How about Can ultrasonic waves create extreme temperatures inside gas bubbles?

In summary, Suslick is a brilliant man who has done some amazing work in the field of sonochemistry. He teaches a course to a small group of freshmen about why chemistry is interesting. Unfortunately, I am more interested in biochemistry than his research, so I doubt I would be a good fit for a postdoctoral position.
  • #1
What would the equation formula be for a Bubble collapsing at the speed of light?
I was thinking about Light speed Bubble implosions and had to ask.
Do you think this might have merit in any way for Super Fusion techniques?
I have an idea of a special Hollow/Spherical Super conductor Electromagnet in order of Tesla strength to pull a liquid or a gas to the inside shell of a sphere so the displacement can be collapsed, A super Torr value could be present at the core of the liquid or gas in accourdance to an Omni directional magnetic pull inside the hollow sphere. I can see it in my mind. when the field is turned off the Vacuum bubble collapses, If other means like LASERs can be used to accelerate the bubble collapse or implosion to near light speed potential.
Can anyone see the device I am talking about in their mind?:smile:

Code Broken: Seraphim + Holy + holy + holy = Flaming Bubbles = Bubbles of Light
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  • #2
A bubble would not collapse at the speed of light since the a bubble is nothing more than a gas (usually vapor phase) surrounded by a liquid, and it is the liquid that must accelerate into the bubble cavity.

Inertial confinement is being considered, but that involves collapsing a solid (which would have a much greater particle density than a gas) on itself by energizing an outer layer.

Also recently, scientists have been using ultrasonics to induced caviation in deuterated liquid acetone. See -
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  • #3
If we had a Liquid Helium medium (Bath), and placed a Gas bubble 1 cm in diameter in the He medium and applied 1,000,000 atmospheres of pressure to the He medium, Let's say the Gas bubble is Hydrogen for a Bubble medium. A Gas Bubble of Hydrogen in a bath of Liquid Helium.
What would the Bubbles collapse velocity be under 1,000,000 Atmospheric Pressures?
Can we make a Bubble velocity collapse chart per Atmospheric pressure placed upon it per Centimeter.

We were put here to build better bubbles!:smile:
  • #4
How does pressure have an effect on how quickly a bubble will collapse?
  • #5
theCandyman said:
How does pressure have an effect on how quickly a bubble will collapse?

Pressure is force, force acting on mass is acceleration, more force gives more acceleration.
  • #6
theCandyman said:
How does pressure have an effect on how quickly a bubble will collapse?

Same analogy as the (pressure) behind a Bullet.

The Bubble would experience an omnidirectional velocity implosion do to pressure.
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  • #7
So you were talking about increasing the force? I thought you meant having a constant pressure.
  • #8
theCandyman said:
So you were talking about increasing the force? I thought you meant having a constant pressure.

The force mentioned would be an acceleration from 0 to 1,000,000 Atmospheres, where 0 to 999,999 Atmospheres would be the acceleration, the 1,000,000 Atmospheres would be its final velocity within a second.

0 to 1,000,000 Atmospheres in 1 Second, Mach Bubbles.

But what Mach Speed?
  • #9

Wow, I actually know the guy who did a lot of the early work on sonochemistry, I think he even founded the field. He teaches a course to a small group of freshman about why chemistry is interesting. Name is Suslick. Too bad I'm more interested in biochem than his research, he allows undergrads with a 3.5 in 1st year lab class to work in his lab. Hope he wins a Nobel for his work one day, both b/c he deserves it and b/c I'd like to know a Nobel laureate. :smile:

Here's a link to his website:

"When a gas bubble in a liquid is excited by ultrasonic acoustic waves, it can emit short flashes of light suggestive of extreme temperatures inside the bubble. These flashes of light, known as 'sonoluminescence', occur as the bubble implodes, or cavitates. Now Didenko and Suslick show that chemical reactions occur during cavitation of a single, isolated bubble,and they go on to determine the yield of photons, radicals, and ions formed"

Brilliant man, I'd be lucky to accomplish 1% of what he's done in his career (that's assuming I even get my Phd, heh) My roomate thinks I talk way to much about Suslick's genius, better stop before I bore you guys,

wow, look at this:

"Note for potential postdoctoral applicants: Due to the very large volume of email applications for postdoctoral positions (~500 per year), I no longer will respond to applications sent by email."

FAQ: How about Can ultrasonic waves create extreme temperatures inside gas bubbles?

1. What is "Light Speed Bubble Implosion"?

"Light Speed Bubble Implosion" is a theoretical concept proposed by scientists to explain the behavior of matter at extremely high speeds. It suggests that as an object approaches the speed of light, it will be compressed into a bubble of energy, causing an implosion of the matter within.

2. How does "Light Speed Bubble Implosion" occur?

The theory suggests that as an object approaches the speed of light, its mass will increase, causing it to shrink in size. As it continues to accelerate, the mass will become so condensed that it will form a bubble of energy around the object. This bubble will eventually collapse inwards, causing an implosion of the matter within.

3. Can "Light Speed Bubble Implosion" be observed?

No, "Light Speed Bubble Implosion" is a theoretical concept and cannot be directly observed. However, scientists have observed similar behaviors in particles called cosmic rays, which travel at very high speeds and can cause matter to implode.

4. What are the potential implications of "Light Speed Bubble Implosion"?

If "Light Speed Bubble Implosion" were to occur, it could have significant implications for our understanding of physics and the behavior of matter at extreme speeds. It could also have practical applications in fields such as space travel and particle physics.

5. Is "Light Speed Bubble Implosion" a proven theory?

No, "Light Speed Bubble Implosion" is still a theoretical concept and has not been proven through experiments or observations. However, it is based on well-established principles of physics and continues to be studied and researched by scientists.

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