House of more than 4 dimensions

  • Thread starter Feynmanfan
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In summary, a friend studying architecture has been given the task to design a small house of more than 4 dimensions, which will serve as an experimental probe into a new understanding of space and time. The house must also be inhabitable and the use of materials, from molecular aspects to geometric properties, will be crucial. This project is inspired by Brian Greene's book "The Elegant Universe" and his search for a resolution between General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics through String Theory. The concept of more dimensions can be difficult to visualize, but using analogies such as a rotating storage closet or dimensional reduction can help in understanding.
  • #1
Dear friends,

I have a friend who studies architecture and has given this difficult task:

<<think of a house of more than 4 dimensions.A small house of 250m2 could act as an experimental probe into an architecture of more than four dimensions; the experiential phenomena of the house will be a crucial factor. The house should also be inhabitable. Materials, from molecular aspects to geometric properties will be important as will space and time. The house will act like a “thought experiment.”
In ‘The Elegant Universe,’ Brian Greene seeks to resolve the incompatibles of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics through String Theory, requiring that we drastically change our understanding of space, matter, and time...>>

Do you have any ideas what this house should look like? Brian Greene describes curious phenomena at the Quantum cafe. Have you come up with any ideas

Thanks for your help
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  • #2
Viewing Mult Dimensions

Feynmanfan said:
Dear friends,

I have a friend who studies architecture and has given this difficult task:

<<think of a house of more than 4 dimensions.A small house of 250m2 could act as an experimental probe into an architecture of more than four dimensions; the experiential phenomena of the house will be a crucial factor. The house should also be inhabitable. Materials, from molecular aspects to geometric properties will be important as will space and time. The house will act like a “thought experiment.”
In ‘The Elegant Universe,’ Brian Greene seeks to resolve the incompatibles of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics through String Theory, requiring that we drastically change our understanding of space, matter, and time...>>

Do you have any ideas what this house should look like? Brian Greene describes curious phenomena at the Quantum cafe. Have you come up with any ideas

Thanks for your help

I find that the easiest way to picture more dimensions requires adjusting the picture a little. I picture a rotating storage closet of space (each compartment being a separate dimension) something that can rotate into our 3 dimensions but then disapeears from our dimenions into the forth. This rotating closet dimension analogy helps especially when trying to picture something with 11 dimensions. It is halfway between a viable picture and the math. For example to calculate the volume of something in four dimensions you would just take side 1 times side 2 times side 3 times side 4. Basically it all depends on the points... these locations in 3 dimension space that determine where something could be. the rotating close allows it just to be a 4th place the point could be.

Also if you are still having trouble try this other method of dimensional reduction. Picture a world of 2 dimensions, this is the world u live in. (don't pay attention to feasiablity here, the ability to consume food and later expel it would imply you be divided in half but for the examples sake ride with it) These 2 dimensions are your world, how would you possible know what 3 dimensions are like. You can move ur arms around and around and it just wouldn't make sense that there could be a 3rd dimension, you after all move your arms in a complete circle, yet u never enter the 3rd dimension being traped in a plane. In fact for you in this 2 dimensional world Imagining a 3rd dimension would be like us trying to imagine a fourth, it would not seem possible. However let's say you met a 3 d person when you were 2 dimensional, the person could show you the new way to move back and forth that creates the 3rd dimension. However without that help it would be impossible. So now we have two options, a.) wait for a 4 dimensional being to come and help us visualize the fourth dimension, or b.) do what we can with what we have. Since I am impacient (and a bad speller) I choose b. So now let's implore a similar technique we used to examine why we couldn't visualize the fourth dimension. Let's try dimensional reduction. Let's visualize the 3 d world as a block, this block represents the 3d, and acts as a 2 d plane would, so now to create the 4th dim let's stack some more of thes 3d blocks on top of each other in essence creating the 4th dimension, the 4th compartment on the previous rotating storage closet.

-hope this helped with your house
  • #3

Dear ,

Thank you for sharing this interesting task with us. The concept of a house with more than four dimensions is definitely a thought-provoking one. I can see how the experiential phenomena of the house would play a crucial role in its design and functionality.

As for the appearance of the house, I believe it would be quite abstract and unconventional, as it would need to transcend our current understanding of space and time. Perhaps it could have multiple levels that overlap and intersect in ways that are not possible in our three-dimensional world. The materials used would also need to be carefully selected to enhance the experience of the house and its inhabitants.

I am not familiar with Brian Greene's work, but I can imagine that the Quantum cafe could inspire some interesting ideas for this house. Maybe the house could have areas that manipulate time or space in some way, creating a unique and dynamic living experience.

Overall, I think this project would require a lot of imagination and out-of-the-box thinking. I look forward to seeing what your friend comes up with and would love to hear more about it. Best of luck to them on this challenging task!


FAQ: House of more than 4 dimensions

1. What is the house of more than 4 dimensions?

The house of more than 4 dimensions refers to the concept of a hypothetical space with more than the traditional three dimensions of length, width, and height. It is often represented as a house with additional dimensions beyond the three that we are familiar with.

2. How many dimensions are there in the house of more than 4 dimensions?

The exact number of dimensions in the house of more than 4 dimensions is not known, as it is a theoretical concept. Some theories suggest that there could be up to 11 dimensions or even more.

3. How is the house of more than 4 dimensions different from our 3D world?

The house of more than 4 dimensions is different from our 3D world in that it contains additional dimensions that we cannot perceive or experience in our daily lives. These dimensions could be curled up or compactified, making them undetectable to us in our 3D world.

4. Is there any evidence for the existence of the house of more than 4 dimensions?

Currently, there is no direct evidence for the existence of the house of more than 4 dimensions. However, some scientific theories, such as string theory, suggest the possibility of extra dimensions. Further research and experimentation are needed to confirm their existence.

5. How does the concept of the house of more than 4 dimensions impact our understanding of the universe?

The concept of the house of more than 4 dimensions challenges our traditional understanding of the universe and opens up new possibilities for explaining phenomena that cannot be explained by the three dimensions we are familiar with. It also has implications for fields such as cosmology and quantum physics, as it could help us better understand the nature of space and time.

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