Hot cup of delicious Radium Water

  • Thread starter Badger
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    Hot Water
In summary, the conversation discusses the use of a cube of ^{223}{\rm Ra} with a half-life of 11.43 days to boil water for tea. The process involves alpha decay and thermodynamic principles, and the energy output of the radium is calculated to determine the amount needed to heat the water. However, there is confusion regarding the units and calculations involved. The use of the activity equation is suggested to find the number of decays per second and the radioactive decay power.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The radium isotope [tex]^{223}{\rm Ra}[/tex], an alpha emitter, has a half-life of 11.43 days. You happen to have a 1.30 g cube of [tex]^{223}{\rm Ra}[/tex], so you decide to use it to boil water for tea. You fill a well-insulated container with 340 mL of water at [tex]16.0^\circ {\rm C}[/tex] and drop in the cube of radium.

Homework Equations

Alpha Decay:
X (A, Z) yields Y (A-4, Z-2) + alpha + energy

Energy = K_alpha = (M_x - M_y - M_He)c^2

Nuclear Decay and Half-life
N = N_0 e ^(-r/t) = N_0 e ^(-t/T) = N_0 (1/2)^(t)/(t/2)
T = 1/r

Heat Transformation?
Q = E_th = McT

The Attempt at a Solution

I think is a heat transformation problem except I learned that 20+ chapters ago, last semester and need some advice.

Since it's alpha decayer Radium (223, 88) becomes Rodium (219, 86) + alpha + energy. Loses 2 protons and 2 neutrons.

E = (mass_Ra - mass_Rn - mass_He) * 931.5 MeV/u
E = (223.018499 u - 219.009477 u - 4.002602) * 931.5 MeV/u
E = 5.98 MeV

Change in T = T = 84 Kelvin or Celsius

Mass of Water = .998g/cm^3 * 340 mL * 1kg/1000g = .33592 kg

Q = E_th = McT = (.33592 kg)(4190 J/kg K)(84 K) = 118230.4032 J

Am I going about this the right way? This chapter is about radioactive decay and quantum physics. I can't seem to make the connection to alpha decay and heating water.
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  • #2
Yes, I think you can assume that all the energy from the alpha particle is absorbed by the water and so it is then a simple thermodynamic (Q = m C T) problem.
  • #3
Badger said:
Am I going about this the right way? This chapter is about radioactive decay and quantum physics. I can't seem to make the connection to alpha decay and heating water.

If you're doing A2 physics there will be a synoptic element creeping in this year. This means you will use knowledge from a range of physics subjects to solve problems.
  • #4
This isn't working out. The energy output for the radium when calculated from MeV to Joules is
5.98023 MeV * (1*10^6 ev / 1 MeV ) * (1.602 *10^-19 J / eV) = 9.58*10^-13 J

The thermal energy required to heat the .335 kg of water in the problem is 1.18 * 10^5 J

The energy output from the radium is once every half-life: 11.43 days or 987552 sec. At this rate the water won't heat in a reasonable amount of time.
  • #5
Badger said:
The energy output from the radium is once every half-life: 11.43 days or 987552 sec. At this rate the water won't heat in a reasonable amount of time.
Is it? What's special about 1.30 g that means it gives you one decay every half life?
  • #6
Badger said:
This isn't working out. The energy output for the radium when calculated from MeV to Joules is
5.98023 MeV * (1*10^6 ev / 1 MeV ) * (1.602 *10^-19 J / eV) = 9.58*10^-13 J

The thermal energy required to heat the .335 kg of water in the problem is 1.18 * 10^5 J

The energy output from the radium is once every half-life: 11.43 days or 987552 sec. At this rate the water won't heat in a reasonable amount of time.

I think an equation you haven't invoked yet which will be of help is the activity equation A = (lambda)N , where lambda is the (absolute magnitude) of the decay constant and N is the number of nuclei of the isotope in the sample. The activity A will be the number of decays per second (or Becquerels). You can find the decay constant from the half-life of the isotope. You know the mass of the sample and the molar mass of the radium isotope, so you can find N. You can thus find the number of decays per second and hence the radioactive decay power (the assumption is that the interval you are interested in is brief compared to the half-life, so the power is essentially constant). As pointed out, you are also assuming that all this power goes into heating the water.

I believe 1.3 gm will more than suffice, though I'd personally refuse to drink the tea...
(returns after computing the power output) Definitely use a set of tongs to handle the radium cube. (Also use the heavy ceramic mugs...)
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  • #7
Thanks again but I think the units are confusing me here.

lambda = r = 1 / T = ln 2 / t_(1/2) = 7.02*10^-7 [1/second]

N = 1.30 g 223^Ra * 1 mole / g * atom / 6.022*10^23 mole = 9.68^-27 atom.
1 atom has 1 nuclei ? so N is the same number nuclei as atoms?

A = rN = 9.68*10^-27 nuclei decay /s ?

A previous thing I did shows 9.58*10^-13 Joules per decay.

