Homomorphisms of Quaternion Group

In summary: But remember that a homomorphism is just a function, so what does that mean for f? If you plug in 1 for a and a for f(a), you get f(1). If you plug in a for 1 and 1 for f(a), you get f(a). But what if a isn't an integer? As long as a is in the range of 1-8, the function will still work. But if a isn't in that range, there is no function that will take a and give you f(a). That's where the "trivial" homomorphism comes in. It's a function that takes an integer and gives you the correct f(a).
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let Q = {±1, ±i, ±j, ±k} be the quaternion group. Find all homomorphisms from Z2 to Q and from Z4 to Q. Are there any nontrivial homomorphisms from Z3 to Q?

Then, find all subgroups of Q.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't even know where to begin, I have never seen a problem like this before. Please help!
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  • #2
First, do you know what a group is? Assuming you do, how many elements are in this group? What is the binary operation * (addition, multiplication, or what?) And do you know how to compute a*b where a and b are in Q?

If you don't know those things, you really have to sort them out.

Next, what is a homomorphism? It is a map (which you can think of as a function), call it f, from the "source" group, call it G, to the "target" group Q, which preserves the relationships within the group. For example, if you know that x*y = z in G, it must be that f(x)*f(y) = f(z) in Q. An immediate observation is that if I is the identity element in G then f(I) has to be the identity element in Q.

Next, do you know what ##Z_2##, ##Z_3## and ##Z_4## are? If you are not sure, look through your class notes or your textbook -- it's standard stuff and you can find it anywhere.

Once you tell me that you have all these definitions straight, we can move forward. Or if you have questions about them, ask.
  • #3
I know what a group is. The quaternion group mentioned above contains 8 elements. No operation is specified

Z2, Z3, Z4 are the cyclic groups of order 2, 3, 4 respectively.
  • #4
The quaternion group would be under multiplication. Before you can be sure you have a homomorphism, and when you get to the question about the subgroups, you would have to know how to multiply two elements together in the quaternion group. I promise it's online if you don't know.

Once you are sure of that start with ##Z_2##. It has two elements {1,a} and the 1 has to map into 1 in Q. So what are the possibilities for the a? If we had no constraints on the map f(a) could be anything, but we are constrained by the fact that it is a homomorphism. Can you work out which elements of Q a could conceivably map into?

Once you've done that, see what you can do with ##Z_4##. It's only a little more complicated. Before you tackle the ##Z_3## question, make sure you know what the "trivial" homomorphism is.

I hope you are not offended that I asked if you know what a group is. Sometimes people are stuck on a question because they just don't know the basic definitions. So no offense was meant.
  • #5
rmjmu507 said:
I know what a group is. The quaternion group mentioned above contains 8 elements. No operation is specified

Z2, Z3, Z4 are the cyclic groups of order 2, 3, 4 respectively.

The binary operation in the quaternion group usually called multiplication. Look it up to get the group operation rules, some are obvious, some aren't. The obvious starting point is that the identity in one group must map to the identity in the other group under a homomorphism.

FAQ: Homomorphisms of Quaternion Group

1. What is the Quaternion Group?

The Quaternion Group is a non-abelian group of order 8, denoted as Q8, that consists of the elements {1, -1, i, -i, j, -j, k, -k} and follows the multiplication rules i^2 = j^2 = k^2 = -1, ijk = -1. It is a fundamental example of a non-commutative group in abstract algebra.

2. What are homomorphisms?

Homomorphisms are functions that preserve the structure of a group. In other words, if G and H are two groups, a homomorphism from G to H is a function f such that f(ab) = f(a)f(b) for all elements a and b in G. Homomorphisms play a crucial role in understanding the relationship between different groups.

3. How do homomorphisms relate to the Quaternion Group?

The set of all homomorphisms from the Quaternion Group to itself forms a group, denoted as Hom(Q8, Q8). This group has 168 elements and is isomorphic to the special linear group SL(2,3). This connection allows us to study the Quaternion Group through the lens of linear algebra and vice versa.

4. What are some important properties of homomorphisms of the Quaternion Group?

One important property is that any homomorphism from the Quaternion Group to itself is either injective (one-to-one) or trivial (the identity map). Additionally, the image of a homomorphism from the Quaternion Group to itself can only have orders 1, 2, 4, or 8. These properties can be proven using basic group theory concepts.

5. How are homomorphisms of the Quaternion Group useful in real-world applications?

Homomorphisms of the Quaternion Group have been used in various fields such as computer graphics, cryptography, and quantum mechanics. In computer graphics, they are used to represent rotations in 3D space. In cryptography, they are used in encryption algorithms due to their non-commutative properties. In quantum mechanics, they are used to describe the spin of particles. Understanding homomorphisms of the Quaternion Group can provide insights into these applications and how they relate to abstract algebra concepts.

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