Homogeneous Wave Equation and its Solutions

In summary, the conversation discusses different types of wave equations and their solutions, particularly in terms of homogeneity and separability. It also touches on the difference between real and complex-valued functions and how they can affect the nature of the wavefield. The conversation also mentions specific scenarios, such as diffraction problems and elastic membranes, where these principles are applied. The overall conclusion is that, while there may be some differences in algebra, the solution to the wave equation can ultimately be determined through boundary or initial conditions.
  • #1

There are many different wave equations that describe different wave-like phenomena. Being a differential equation, the WE is a pointwise relation and applies to the wavefield at spatial points.
  • The equation is homogeneous when the source term is zero. That means that the solution functions satisfy the WE at spatial points where the source does not exist, correct? The wavefield is propagating away from the source location and we are mostly interested in the wavefield at those other location where the source does not exist and therefore be interested in solving the homogeneous WE. In which cases do we need to worry about and solve the inhomogeneous WE?
  • If a wavefield solution f(x,y,z,t) to the WE is separable, i.e. f(x,y,z,t) = p(x,y,z) g(t) , does it always automatically mean that the wavefield is stationary and not traveling? Or can a traveling wavefields be described by a separable functions?
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  • #2
1) Solving the homogeneous WE even with boundary conditions yields a wide range of generic functions. You need a source term, i.e solving the inhomogeneous WE with boundary conditions to narrow down the generic functions or uniquely determine a function.

2) if f, p and g are all real valued then answer is yes. if they are complex-valued they can be separable and yet describe a traveling wave, e.g ##f(x,y,z,t)=e^{i ({xk_x+yk_y+zk_z}-\omega t)}## describes a traveling plane wave with wave vector ##k=k_x\hat{x}+k_y\hat{y}+k_z\hat{z}## and angular frequency ##\omega## and it is separable.

The real part of f ##\Re({f})=cos(xk_x+yk_y+zk_z-\omega t)## also satisfies the WE (because WE is linear)but its not separable.

So what we usually do is to work with complex valued separable functions, and then take their real part.
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  • #3
Thank you. That was helpful.

For instance, given a 2D elastic membrane, stationary waves can be excited on the membrane. The boundary conditions impose that the wavefield must be zero at the membrane's edge. The wave equation becomes a separable equation assuming a wavefield solution that is separable since it the wavefield has to be stationary (cannot escape out of the edges). Using separation of variables, We find the eigenmodes which are also stationary, orthogonal and monochromatic solutions. We then build the specific solution to the problem by a linear superposition of weighted eigenmodes. The initial conditions ICs determine which eigenmodes will be needed and their amplitude. There is no source term in the wave equation.

In diffraction problems, there isn't really an edge. The solution wavefield is required to decay to zero at infinity but the field is known on a specific portion of the boundary (the diffracting aperture) and the homogeneous Helmholtz equation is solved inside the volume enclosed by the boundary. No source term here either.

-- As far as real-valued or complex-valued, traveling waves and stationary waves: if we work with real-valued functions, a separable solution is always and only a stationary (standing) wave. But we we work with complex-valued functions, if the real part of the complex-valued function is separable, then the solution will be stationary and not traveling. If not, it will be a traveling wave. At the end of the day, the solution must be real-valued, correct? Silly question: why does it have to be like that since it is just a mathematical concept?
  • #4
Ok , I guess you are kind of right , depends what exactly boundary or initial conditions you have but you can uniquely determine solutions for the homogeneous WE.
About the concepts of real/complex valued and separability of functions: It is because the algebra is a bit different in C than R, while C inherits all the good properties from R. A function in C can be separable but its real part may not be and that is because if for example ##f=f_1f_2## is a separable function in C, its real part may not be necessarily separable because ##\Re{(f)}=\Re{(f_1)}\Re{(f_2)}## does not necessarily hold.

Related to Homogeneous Wave Equation and its Solutions

1. What is the Homogeneous Wave Equation?

The Homogeneous Wave Equation is a partial differential equation that describes the propagation of waves in a uniform medium. It is used in various fields of physics, including electromagnetism, fluid dynamics, and quantum mechanics.

2. What are the solutions to the Homogeneous Wave Equation?

The solutions to the Homogeneous Wave Equation are known as wave functions. These functions can take on different forms depending on the specific problem being solved, but they all satisfy the equation and describe the behavior of a wave in the medium.

3. How is the Homogeneous Wave Equation solved?

The Homogeneous Wave Equation is typically solved using separation of variables, where the wave function is expressed as a product of two functions, one depending on time and the other on spatial coordinates. This allows for the equation to be split into two ordinary differential equations, which can then be solved separately.

4. What are the boundary conditions for the Homogeneous Wave Equation?

The boundary conditions for the Homogeneous Wave Equation depend on the specific problem being solved. In general, they describe the behavior of the wave at the boundaries of the medium, such as the amplitude or phase of the wave. These conditions are important in determining the specific form of the wave function.

5. How does the Homogeneous Wave Equation relate to real-world phenomena?

The Homogeneous Wave Equation is used to model a wide range of real-world phenomena, such as sound waves, electromagnetic waves, and seismic waves. It provides a mathematical framework for understanding how waves behave and interact with their environment, allowing scientists to make predictions and analyze data related to these phenomena.

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