Homopolar motor rotation in Vacuum

In summary: There is also the return current through the battery. The 1-turn coil is formed by the wire and the battery. A commutator is needed to get continuous rotation of a current-carrying coil in a magnetic...I don't understand what you are trying to say.Can you please elaborate?If the B-field and current have constant direction then so will the force on the wire. Why shouldn't that force propel it along the table?There is also the return current through the battery. The 1-turn coil is formed by the wire and the battery. A commutator is needed to get continuous rotation of a current-carrying coil in a magnetic field.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Homopolar motor rotation in Vacuum
Hi again,
I've found interesting video.
Roller homopolar motor :
Roller Motor
Do you think the motor from 1:08 min Will self rotate in Vacuum/Space
(No other forces : Gravitational or Other type.)
Thank you in advance.
Roller motor.jpg
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Thread is in Moderation pending Mentor review...
  • #3
StoyanNikolov said:
[Do you think the motor from 1:08 min Will self rotate in Vacuum/Space
(No other forces : Gravitational or Other type.)

After a Mentor discussion, the thread is approved for now. It may be closed if it veers into discussion of Reactionless Drives or other subjects that are not allowed at PF.
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  • #4
StoyanNikolov said:
TL;DR Summary: Homopolar motor rotation in Vacuum

Do you think the motor from 1:08 min Will self rotate in Vacuum/Space
(No other forces : Gravitational or Other type.)
No. Angular momentum is conserved in vacuum/space too.
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  • #5
Note that the bottom motor may rotate in free space, as it is composed of two pieces that counterrotate: the wire and the battery with attached disk magnets. The wire rotates one way, the battery and magnets the other. The top motor will rotate and align itself with an external magnetic field (by virtue of becoming an electromagnet placed in a magnetic field), but in the absence of an external magnetic field I can't see any rotation happening.

For those interested in homopolar motors and rollers, more information can be found at the following link: https://www.scielo.br/j/rbef/a/5WgC4T8ygH9kxRcTqjV34bN/?lang=en#
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  • #6
To clarify, I assumed “self rotate” meant to get a net angular momentum. Not merely to counter rotate different parts
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  • #7
Yes. The motor from 1:08 . In the video there is
Rolling Motion (Rotation+Translation)
Will there be Rotation in Vacuum/Space.
Thank you.
  • #8
StoyanNikolov said:
Yes. The motor from 1:08 . In the video there is
Rolling Motion (Rotation+Translation)
Will there be Rotation in Vacuum/Space.
Thank you.
No, the motor will not rotate around like it appears to be doing on the table in that video.
  • #10
StoyanNikolov said:
Hi again. Found this image (Please see the motor on the right side)
It it relevant ?
Relevant to what? Please elaborate.
  • #11
StoyanNikolov said:
Will there be Rotation in Vacuum/Space.
Thank you.
This has already been answered: NO. You are welcome (again).
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  • #12
Drakkith said:
No, the motor will not rotate around like it appears to be doing on the table in that video.
But can it work on the table like shown at 1:00?
  • #13
A.T. said:
But can it work on the table like shown at 1:00?
When you have a buddy tilting the table, yes. :wink:

ADD -- the 1st configuration at 1:00 has fixed conductor, so in the Earth's magnetic field it can experience a torque to align with that field, but it will not cause continuous rotation (no commutation). For the 2nd configuration with the slip-ring setup, it seems possible to get continuous torque on the table in the Earth's gravitational field, which sort of provides continuous commutation.
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  • #14
berkeman said:
ADD -- the 1st configuration at 1:00 has fixed conductor, so in the Earth's magnetic field it can experience a torque to align with that field, but it will not cause continuous rotation (no commutation).
There will be no continuous rotation when floating in zero g.

But can there be continuous rolling on a level table? Let's say there is a constant external magnetic field that has a component vertical to the table.
  • #15
A.T. said:
But can there be continuous rolling on a level table? Let's say there is a constant external magnetic field that has a component vertical to the table.
For the fixed conductor configuration (config #1), the coil will experience a torque to align its magnetic field with the external field. That should result in damped harmonic rotation that eventually leaves the coil horizontal with respect to the vertical external B-field. No?
  • #16
berkeman said:
For the fixed conductor configuration (config #1), the coil will experience a torque to align its magnetic field with the external field. That should result in damped harmonic rotation that eventually leaves the coil horizontal with respect to the vertical external B-field. No?
Not sure what you mean by "coil" and "horizontal with respect to the vertical".

In the top case (shown at 1:00) we have a straight wire with a current in a B-field. This wire will experience a force perpendicular to both: the B-field and the current. If the B-field and current have constant direction then so will the force on the wire. Why shouldn't that force propel it along the table?
  • #17
A.T. said:
If the B-field and current have constant direction then so will the force on the wire. Why shouldn't that force propel it along the table?
There is also the return current through the battery. The 1-turn coil is formed by the wire and the battery. A commutator is needed to get continuous rotation of a current-carrying coil in a magnetic field.
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  • #18
berkeman said:
There is also the return current through the battery.
But isn't that current in a different B-field than the wire current, due to the permanent magnets at the ends and how their fields combine with the external B-field?
  • #19
I hadn't considered the magnets holding the metal end caps on. Those fields are parallel to the battery, so parallel to the plane of the coil, which it would seem wouldn't affect the forces on the coil carrying the current.

FAQ: Homopolar motor rotation in Vacuum

What is a homopolar motor and how does it work in a vacuum?

A homopolar motor is a simple electric motor that uses direct current (DC) to produce rotational motion. It typically consists of a conductive disk or cylinder, a magnetic field, and an electrical contact that allows current to flow through the conductor. In a vacuum, the absence of air resistance can affect the motor's performance. The basic principle remains the same: the Lorentz force acts on the current-carrying conductor in the presence of a magnetic field, causing it to rotate.

Does the efficiency of a homopolar motor change in a vacuum?

Yes, the efficiency of a homopolar motor can change in a vacuum. The lack of air resistance can reduce frictional losses, potentially increasing the motor's efficiency. However, other factors such as thermal management and electrical contact quality may also affect the overall efficiency in a vacuum environment.

How does the absence of air affect the cooling of a homopolar motor in a vacuum?

The absence of air in a vacuum means there is no convective cooling, which is the process of heat being carried away by air or fluid flow. This can lead to overheating of the motor components if not properly managed. Alternative cooling methods, such as conduction through a heat sink or radiation, must be employed to dissipate heat effectively in a vacuum.

Can a homopolar motor achieve higher rotational speeds in a vacuum?

In theory, a homopolar motor can achieve higher rotational speeds in a vacuum due to the absence of air resistance. However, practical limitations such as bearing friction, material strength, and thermal management still play significant roles in determining the maximum achievable speed.

What are the challenges of operating a homopolar motor in a vacuum?

Operating a homopolar motor in a vacuum presents several challenges, including managing heat dissipation without convective cooling, ensuring reliable electrical contacts in the absence of atmospheric pressure, and dealing with material outgassing. Additionally, vacuum-compatible lubricants and materials must be used to prevent contamination and ensure long-term operation.

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