How are degrees of consciousness ordered?

In summary: ie, until one is born into a particular state of consciousness and declares themselves better than those without.
  • #1
Loren Booda
How well does the following represent an ordering for degrees of consciousness?

1. Being

2. Sensation

3. Action

4. Observation

5. Interpretation

6. Intercommunication

7. Participation
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  • #2
Loren Booda said:
How well does the following represent an ordering for degrees of consciousness?

1. Being

2. Sensation

3. Action

4. Observation

5. Interpretation

6. Intercommunication

7. Participation

That describes electro-magnetic covelant bonding also. So could an atom feel?
  • #3
how could a thing change, if it does not feel the pressure?
  • #4

Consciousness in this model can rely on observer and object together. We might understand the nature of covalent bonding by, say, interpreting those first five degrees of consciousness.


Do you mean whether sensation without action is possible? That is why I rank sensation as more fundamental than action.
  • #5
Loren Booda said:
How well does the following represent an ordering for degrees of consciousness?

1. Being

2. Sensation

3. Action

4. Observation

5. Interpretation

6. Intercommunication

7. Participation

Spiritually or ontologically it might be meaningful, but for demonstrable purposes it is a bit bizarre. The idea of consciousness as "being" has no demonstrable meaning. In fact, it contradicts the observation that the passage of time is implicit in consciousness.

Also, some of the terms I believe are a bit redundant. All observations, for example, can be considered as sensations.

I would therefore turn the list on it's head and simplify it quite a bit and put it in more behavioral terms such as stimulous and response, with everything else subcatagorized within these two catagories.
  • #6
first i think

then I feel

then i believe

then I know

that I AM

right ?
  • #7
First I feel...

Then I know...

Then I believe...

Then I think...
  • #8
given a problem to solve Wu Li

would you feel it first or think it ?

would you then believe you have the answer to substantiate with proof so you know it and can prove it to others ?

as an example let's take the forbidden G word...

I think there is a G-d

I feel there is a G-d like presence but cannot elucidate on, for to speak of the way is not the true way.

such is the faith in my thoughts, feelings and beliefs that I know this to be true therefore I AM right

prove me wrong or prove yourself right the onus is on you.
  • #9
1) First I feel that the problem actually is a problem and is worth solving. There is nothing in logic or reason that assigns such personal values. A gorrilla in a cage, for example, can figure out how to stack boxes in order to reach a banana hanging from the ceiling, but will only do so if he wants the banana. And, he does so without the power of abstract language and logic to guide him.

2) To substantiate and communicate my position, again I must first feel it then think it. In the example you gave of God, evidently you feel it cannot be communicated or proven to another. That is what faith is all about, belief in that which cannot be substantiated and often cannot be communicated.

I can no more disprove the existence of God than I can disprove an invisible little pixie resides on my shoulder. You cannot prove a negative according to the meaning of the word "proof". Nor can I prove the existence of an omnipotent being or force, again, by definition this simply cannot be done without the cooperation of God.
  • #10
heirarchies are problematic. they are subjective, as the user of a heirarchical system must place him/her/it self within the limits he/she/it constructs. but another within that system could and (by observing the responses in this thread) would have a differing opinion.

but let's find similarities not differences :wink:

i reckon all states of consciousness have equal value, until one within the limit of consciousness judges itself against another.

FAQ: How are degrees of consciousness ordered?

1. What is the definition of consciousness?

Consciousness refers to the state of being aware of one's thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.

2. How do scientists measure degrees of consciousness?

Scientists use various methods such as brain imaging, behavioral tests, and self-reporting to measure degrees of consciousness.

3. What factors contribute to the different degrees of consciousness?

The level of consciousness can be influenced by a combination of factors including brain activity, sensory input, emotions, and cognitive processing.

4. Are there different levels or stages of consciousness?

Yes, there are different levels or stages of consciousness, such as wakefulness, sleep, and altered states of consciousness, each with varying degrees of awareness and activity in the brain.

5. Can consciousness be altered or improved?

There is ongoing research on how consciousness can be altered or improved through practices such as meditation, hypnosis, and psychotherapy. However, the exact mechanisms and effectiveness of these methods are still being studied.
