Hootenanny Joins PF Staff, Moonbear Moves to Science Ed.

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary, Hootenanny has been promoted to the position of Mentor on the PF Staff. Moonbear has been promoted to the position of moderator on the PF Staff. Congratulations to both!
  • #1
Please congratulate Hootenanny as the newest addition to the PF Staff! No introduction is needed nor an explanation of his efforts and dedication to the site over the past few years! :approve:

Also need to mention Moonbear is moving from roaming to Science Education. :smile:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Wooh, Hoot! Congrats!
  • #3
Well deserved! Congrats, Hoot!:smile:
  • #4
Congratulations Hoot! on becoming mentor and congratulations Moonbear for getting a forum! Both very well deserved!
  • #5
Congratulations Hootenanny!

Your consistently high-quality work has always been very impressive.
  • #6
Congrats Hoot! Welcome to the fold! Here's your key to the cleaning closet.
  • #7
We should have a party at Mooni's new home!:wink:
  • #8
w00t h00t!
  • #9
Lisa! said:
We should have a party at Mooni's new home!:wink:

I have to say, it's nice to have my feet on firm ground, finally, after all those years of floating. :biggrin:
  • #10
Well deserved Hoot. Congrats! :smile:
  • #11
Congrats H00t!
  • #12
Thanks for the congratulations everyone, be gentle with me while I'm learning the ropes!

And congratulations to Moonbear for getting her own forum! Well deserved indeed.
  • #13
Congratulations Hoot.

And congratulations MoonBear for knocking off that floating thing. Your constant hovering was getting a big unnerving. I'm glad you'll wander about like the rest of us, again. :biggrin:
  • #14
Welcome aboard Hoot. It sounds like we have another ringer! :biggrin:

Also, I should say MB has always been a highly valued member of the staff. It is nice to have one's own forum, and congrats to MB on that one for sure, but just to be clear, floaters are often people who are just too good to let get away, even if we don't have an immediate need for a new moderator.
  • #15
I called it! Right after the last mentor was promoted I said to myself- Hoot has to be at the top of the list for promotion!

Congrats man. It is a well deserved promotion. Keep up the great work.

(Now I have to figure out who will be promoted next. Maybe I should put money on it this time!:biggrin:)
  • #16
Congrats, Hoot!
  • #17
Hoot! Hoot!

Yes, congrats, Hoot!
  • #18
Thanks again for the congratulations Guys! I've still not used the ban button yet though, where are all the crackpots when you need them? :frown:
  • #19
Hootenanny said:
Thanks again for the congratulations Guys! I've still not used the ban button yet though, where are all the crackpots when you need them? :frown:

:smile: You should be glad you haven't used it. It means we have a wonderful site.
  • #20
Hootenanny said:
Thanks again for the congratulations Guys! I've still not used the ban button yet though, where are all the crackpots when you need them? :frown:

I think Greg's got some really good spam detection in place now so there's not as many spammers to ban. It's a shame. Booting a spammer into oblivion is really satisfying.
  • #21
Kurdt said:
:smile: You should be glad you haven't used it. It means we have a wonderful site.

It would seem the crackpots disagree, since they are staying away lately. :-p

Anyway, congrats to Hootenanny. :smile:
  • #22
What a great choice to Mentor. Way to go Hootenanny!
  • #23
Well deserved. Congratulations, Hoot! :smile:

(I actually wanted to say "w00t! Hoot!")

FAQ: Hootenanny Joins PF Staff, Moonbear Moves to Science Ed.

What is Hootenanny's new role on the PF staff?

Hootenanny has joined the PF staff as a new member and will be working as a moderator and content creator for the site.

Why did Moonbear move to the science education department?

Moonbear has a strong background in science and a passion for teaching, making the move to the science education department a natural fit for her skills and interests.

Will Hootenanny and Moonbear still be active members of the PF community?

Yes, both Hootenanny and Moonbear will still be active members of the PF community and will continue to participate in discussions and offer their expertise and insights.

What changes can we expect to see with Hootenanny and Moonbear's new roles?

With Hootenanny's addition to the staff, we can expect to see more organized and streamlined discussions and a wider range of content being created. Moonbear's move to the science education department will bring a stronger focus on science education and outreach within the community.

How can members of the PF community support Hootenanny and Moonbear in their new roles?

Members of the PF community can support Hootenanny and Moonbear by engaging with their content, providing feedback, and offering words of encouragement. Additionally, you can continue to contribute to the PF community by sharing your knowledge and participating in discussions.

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