but you do seem to have been, so BYE...(did I spell that right?)

Puerile little infantine is what you are, immature, unreasonable and pedomorphic...(Oooops! I spelt "Ooooops" wrong!) as well as guileless, immature, and ingenuous...

The only thing about my ideas that needs fixin is your eyeballs, and brain, in the "Reading and Comprehension" follow-through...but your too busy 'spell-checking' to have even, so little as, understood, what you have read...bye-bye baby, goodbye!

My immature self certainly appreciated your excellent demonstration of how to act maturely.
  • #53
Originally posted by master_coda
My immature self certainly appreciated your excellent demonstration of how to act maturely.
So you do recognize the reflection of yourself, by me, how nice...to know, that you do know...

As stated: Thanks! BYE!

Then again, that 'one' saying "Now 'children'" then finishing on 'responsible adults' well, people like me see ourselves in the "responsible adult" category, already, so we don't see the "children" part, as addressed, to us, that is for the ones who do recognize themselves, in that word...as you did...that was what I had mentioned before as "one last thing...maybe" you proved yourself, easily, and ignorant of the fact that you did it, you don't deserve to be addressed as an adult, because of/for it!

Please, testing your spell checker, is not proving 'yourself'. right? O.K.? (What is it that tells you, sooooooo clearly!, that it is a 'spelling mistake' and not 'a typo', (know the difference? Twit!) or is it because you think yourself, what? God? Ya nuts?)

EDIT P.S. ** i-R-responsible ** see I like the "fun" with 'typing thingy' it's permissory of inventiveness with typing, and language, and conversation, and all the rest...
(Ideas/Concepts/thoughts/Knowledge/Imagination) C:\Ya.**
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