So A * that = 6.51*10^-45 Joules / s

Now according to Q_water = (.340 kg)(4190 J/kgK)(84K) = 118230 J

so time = 118230 J / 6.51*10^-45 J/s = 1.82 *10^49 s

still not right. are the units of N incorrect?
  • #8
Badger said:
N = 1.30 g 223^Ra * 1 mole / g * atom / 6.022*10^23 mole = 9.68^-27 atom.
1 atom has 1 nuclei ? so N is the same number nuclei as atoms?

Wouldn't you multiply the number of moles by Avogadro's number?

N = (1.30 g 223^Ra / {223g/mole} ) x (6.022*10^23 nuclei/mole)
  • #9
If you have the energy required to heat the water which i think is correct, and you have how much energy each decay produces then you can work out how many atoms need to decay to heat the water. You can work out N0 from the mass of a single radium atom and the mass of the block of radium, then N is simply the energy needed divided by the energy per atom decay.

You should be able to work out the rest. Activity isn't needed.
  • #10
to dynamic...
I think your right. but even then with the new number I still get a wrong answer.

to kurdt...
I recalculated everything and stored it as exacts... maybe I didn't follow you correctly.
Q = MCT = 119666.4 J {this is definitely correct}
K_alpha_decay = 9.58*10^-13 J {also correct, triple checked}

N = energy needed / energy per atom decay = Q / K

N0 = mass_single radium atom / mass_given radium
N0 = (223.02 u * 1.6605E-27 kg/u) / (1.30g * 1kg /1000g)
N0 = 2.85 * 10^-22

t(1/2) = 11.43 days = 987552 s

Then from the book I have 2 choices of equations:
N = N_0e^(-t/T)
where T = time constant = t_(1/2) / (ln2)

or less work...
N = N_0 (1/2)^(t/(t/2))

they both give the same answer though.

t = [(t_1/2) ln(N/N_0)] / ln 2 = 126767742.9 seconds
  • #11
Badger said:
N0 = mass_single radium atom / mass_given radium
N0 = (223.02 u * 1.6605E-27 kg/u) / (1.30g * 1kg /1000g)
N0 = 2.85 * 10^-22

Shouldn't this be just the reciprocal of what you have?

N0 = (0.0013 kg) / (3.70·10^-25 kg/atom)

To Kurdt: Perhaps the activity isn't needed, but it gets to the answer pretty directly.
  • #12
To dynamic,

By dimensional analysis so far:
N = Q / K = [Joules]/[Joules/decay] = 1.25*10^17 [nuclie decay]
N_0 = (.0013 kg) / (3.70*10^-25 kg/atom) = 3.51*10^21 [atom] = ?[nuclie decay]
t_(1/2) = 987552 [seconds]

N = N_0 (.5)^[t/(t_.5)]
ln (N/N_0) = t/t_.5 ln (.5)
t = [ln (N/N_0) / ln (.5) ] * t_.5
t = 14595934.25 [seconds]

still not right.
  • #13
Badger said:
N_0 = (.0013 kg) / (3.70*10^-25 kg/atom) = 3.51*10^21 [atom] = ?[nuclie decay]

It is exactly at this point that I proposed using the activity level of the sample in order to find the number of decays per second. Now that you have N_0, you can find the number of decays per second by multiplying that by the decay constant lambda. With the energy per decay, you can then find the rate of energy release (power) from the radium.

N = N_0 (.5)^[t/(t_.5)]
ln (N/N_0) = t/t_.5 ln (.5)
t = [ln (N/N_0) / ln (.5) ] * t_.5
t = 14595934.25 [seconds]

still not right.

How do this time have anything to do with the rate of heating of the water? You have to find the power being delivered from the radium sample. You know how much energy is required to heat the water to 100º C, so that energy divided by the heating power will give you the time sought in the problem.
  • #14
Badger said:
To dynamic,

By dimensional analysis so far:
N = Q / K = [Joules]/[Joules/decay] = 1.25*10^17 [nuclie decay]

Thats my fault sorry. I said that N was the value I highlighted in red. Of course that's how many nuclei need to decay and thus N will be N0 - 1.25x1017.

That gives a sensible answer.

My apologies anyway.

Related to Hot cup of delicious Radium Water

1. What is "Hot cup of delicious Radium Water"?

"Hot cup of delicious Radium Water" is a beverage made by dissolving small amounts of radium into hot water. This was a popular drink in the early 20th century due to the belief that radium had health benefits.

2. Is it safe to drink "Hot cup of delicious Radium Water"?

No, it is not safe to drink "Hot cup of delicious Radium Water". While radium was once believed to have health benefits, it is now known to be a radioactive element that can be harmful to human health.

3. What are the potential health risks of drinking "Hot cup of delicious Radium Water"?

The potential health risks of drinking "Hot cup of delicious Radium Water" include radiation poisoning, increased risk of cancer, and damage to the bones and tissues.

4. Why was radium used in "Hot cup of delicious Radium Water" in the past?

Radium was used in "Hot cup of delicious Radium Water" in the past due to the belief that it had health benefits, such as improving energy, curing illnesses, and even prolonging life. However, these claims were not scientifically proven and have since been debunked.

5. Is "Hot cup of delicious Radium Water" still sold or consumed today?

No, "Hot cup of delicious Radium Water" is no longer sold or consumed today due to the known health risks associated with radium. It is now considered a dangerous and potentially deadly drink.

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