How abundant is each elementary particle in nature?

In summary, the conversation discusses the question of how many particles, specifically delta baryons, can be found in nature and what their usual state is. The question is considered to be too broad and model-dependent, but some information can be found by researching relative abundance and cosmic rays. It is also noted that the up and down quarks, along with the electron and electron neutrino, make up the majority of visible matter in our universe.
  • #1
...and what form may they found normally?

Somebody asked me just how many of the particles we know are possible (say, delta baryons) can be found in nature and what is their usual state - are there many particles to be found outside of atoms?
Although there are enough "abundance of elements" type articles they only address things on the atomic level when baryonic matter is already forming chemical elements. I found no sources that would say for example, how common different types of fermions are and where would you expect them to occur.
I suspect it could be the wrong type of question as we know that elementary particles mostly arise due to complex field interactions, and yet at the same time, I feel that questions like, "how are these created" "in what kind of places (from a human POV) would they form" "would they exist in isolation from other particles" seem valid.

I expect that the answer would be something like particles being birthed in stars, and then (presumably) going on to exist thorough space, limited by how easily some find and react with each other, but can anybody provide some more specific information and source on that?
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  • #2
I think the answer is "nobody knows". Mainly because the question is too broad.
A lot will depend on your model - and semantics: for instance, do you count virtual particles? Do vacuum fluctuations count?
So your first step to providing an answer is to narrow the question down.

I think you can get to a satisfactory answer though:
i.e. the relative abundance in cosmic rays would be a good place to start - you'd get most of the parts of the question just there.

For the short-life articles, you could probably get a guestimate based on how common the energy to create them is. i.e. virtual Higgs bosons would probably be extremely common but the real version would be just about non-existent.

You should also be able to get a long way by searching "relative abundance" with a family of particle. i.e. "relative abundance of leptons".
  • #3
As Simon said, the question is ill formed and any answer is model dependent.

However, to first order, you'd be pretty safe in saying "The fermions that make up our visible universe are mostly the up and down quarks, along with the electron and electron neutrino. There are also a sprinkling of muons and strange quarks." This answer avoids the question of dark matter, naturally.

You'd of course also be totally fine in saying "the fermions that make up the world of our everyday experience are the up and down quarks, and the electron, in the ratio of approx 6:1 quarks to electrons."

Related to How abundant is each elementary particle in nature?

1. How many types of elementary particles are there?

There are currently 17 known elementary particles, which can be further divided into two categories: fermions and bosons. Fermions include quarks and leptons, while bosons include the Higgs boson, gauge bosons, and gravitons.

2. What is the most abundant elementary particle in nature?

The most abundant elementary particle in nature is the photon, which is the carrier of electromagnetic force. Photons are constantly radiated and absorbed by atoms, making them the most common particle in the universe.

3. How does the abundance of elementary particles vary in different environments?

The abundance of elementary particles can vary greatly depending on the environment. For example, in the early universe, when temperatures were extremely high, there were equal numbers of particles and antiparticles. However, as the universe cooled, particles and antiparticles annihilated each other, leaving behind a small excess of particles. In our current universe, protons and neutrons are the most abundant particles due to their stability.

4. Are there any rare or elusive elementary particles?

Yes, there are some rare and elusive elementary particles that have not yet been observed, but are predicted by theories such as the Standard Model and supersymmetry. These include the Higgs boson, which was recently discovered, as well as dark matter particles and gravitons.

5. Can we create and detect all types of elementary particles in a laboratory?

No, we are not able to create and detect all types of elementary particles in a laboratory. Some particles, such as the neutrino, are extremely difficult to detect due to their weak interactions with matter. Others, such as gravitons, are currently beyond our technological capabilities to create and detect. However, advancements in technology and research may lead to the discovery of more particles in the future.

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